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Chapter 264 Brother Jiu: Xiao Xiao is cheating!

Chapter 264 Brother Jiu: Xiao Xiao is cheating! (seeking a monthly ticket)
The wave of gifts Daheng gave Xia Nuan was just to appease Xia Nuan and the fans in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room.

In other words, Daheng had to fight and consume the 2000 million funds.

After all, Xia Nuan is the first-line anchor of Daheng Chao, so she must maintain her face.

But for Lehua, Feng'er just joined this month, plus Xiao Xiao's strong transfer of funds before, the 2000 million will not have any impact.

After all, Feng'er's popularity is still low, plus the live broadcast is usually in the early hours of the morning, so the list is already relatively low, so it is absolutely no problem to dominate Feng'er for a month.

But now Lehua sees that Xia Nuan has hit the rankings, and Xiao Xiao also gave Feng'er 2000 million.
Although she didn't lose Xia Nuan in face, she also brought Feng'er a lot of popularity.

However, this will also cause the not too much funds in Xiao Xiao's hands to be consumed again!
If it were him Hua Ge standing in Xiao Xiao's position, this wave would definitely not let Feng'er go online!

If you press the wind for a month, you can have an extra 2000 million in activity funds.

A fool would not do it!
Brother Hua simply did the math.

So far, Xiao Xiao's consumption on the platform this month is 1.1 million, and Sister Feifei's consumption is 9000 million, which adds up to [-] million.

Calculated in this way, Xiao Xiao left a quota of [-] million with all the calculations in his hands.

Brother Jiu still has 1.1 million in his hand, but it is 1000 million more than Xiao Xiao.

Next, as long as Xiaofei is allowed to stage a game of diverting the tiger away from the mountain for Xiao Xiao, and consume more than 7000 million of the funds in Xiao Xiao's hands, then Daheng will win for sure!
"Old Jiu, in a while you must remember that the speed of collecting gifts in Xiaofei's live broadcast room must be fast, and Xiao Xiao must feel that you will send out more than [-] million in Xiaofei's live broadcast room!"

"Brother Hua, don't worry."

Brother Jiu hehe smiled.

It was Xiao Xiao who made them together before, but now it's their turn to plot against Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao thought he was standing on the third floor this month, but Daheng had already stood on the fourth floor and waited for him to fall into the trap.

While he got 5000 million in Xiao Fei's live broadcast room, as long as he gets Xiao Xiao to make more than 7000 million, it will be considered a success!

When Xiao Xiao found out that he had been tricked, Xiao Xiao might have been helpless at that time.

He called Brother Li for the remaining 6000 million, and he pushed the list to 1.9 million for Brother Li.

And even if Xiao Xiao gave the remaining 3000 million to Xiaojuzi, he would only be able to get 1.8 million.

Even if her acting skills were better, Xiao Xiao might even hit the bald man a little more!
Lehua's situation is no different than that of Daheng.

Daheng invested [-] million yuan a month, which is not too much of a loss in the long run, and it can even earn back long-term profits.

Considering Lehua's current size, if the 6000 million is invested, at least [-] to [-] million will be lost.

Even if Daheng wins this month, Lehua will lose all the [-] million yuan!

Brother Jiu rubbed his hands, ready to do a big job.

At 08:30 in the evening, Liu Xiaogang came out of Feng'er's live broadcast room.

I have to say that Feng'er is indeed a very capable anchor, both in terms of figure and appearance, they are all top-notch.

In addition, the level of dancing is also good, and it is simply mesmerizing when shaken.

Most importantly, Liu Xiao was licked by Feng'er as soon as he entered.

Liu Xiao didn't know if other men could stand up, but Liu Xiao knew that he would really be unable to stand up any longer.

Although he only watched it for over an hour, Liu Xiao still felt a little malnourished.

Picking up the car keys, and throwing the used tissue into the trash can, Liu Xiao sighed softly and stood up.

Zhao Ning's side is about to end, and there is only one last bit of melody left to adjust.

Although 08:30 in Shanghai is just the beginning of nightlife, there are some inexplicable abnormalities everywhere.

Liu Xiao was not at ease to let Zhao Ning go home alone, so he called Zhao Ning and prepared to drive to pick him up.

