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Chapter 266 In front of absolute strength, there are no tricks!

Chapter 266 In front of absolute strength, there are no tricks!

There are also many fans in Baldy's studio.

As soon as the flow of gifts from Xiao Fei started, dozens of tourists immediately acted as correspondents to report the news.

Dozens of tourists swiping the screen with all their strength, coupled with the world news constantly beating at the top of the live broadcast room, even a fool would know that Brother Jiu made a move on Xiaofei's side.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, why don't we brush first?"

Xiao Huya tentatively posted a barrage on the public screen.

Brother Xiao Xiao went online for a while, except for saying hello to a few of them, he didn't speak again.

Originally, before Brother Xiao Xiao came, the few people were still slowly brushing the gifts.

But after Brother Xiao Xiao came, in order to show respect to Brother Xiao Xiao, they also stopped the gifts that were constantly playing on the public screen.

The gift barrage is a good thing, sometimes it is really annoying, and it can cover all the speeches of ordinary tourists.

Last time, they also tried it in Baldy's live broadcast room under the organization of brother Xiao Xiao.

More than a dozen big brothers shot at the same time, basically there is no such thing as a public screen barrage.

"Need not."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

With Brother Jiu's level, it barely caught his eye.

After coming to Huya for such a long time, although the one billion quota has moved a bit, it is still impossible to say that anyone can make him spend all the one billion quota.

Up to now, the total consumption is only 3.7 million, and there are more than [-] million in the account.

Moreover, the Taobao store is currently developing very well, and there was another wave of sales in the past two days. It was originally scheduled to be completed at the end of the month, but Liu Xiao estimated that it would be almost the same by the middle of the month.

When the time comes to use the Wealth Double Card, the amount of the remaining Shenhao Card can be doubled again.
Even if you spend a little more in the past few days, maybe after doubling, you will have more money than you have now.

There are too many gifts in the system, and there is simply no way to spend them all!

Liu Xiao was half lying on the sofa, occasionally using another mobile phone to glance at Xiaofei's live broadcast.

Liu Xiao simply calculated the time.

With Brother Jiu's hand speed, even if he let Brother Jiu for half an hour, he might not lose at the speed of the dot connecter.

How can fingers be compared with hanging.

Liu Xiao sometimes doesn't quite understand, why he can't even install a small program on his phone when he is in the position of Brother Jiu and Brother Hua.

Perhaps, this also shows the importance of a good cultural class.

What's more, whether or not Brother Jiu has so many golden beans is still a matter of opinion.

Daheng's defeat this month has been decided, no matter how hard Xiao Fei tries to collect money, it is impossible to surpass Xiaojuzi's 1.5 million list.

If Brother Jiu wasn't stupid, he definitely wouldn't spend too much time in Xiao Fei's live broadcast room.

With so much money, wouldn't it be nice to give it to Xiaofei directly offline? The live broadcast platform has to take half of it.

As Lehua's reassurance, brother Xiao Xiao is not in a hurry, and the bald man is naturally not in a hurry.

Baldy's current future is given by Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao now wants to play with Daheng, let alone asking him to wait a while, it is not a problem even if he scolds Xiao Fei's nose.

When the trade union funds come back next month, the more than 6000 million that was sent to Xiaojuzi a few days ago may return more than 3000 million.

The big deal is that this anchor will stop doing it.

With the 3000 million that brother Xiao Xiao gave him as a reward before, he will be a little brother behind brother Xiao Xiao in the future, and it is actually quite cool to give gifts to other anchors of Lehua.

As for the anxious tourists in the live broadcast room, when they saw the bald man chatting and laughing happily in the live broadcast room and he was not at all nervous, the anxiety in his heart gradually relaxed.

But the next moment, dozens of discordant barrages lit up directly in the live broadcast.

"I think Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't have much money this month. What kind of wolf with a big tail are you pretending to be here? Brother Jiu rode on his head and shit."

"I'm just a little bit overwhelmed. Daheng's Brother Jiu is about to earn [-] million this month, and Xiao Xiao is only in the early [-] million now. How dare you pretend to be beeping here?"

"Don't make excuses when you lose, it will be a bit ugly."


In the live broadcast room, dozens of tourists ridiculed one after another.

These tourists are not small white numbers. The lowest titles are all knights, and even several of them are lords.

And these people also have the fan cards of their Lehua anchor, and there is even a tourist with his bald fan card, the brand level is already level 13, a proper old fan level.

The bald man gritted his teeth, and immediately blacklisted these tourists who spat.

