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Chapter 267: Xiao Xiao Starts Brushing!

Chapter 267: Xiao Xiao Starts Brushing!
Just now, many viewers who had some doubts about Brother Xiao Xiao in their hearts saw several domineering barrages on the public screen, and immediately threw away their doubts just now.

This is Brother Xiao Xiao!
Brother Xiao Xiao, who has never had an opponent since coming to Huya!

Brother Xiao Xiao is right, since you want to see your strength, then come here!

Anyone who refuses to accept it will be hammered to death!
"Brother Xiao Xiao is too domineering, I love it!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, the eternal God!"

"The army of monkeys is always with me, brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"


Not only are the more than 50 visitors in the live broadcast room excited.

The bald man, who was originally depressed, was stimulated and excited by brother Xiao Xiao's domineering barrage.

The bald man remembered that when he first met Brother Xiao Xiao, he didn't trust Brother Xiao Xiao, and just sprinted with the last hope.

But Brother Xiao Xiao really let him see what true invincibility is!

Liu Xiao didn't make the audience wait any longer.

Liu Xiao, who let Huya change the recharge method alone before, still has an advantage over Daheng. Recharging ten yuan will automatically turn into gold beans worth 11 yuan. There is no need to deliberately renew the emperor to get cash back .

As for Daheng, although the daily recharge of 1000 million has been cancelled, if you want to get a [-]% rebate, you still need to recharge and renew the Emperor before the war.

Before Liu Xiao came to Huya, the renewal and recharge actually had a lot of face. When the news of the world popped up, both Shenhao and the big brother of the anchor had face.

But after Liu Xiao came to Huya, Daheng gradually stopped showing off after renewing the fee a few times.

Of course, this is just to make the effect better when some small anchors play beeps in the live broadcast room.

Under the expectation of tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room.

Soon, the first barrage of gifts appeared in the public screen area.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1000!"

A set of 100 magic books corresponds exactly to 10 hairs of Huya No. [-], each worth [-] yuan!
After the first gift barrage popped up, the follow-up gifts never stopped.

On the public screen, the number behind *1000 in the magic book jumps twice every second.

In just ten seconds, it jumped to more than 20 combos!
"Brother Xiao Xiao has started!"

"Who said just now that brother Xiao Xiao stood up in a hurry, and see that brother Xiao Xiao doesn't use gifts to kill you!"

"Hahaha, those little trolls just now have been permanently banned, and they can't stand up anymore!"

Brother Xiao Xiao's gift barrage just started floating on the screen, and all the tourists started discussing it enthusiastically.

Baldy only has the authority to permanently seal the live broadcast room and the trade union, but he does not have the authority to permanently seal the entire platform.

However, Lan Lan has been logging in at the backstage all the time. After seeing brother Xiao Xiao's words, she naturally wouldn't be polite to these tourists, and immediately gave dozens of them permanent bans.

The highest title is nothing more than a lord. With her authority, even banning a king is nothing more than writing a report afterwards.

What's more, the matter about brother Xiao Xiao was originally the highest priority within Huya.

Even if there were dozens of kings making trouble in the live broadcast room, she would dare to seal them forever!
While preparing for the statistical work after the event, he stared at Baldy's live broadcast room.

If there is no accident, brother Xiao Xiao earned 5000 million tonight, and this is another 50 million commission for her.

And the Daheng live broadcast room at the other end.

The fifth child was also completely relieved when he saw Xiao Xiao officially opened the bald live broadcast room.

Although there was a little accident because of Xiao Xiao's ranking for Xiaojuzi, as long as Xiao Xiao's wave was picked by Baldy, then Daheng could still make Brother Li the number one on the entire platform this month.

When the time comes, Daheng, Brother Li, and Xiaofei will work together. Although they can't push Lehua out of Xingxiu, it's not a big problem to beat him to death.

"What the hell are Xiao Xiao's fingers made of? This hand speed is too scary."

Although it had been expected, the fifth child still clicked his tongue when he saw the number of presents jumping on the public screen that was barely visible.

You know, Brother Jiu only reached a little over one-third of Xiao Xiao's current hand speed, and he almost broke his finger. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't use too much force when brushing the gift, it would probably still be swollen.

Furthermore, Xia Nuan, who has practiced hand speed on Brother Jiu for more than a month, can only do one stroke per second with all his strength, which is only half of Xiao Xiao's!
Xiao Xiao is not a woman, she doesn't need to wait on a man, and her hands are so fast
Although he is an opponent, the fifth child still admires Xiao Xiao.

This kind of hand speed is every man's dream!
"It's good to have a fast hand, so that you can surpass Lao Jiu in a short period of time without arousing his suspicion."

Brother Hua stood up and moved his body a little, then said with a smile.

When Xiao Xiao made a move at this time, all the planned cards in his hand had already been played.

Then, just wait for the harvest.

Brother Hua who was in a good mood even made a joke to the assistant next to him, Xiaowei.

"Brother Hua, drink tea."

The fifth made a cup of tea and brought it over.

At 20:[-], you can get [-] gifts in one second.

It only took a minute for the gift list to reach tens of millions.

Under the stimulation and excitement of swiping tens of millions in one minute, the tourists in Baldy's live broadcast room were even more enthusiastic.

"Brother Jiu is only more than 2000 million. Brother Xiao Xiao will completely surpass it after just one or two minutes!"

"Hahaha, I can understand Brother Jiu. It's really not a matter of his financial resources. In terms of hand speed, Brother Xiao Xiao has never been afraid of anyone!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao was also fully fired when he was collecting gifts in Baldy's live broadcast room last month. Brother Xiao Xiao was too fierce!"

"With this hand speed, Brother Xiao Xiao, if you hit the air live, maybe even a high-speed camera won't be able to capture it clearly?"

"Upstairs, something is wrong with you."

"Fuck, you guys are playing with colors!"

"Don't make a fuss. After all, the ultimate meaning of life is yellow. Fallen leaves will turn yellow when they wither, and flowers and plants will turn yellow when they die. The food of various colors that you eat every day will also turn yellow when you pull it out. If this is the case, why do we I can’t accept yellow, and the girls should all leave here, right? So what, come here if you have a website!”

"Pull the green one and come to my episode, together (dog head saves life)."

"Good guy, there is a picture!"

The audience burst into laughter.

With brother Xiao Xiao's all-out efforts, the gift list in the live broadcast room quickly rushed towards 3000 million.

And in just over two minutes, under the uninterrupted world barrage, the number of people in Baldy's live broadcast room quickly caught up with Xiaofei.

A total of more than 70 tourists just entered the live broadcast room and saw brother Xiao Xiao frantically brushing the magic book.

And before they could react, Brother Xiao Xiao's gift amount jumped again, reaching the 3000 million mark directly!

Immediately equalized with Brother Jiu!
 more than nine o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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