The location of the recording studio is not too far away, and it can barely be regarded as a bustling area, and there will still be a little traffic jam at night.

Drove the car for about half an hour.

At nine o'clock, Zhao Ning just finished recording and went downstairs.

"Little Ning, get in the car."

Liu Xiao drove the car downstairs and waved to Zhao Ning.

"How is it? Did the song recording go well today?"

Liu Xiao looked at Zhao Ning, who was wearing a seat belt on the co-pilot.

"It's okay. Except for the recording of the last song, I went through all the other songs today, and it will be produced tomorrow."

Zhao Ning nodded, her voice was a little hoarse when she spoke, but the joy in her words couldn't be concealed.

Including Liu Piao released a few days ago, Zhao Ning recorded a total of ten songs.

Four songs were written by myself, and six songs were written by other musicians. Liu Xiao has heard a few demos among them, and most of them are popular songs that are more suitable for the current audience, and they are still very good.

From six o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening, although I didn't sing all the time, the intensity was already very high.

Moreover, among the few songs recorded by Zhao Ning, there are two songs with strong high notes, which are also very harmful to the voice.

"Let's go, let's go have some food first, and go back to rest early."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

Zhao Ning's throat was slightly swollen due to excessive use of vocal cords, and her favorite hot pot was definitely too much to eat. Liu Xiao navigated a relatively high-end Sichuan restaurant on the map.

Generally speaking, Sichuan cuisine restaurants are mostly hot and spicy, such as boiled pork and spicy chicken, which are delicious and not expensive, but they are oily and watery.

Most of the high-end Sichuan cuisine is at the state banquet level, such as milder food such as boiled cabbage.

Of course, although it is not spicy, the taste is not inferior at all.

Liu Xiao watched it a few times when he was using Douyin. It seemed that he took ducks, chickens and a series of ingredients to stew soup, and then cooked cabbage and the like. Ge Ke has it all.

This is the place where consumption is extremely high in Shanghai. If you are in other small cities, there may not be such high-end Sichuan restaurants.
Huya live broadcast, Baldy live broadcast room.

"Welcome, Brother Tian."

"Welcome Brother Beibei, welcome Brother Junjun"

"Welcome Brother Xiaohuya to enter the live broadcast room!"

Less than an hour after the start of the broadcast, all the big brothers in the series are already in place.

"Baldy, it's really late for you to appear on the stage. There are only two hours left before the end of the game. If the power goes out, you will be gone."

Beibei sent three dog heads.

"Hahaha, it looks like Baldy doesn't plan to participate in this event."

Xiao Huya also teased.

In the past few days, Xiao Huya has a lot of things going on at home, and he hasn't been online much, that is, he will log in to play for a while at such critical times.

"Brother Beibei, don't worry, even if there is a power outage at home, I can go to an Internet cafe outside and broadcast it!"

"As for Brother Xiao Huya, don't worry, for your reward, I have to get up even if I climb up."

Baldy laughed.

Beibei is the oldest brother in his live broadcast room, and the relationship between the two is also the best, and it's no surprise that they tease each other for a long time.

And Xiao Huya is also the top brother of Brother Xiao Xiao, and the relationship with him is also good, and there are also some connections offline.

"One [Ninth World Reincarnation Chapter] for everyone!"

After a song came down, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was instantly enlivened.

On the day of Baldy's transfer, Brother Xiao Xiao, Xiao Huya and other big brothers all came to his live broadcast room to scan a lot, which already had a list of almost 200 million.

In addition to the sporadic and scattered these days, other big brothers and tourists in the live broadcast room have also swiped a lot, and the current list is close to 400 million.

Although there is no big brother to make a move in this meeting, but in terms of the list, it is almost the same as the opposite Xiaofei.

"Brother Hui, what are your plans for tonight?"

"I heard Xiaochun said in the morning that Brother Xiao Xiao may hit more than 1.5 million this month. Is it true?"

"It's unlikely. I think it's about 4000 million or [-] million. It's meaningless to hit too many with such a high ranking for Xiaojuzi this month."

"The big brother's money didn't come from a strong wind. 1.5 million yuan is about the same. It's not possible for the bald man here."

"Huya's revenue target for July is only 1.5 million yuan, which is only [-] million yuan.