This is his own fan, and if he said that to Brother Xiao Xiao, he felt ashamed.

Although blocked, the purpose of these tourists has been achieved.

If it's just Daheng's black fans, it's okay, no tourist on Lehua's side would care about the dogs from Daheng coming to bite people.

But this time, it was the fans of the anchor, or even the elder brother of the anchor who spoke on the public screen.

At this moment, Lehua Tourist, who was originally determined that his anchor would win, was shaken.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, hurry up and prove your strength!"

"Some idiots, how long has it been, and still question Brother Xiao Xiao's strength?"

"The bald man sealed it well, if it were me, I would too!"

"I also trust Brother Xiao Xiao very much, but I have done a lot with the knife, brother Xiao Xiao, let's do it!"

Although most of the tourists are in solidarity with Brother Xiao Xiao, there are still some unconfident voices mixed in.

Daheng Union, Brother Hua watched the barrage in Baldy's live broadcast room, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although Xiao Xiao is in the trade union, after all, he has only been in the trade union for a short time, so there must be some element of loyalty in doing things.

It's the same as he ignored the rhythm of the live broadcast room in the first two months when he took over Daheng.

Even if Xiao Xiao's IQ is high, but he has never been exposed to this before, he must not have thought of this level, and even because of his high IQ, he is more likely to be recruited.

In fact, Brother Hua also thought of other methods before, such as directly setting Xiao Xiao up and letting Xiao Xiao brush.

But he thought about it the other way around, if he directly confronted Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room, with Xiao Xiao's arrogant temper, he probably wouldn't pick on these people.

If the eldest brother was forced to pay for gifts after a fight, it would be a failure for the eldest brother to play Huya, and it might even have a counterproductive effect, causing the plan to fall short in the end.

Therefore, this first method was directly eliminated by him.

He is now choosing the second option, which is to use the psychology of Xiao Xiao's large number of fans.

Let Xiao Xiao's fans fight civilly, Xiao Xiao, as a big brother who is usually very good to fans, will definitely not just watch fans arguing in front of him like this.

In addition, Xiao Xiao came to Baldy's live broadcast room today, originally to make a list for Baldy.

It's just a question of sooner or later.

What Brother Hua wants is for Xiao Xiao to get out the list of gifts for the bald man early!

As long as they hit 7000 million on the list of Baldy's live broadcast room, then their Daheng Road to God event this month will be a complete success.

Lao Wu stood aside, watching Brother Hua arrange several trade union managers to order the navy to speak, and he was even more sighed in his heart.

After the confrontation with Xiao Xiao in the past two months, Brother Hua's tricks are becoming more and more slippery.

This is how many tricks Xiao Xiao, who is at the same level as Brother Hua, can do.

If it were his fifth child who was now standing in Xiao Xiao's place, I'm afraid he would have to be played to death by Brother Hua in one round!

Liu Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the tourists from Lehua's side who had just been banned from Baldy's live broadcast room.

Liu Xiao had never seen these tourists before.

But at the same time, dozens of tourists were talking and gossiping at the same time, something was obviously wrong.

He was a field controller on the platform before, and he knows these little trolls who like to greet their parents very well.

Although the audience base in Baldy's live broadcast room is very large, no matter how big it is, this rhythmic thing should come up wave after wave, and the first people who start to spray, at most, are three or four people.

This is Liu Xiao's experience on the live broadcast platform for more than half a year, and he can't be wrong.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Liu Xiao changed his mind, and suddenly remembered the poison and Han Ye in the game area last month.

"Last time and this time, this Daheng wants to make trouble a little bit!"

Liu Xiao thought secretly in his heart, and suddenly wanted to understand Daheng's thoughts.

"Good guy, just played a live broadcast, and even gave me 36 tricks."

Liu Xiao smiled and shook his head lightly.

Recently, this Daheng has really been playing more and more.

However, Liu Xiao is still very optimistic about Daheng's spirit of repeated defeats and battles, which brought a lot of fun to his simple and unpretentious life.

The next moment, a bullet screen appeared on the public screen of Baldy's live broadcast room.

"Baldy, give these trolls a permanent speech ban from the entire platform, the authority is not enough, I will go talk to the Huya official!"

"As for what you said, you want to see my strength."

"Come on then!"

Liu Xiao snorted lightly.

In front of absolute strength, there is no trick!

 Thank you [Everything is fate]: eight rewards of 588 book coins, big brother domineering!

  Thanks to [Smiley 24]: 588 book coins for the reward;
  Thanks [white shirt. ]: A tip of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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