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Chapter 263 Brother Hua's Calculation: This Wave Will Win!

Chapter 263 Brother Hua's Calculation: This Wave Will Win! (4000 characters ask for a monthly ticket)

"As long as Lao Jiu hits the list to 2.7 million, Lehua will have nothing to do."

"Xiao Xiao is currently only more than 9000 million and less than [-] million. Even if the rest of Lehua's side is all let him brush, he can't be higher than Lao Jiu's list."

"For the 1.5 million yuan left by the trade union, we will give you 2000 million yuan first, then Xia Nuan 2000 million yuan, and then another 5000 million yuan in Xiaofei's live broadcast room."

Daozi's heart skipped a beat, as if he understood what Brother Hua was thinking.

"Xiaofei 5000 million, Xia Nuan and I 4000 million, the total is 9000 million, and the trade union funds still have 6000 million left."

"Then Brother Jiu called all of this part to Brother Li, and got a 9000 million quota for Brother Li?!"

Knife said in surprise.

"That's right, calling 5000 million in Xiao Fei's live broadcast room can completely confuse Xiao Xiao, and let Xiao Xiao call out all the amount he prepared."

"When Xiao Xiao really makes the list for the bald man, we will call the remaining 6000 million to Brother Li in one go. The 9000 million will be Xiao Xiao's nightmare!"

The fifth child added.

This is his and Hua Ge's strategy.

In the current situation, if Xiao Xiaodan confronts the bald boy, their chances of winning are quite high, but it is impossible for them to surpass Xiaojuzi's 1.5 million list.

At that time, although the male anchor's team won, they didn't get any substantial benefits from Daheng.

Brother Hua naturally wouldn't do this kind of fart with his pants off, he just listened to a loud deal.

According to the conventional thinking, Xiaofei must be crushed here. Since it is impossible, it is better to just give up!
Furthermore, it was originally intended for Brother Li to take the first place this month, although there was an accident in the middle, it's better to fight to the end!
Give up Xiao Fei as the first brother, and in turn make Brother Li's list the highest on the entire platform!
In this way, Brother Li can be recommended by Chengshen's entire network channels with the highest list on the entire platform.

And Brother Jiu was also able to get the first place in the super king list with a huge consumption of 2.7 million yuan, and got the recommendation qualification to recommend an anchor to become a god.

At that time, let Brother Jiu recommend Xiao Fei to get this reward, then Daheng will be able to get two promotions on the whole network and all channels at the same time.
So what if the remaining four mosquito legs were all given to Xiao Xiao!

Although the activity fund recommended by each Chengshen is only 5000 million, it represents the official channel of Huya.

If they let Daheng take the initiative to push, I am afraid that the effect of spending [-] million yuan will be the same.

To make a star, after all, it depends on the platform!

What's more, there is great hope for them outdoors.

In this way, two pushers who become gods, plus one small pusher who is an outdoor demigod.

Although Xiaofei only hit the 5000 million list, under the operation of Daheng, he was able to get the recommendation of Chengshen.

This wave of contrast is enough to stun the audience in Xiaofei's live broadcast room, and it is even more impossible for him to lose the game and be hacked.

And as long as this step is successful, Lehua will be over for this month.

Their strategic goal of Daheng can also be achieved.

Dao Zi's heart was shaken again.

Brother Hua's plan is too ruthless!

This is to give up the recommendation of both him and Xia Nuan!

But on the other hand, Brother Hua is still okay with them, and the quota of 2000 million per person can still guarantee that they will not be sprayed.

It doesn't matter that he is a news anchor, but Xia Nuan is a little wronged, and the position of the first sister is about to be completely taken over by Brother Li.

However, compared to the choices made on the Super King List on the previous two accounts, this result is undoubtedly more favorable.

After all, with the previous choice, although the probability of winning is quite high, it definitely won't bring you anything.

Xiao Xiao reached this point before ranking Xiaojuzi.

Instead, it was the second method. He and Xia Nuan could use the bonus of winning the trade union war to recover some of the previous losses.

Knife's heart was pounding.

This method is really genius!

After listening to Brother Hua and Lao Wu's analysis, Knife no longer bothered about the current trivial matter, and returned to the live broadcast room very confidently.

Dao Zi didn't care much about the hot lottery in Yang Zi's live broadcast room, and talked about the news in recent days with peace of mind.

If it wasn't for Brother Hua's plan that needs to be kept secret, he would like to analyze it for fans in the live broadcast room to boost morale.

After eleven o'clock at noon, the lucky draw in Yang Zi's live broadcast room was completely over, and the popularity slowly dropped.