Including the activities of other trade unions, the total turnover is now almost 3.5 million. Officials estimate that the financial resources of the eldest brother must also be considered. "

"No, no, you must know that Baldy and Xiao Fei are both male anchors, and they will definitely fight for things that involve cards."

"However, Brother Xiao Xiao obviously values ​​Xiaojuzi more, and he really doesn't necessarily give the bald man much, but in the past, Brother Xiao Xiao's list for the bald man has always been the highest."

In the live broadcast room, nearly 20 tourists who had just gathered were talking about it.

Different from last month's event, from the beginning of this month, neither Baldy nor Xiaofei announced how much they will play this month.

Coupled with the two big shows in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi and Brother Li a few days ago, it whetted the appetite of the audience.

At present, there is no big brother in the live broadcast room, and the popularity has already jumped to more than 20. I believe that it will not be a problem if the popularity doubles to 40 when the big brother opens.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao's move, his popularity will probably catch up to the grand occasion of Little Orange's live broadcast room two days ago.

Watching the audience in the live broadcast room constantly discussing, the bald man just smiled and said nothing, as if he had already made up his mind.

The bald man had a confident expression, and the atmosphere of speculation among the audience became more intense. Hundreds of thousands of viewers in the public screen area continued to barrage, and all of them expressed their opinions.

The bald man took a few glances at the barrage and pretended to be calm.

He wanted to reply a few words, and he also wanted to stabilize the popularity of the audience in the live broadcast room.

But, he didn't even know it himself!
Although the expression on his face was very calm, even though Brother Xiao Xiao had already told him that he would arrive around eleven o'clock.

But he was still flustered.

At 10:30 in the evening, Xiaotian and Junjun shot one after another.

"The emperor [Xiaotian] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"The Emperor [Army] sent out a treasure map*2!"


"Thank you for the treasure map, big brother!"

The bald man thanked him repeatedly.

As soon as the treasure map came out, the popularity of the live broadcast room began to beat slowly.

On Daheng's side, the eldest brother in Xiaofei's live broadcast room is also slowly brushing out gifts.

After Xia Nuan downloaded the broadcast after nine o'clock, Brother Jiu jumped directly to Xiaofei's live broadcast room.

Originally, he thought that Xiao Xiao would also jump to Baldy's live broadcast room, and then he took the initiative to start a chat in Xiao Fei's live broadcast room, and had a wave of fake imperial city pk with Xiao Xiao, defrauding Xiao Xiao of 7000 million out of the money in his hand.

After all, when Xiao Xiao usually collects gifts, he is faster than him. As long as he acts real enough, it is easy to deceive.

But what he didn't expect was that after Feng'er finished the live broadcast, Xiao Xiao went offline directly!

With Xiao Xiao not around, of course he couldn't do it, otherwise Xiao Xiao would still be on the sidelines after finishing the 5000 million swiping, and he wouldn't be able to hide any conspiracies.

After this, he was a little embarrassed.

Now it's almost 11 o'clock, and there is still no movement on Baldy's side.

There is only one hour left in the seven-day Road to God event.

Here he swiped 5000 million for Xiaofei, even if he clicked more than a second, it would take at least ten minutes.

As for the 7000 million from Brother Li, it takes more than ten, twenty, ten minutes.

This adds up to more than half an hour.

"Ma De! There must be something wrong with Xiao Xiao, what are you doing offline after the finals!"

Brother Jiu cursed secretly.

If Xiao Xiao doesn't go online at [-]:[-], he can only give up Xiao Fei and give all the money to Brother Li.

But even though he could win in this way, it was not appropriate to give up Xiao Fei.

It is estimated that after the game, the tourists from Daheng will be the first to make trouble.

But there is no other way!
On the other side, Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning had just finished their meal.

After sending Zhao Ning home, when Liu Xiao appeared on Huya's live broadcast again, the time was exactly eleven o'clock in the evening, which was exactly the time he had planned.

Baldy's meeting has been broadcast live for two hours.

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao's first special effect of Shenhao appearing in the live broadcast room, the bald boy looked happy, and his heart was finally relieved.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

 Eight thousand ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

  Thank you [Everything Is Destiny]: 2400 book coins as a reward.

  Thank you [Gentleman Jie]: 200 book coins as a reward.

  Thanks [喵~]: 100 book coins as a reward.

  Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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