Yang Zi also took this opportunity to broadcast decisively.

Although I don't know why Dao Zi hasn't hit the list yet, but Yang Zi's goal has been achieved, so naturally he won't give Dao Zi the chance to backhand him.

At twelve o'clock sharp, Brother Jiu went online in the Daozi live broadcast room, and the appearance was a 2000 million reward, and like Xiao Xiao, the 500 million bonus was also awarded in the form of a lottery.

The lucky draw continued until noon. With Brother Jiu's online interaction, the enthusiasm of tourists from Daheng was slowly mobilized.

Knife worked a full six hours of overtime today. After Xia Nuan went online at [-]:[-] p.m., Knife chose to download it.

And the more than 30 people in the live broadcast room were all parachuted into Xia Nuan's live broadcast room by him.

Brother Jiu also jumped over immediately.

Brother Jiu today is like a firefighting captain. After Xia Nuan's side is over, there will be another one on Xiao Fei's side.

After Xiaofei's there, I have to go to Brother Li's live broadcast room to finish.

The time has been arranged by Brother Hua.

"good afternoon everyone."

Xia Nuan just went online and said hello to the visitors in the live broadcast room.

She has been robbed of a lot of popularity by Brother Li in the past few days. When she heard Brother Hua talk about the plan just now, she was actually very unhappy in her heart.

Daheng hadn't planned to call her much this month, and he had only set a quota of 4000 million before, but now, in order to make a list for Brother Li, he abruptly cut the quota allocated to her by half.

If things go on like this, the union can win, but her position in Daheng will be even more precarious, and she may even be pushed to the second-tier position by Brother Li in the future.

If she hadn't been blowing the air by Brother Jiu's bed every day, this meeting might have been abandoned by Daheng.

But Brother Hua has already made this decision, and she has nothing to do now, even Brother Jiu can't speak for her.

After all, Brother Hua did not do all this for personal gain, and everything should be done with the overall situation in mind.

It's impossible to fight against the union, right?

No matter how upset she is with brother Li, she still has to show her attitude when speaking to the outside world.

Besides, brother Jiu was also persuading her to put the overall situation first, and promised to compensate her next month, so she reluctantly admitted this matter.

"Xia Nuan should be on the list tonight, right?"

"Brother Jiu is really the main force this month. It's too fierce. From outdoor to Xingxiu, not a single one is lost!"

"As of now, Brother Jiu has collected 1.4 million, which should be the highest list on the entire platform, no problem."

Fans of Daheng in the live broadcast room sighed again and again.

Brother Hua made a sale just once last month, but it was only 4000 million and then there was no news.

But as for Brother Jiu, he did not miss out last month. At the beginning of this month, it was already surprising that he had to spend 1.4 million, but before the finals, Brother Jiu had already made [-] million!

The current brother Jiu is firmly occupying the position of the first king of gods on the super emperor list.

Although there are still a few hours before the end of the event, in the eyes of Daheng's fans, Brother Jiu's first place is already a sure thing.

It can be said that this month's Brother Jiu is much more aggressive than the current Xiao Xiao.

After consuming in Yangzi's live broadcast room in the morning, and adding to the wave in the game area at noon, Xiao Xiao barely managed to spend [-] million yuan, which is still quite a big gap with Brother Jiu.

While interacting with the audience and enjoying the popularity of hundreds of thousands of viewers, Brother Jiu was slowly brushing gifts for Xia Nuan in the live broadcast room.

After Xiao Xiao came to Huya, this was the first time Brother Jiu was so forthright.

He was chased and beaten by Xiao Xiaoqian several times in a row, either by Xiao Xiaoqian or on the way of being Xiao Xiaoqian, which made him want to quit the net several times.

But now he is sure that within this month, no one in Huya can beat him.

The quota of 2.7 million is enough for him to instantly kill any opponent in Huya!
Although Brother Hua arranged a lot of things for him, Brother Jiu still enjoyed it, and even enjoyed it a little.

He couldn't remember the last time he enjoyed this kind of treatment.

On Lehua's side, Feng'er also went online under the arrangement of Sister Feifei.

"This side can only give you 1000 million, but don't worry, Brother Xiao Xiao has already told me before, this month will definitely give you a guarantee."

Feng'er will be at Lehua's residence now, Sister Feifei said with a smile.

Sister Feifei didn't know Daheng's plan, nor did she think that Daheng would give up Xiao Fei as the first brother so ruthlessly.

In her opinion, Xiaojuzi has a quota of 1.5 million this month, and the number one position on the entire platform should be stable.

Although the trade union doesn't have much money at the moment, she doesn't worry about these things with brother Xiao Xiao making a move.

"Don't worry, Sister Feifei, there should be nothing unexpected tonight."

Feng'er nodded, and immediately chose to start broadcasting.

As a new anchor who joined Lehua, she is now fighting with Daheng's top anchor Xia Nuan, whether she can win or not, she doesn't care.

It was his duty not to win, but if he won, he would be a big loser.

After all, she is still only a first-line anchor and has not yet become Lehua's face. To Lehua, she is just an anchor worth cultivating.

As for the tourists on Lehua's side, her fame has not yet risen.

Therefore, the pressure on Feng'er is not too great.

"Good evening everyone, today's live broadcast time is temporarily adjusted to 6:9 p.m.

Feng'er picked an accompaniment with a slightly slower rhythm, and greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

She hasn't been live broadcasting for a long time, and her foundation in Lehua's side is relatively shallow.

Although under Tutu's deliberate concession, her popularity in the live broadcast room has stabilized at the level of first-line anchors, but there is still a big gap with super-first-line anchors. If you want to compare with Daheng's Xia Nuan and Brother Li, it is even more important. The improbable thing.

Of course, with Lehua's training, she may still have a fight with Xia Nuan in the future.

And she didn't forget her fundamental purpose of coming to Lehua, to get closer to Brother Xiao Xiao!
As long as you can get on Brother Xiao Xiao's boat, it doesn't matter whether you do it in Lehua or not.

Even with her figure and appearance, she might be able to make an appointment with Brother Xiao Xiao in reality.

If she really had Brother Xiao Xiao's support, she would definitely get up slowly.

Even if brother Xiao Xiao is willing to praise her, she is also likely to become the head anchor of the platform in just one or two months, just like Xiaojuzi!
Xia Nuan has learned to dance, her body is soft and she can live well.

But she is also very confident in Feng'er, if she can really climb up to brother Xiao Xiao, she will definitely not be worse than Xia Nuan!

She can do what Xia Nuan can do, and she can do what Xia Nuan can't!
It's not that she is boasting. Although her appearance is not as good as that of Xiao Orange, she is a dancer after all, and her figure is slightly better.

Compared with Xia Nuan, it's a completely higher level.

While interacting with the tourists in the live broadcast room, Feng'er was thinking about how to make a better impression on Brother Xiao Xiao.

Because it was live broadcast in advance, the popularity of the early morning file was not concentrated.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is only [-] to [-]. Although some tourists are slowly coming in here and there, most of them are individual tourists, and there are not many nobles.

There are only 5000 people sitting in the VIP seats at this meeting.

Sister Feifei also entered the live broadcast room with Sister Lele's account.

"Good evening, Miss Lele!"

When the tourists saw Sister Feifei online, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room gradually became active.

During the live broadcast two days ago, sister Feifei used the account of sister Lele for 8000 million!
If there is no accident, there must be a place for Sister Lele on this month's Super Emperor list.

Tourists in the live broadcast room are still very interested in Sister Lele, the new sister of Huya platform Xinshenhao.

Daheng Union, Brother Hua and Lao Wu were a little surprised when they saw Sister Lele go online in the Feng'er live broadcast room.

"This Lehua, it seems that we are sure that we will not hit 1.5 million tonight, and Feng'er, who was originally planning to give up, is now online."

"That's the best way, let them spread the funds."

Brother Hua smiled slightly.

Although it was a bit unexpected, he could guess what Lehua was thinking.

They held Brother Li up, Xiao Xiao must have calculated that they would not be able to fight Xia Nuan much tonight, so Feng Er came out to confront Xia Nuan.

If he can win against Xia Nuan, then Feng'er's reputation will naturally rise.

Things have developed to the present, the two sides are engaged in a psychological game, as long as whoever is more skilled, he will definitely win!

And now Brother Hua is very confident about tonight's live broadcast.

As long as it develops according to the rhythm, let alone a wind, he will not be afraid of another one!
As long as they can get the double first place, Daheng will win completely!
But in the current situation, Xiao Xiao obviously didn't discover their plan.

Under Brother Hua's gaze, Sister Lele quickly made a move.

After eight o'clock, Xiao Xiao also went online to browse some in Feng'er's live broadcast room.

Sister He Lele has 1000 million yuan each, and the total quota is 2000 million yuan, which is exactly the same as Xia Nuan.

Seeing this, the smiles on the corners of Hua Ge and Lao Wu's mouths became wider and wider.

No problem, win!

(End of this chapter)

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