Chapter 268 Brother Jiu is too fierce!
When Brother Jiu saw Xiao Xiao catching up with the list of gifts, he was not surprised but delighted.

But he didn't dare to have any intention of releasing water at this meeting. Instead, he pressed his finger down violently, and the speed of swiping gifts was a little faster.

No matter how he brushes, his current speed cannot be faster than Xiao Xiao.

Both he and Xiao Xiao have a clear understanding of this point.

As long as he continues to swipe at a normal speed, Xiao Xiao will definitely not be able to see any clues, but if he chooses to deliberately slow down at this time, it is easy to make mistakes.

He didn't dare to bet on whether Xiao Xiao could see his strategy.

After all, Xiao Xiao's calculations are on par with Brother Hua's!

In Xiaofei's live broadcast room, a group of tourists from Daheng were also swiping gifts to cheer up Brother Jiu.

I have been aggrieved for two months. Two days ago, I thought I could take a good breath in Brother Li's live broadcast room, but I didn't expect that I was about to win or something happened.

Today, brother Jiu went online again, which obviously gave them a hope of winning.

As the protagonist of the live broadcast room, Xiao Fei worked hard to put on an urgent look, and even secretly wiped a few traces of sweat on his forehead with mineral water for the sake of reality.

While yelling to let the audience in the live broadcast room cheer for gifts, at the same time, he was already happy.

Of course he knew that brother Jiu didn't plan to collect hundreds of millions of gifts in his live broadcast room tonight. Daheng's decision this month was originally to make brother Li the first, and to give him 5000 million, that is, to make him lose face. It's just ugly.

From this aspect, he is the same as Xia Nuan Daozi, but on the other hand, he is much luckier than Xia Nuan and Daozi.

Because he is the first brother of the Daheng trade union!
As long as Brother Jiu gets No.1 in this month's Super King List, then he can still get the recommendation from Huya's side.

You know, this is Huya's huge 5000 million yuan block on the entire network!
As long as it's past twelve o'clock in the morning, he can post this big news in the live broadcast room.

When the time comes to the second week, everyone's weekly list will be refreshed, who can tell that Baldy is higher than his list!
And he is bound to soar all the way, stepping on the bald man fiercely.

Therefore, he was even more eager to win this victory than Brother Jiu, and he couldn't relax in the slightest in his acting skills.

When Knife was crying sick in the live broadcast room, and when Xia Nuan justly said that Yang Zi framed her in the live broadcast room, he learned a lot of acting skills along with him.

"Everyone who has a small gift in their hand, please swipe it. Brother Jiu is so awesome, we must keep up!"

Xiao Fei called out again.

Soon, Liu Xiao pushed Baldy's list to more than 400 million.

Brother Jiu on the opposite side has just reached 4000 million with all his strength.

Liu Xiao looked at the gift barrage pop-up window, and always felt that something was wrong, but he just couldn't tell.

"Am I thinking too much?"

Liu Xiao looked at Brother Jiu who was hard at work brushing gifts, feeling puzzled for a while.

Looking at Brother Jiu and Xiao Fei's state, they are determined to fight him to the death.

Liu Xiao had seen Brother Jiu swiping presents a few times before, and it was not easy to be able to swiping so fast with Brother Jiu's hand speed, but Liu Xiao didn't doubt anything.

Liu Xiao originally thought that Daheng might dig a hole for him tonight, but judging by his current posture, he probably thought a little too much.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao didn't want to pay much attention.

It was another frantic swiping of gifts, and soon he was ahead of Brother Jiu by more than 1000 million.

And when Liu Xiao reached 7000 million, Brother Jiu had already slowly stopped.

Liu Xiao wasn't being taken advantage of, seeing Brother Jiu stop, he naturally stopped the dot connector as well.

In the end, Brother Jiu's list in Xiaofei's live broadcast room steadily stopped at 5000 million.

In Baldy's live broadcast room, Xiao Xiao's list steadily stopped at 7000 million.


"The other side seems to have voted!"

"Brother Jiu stopped swiping at 5000 million, Brother Xiao Xiao won this wave!"

Hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room were holding their breath.

When they saw Brother Jiu really stopped brushing, they were all taken aback for a moment, and then they all cheered violently.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

"I thought that Xiao Fei could do a lot of swiping. Brother Jiu swiped 5000 million, and the total list is only more than 500 million. It's too rubbish!"

"Hahaha, Baldy's 500 million rankings, although not as good as Xiaojuzi and Brother Li, but it is more than enough to beat other anchors of Daheng!"

Many of Baldy's die-hard fans have already begun to celebrate the victory in advance.

They are not those paranoid trade union fans of Daheng, who want to go up and take a bite when they see everyone.

After all, brother Xiao Xiao chose Baldy's place as the main battlefield last month, and paid Baldy more than a billion dollars.

So it is quite reasonable to focus on the little oranges this month.

In their view, as long as they can beat Xiao Fei, it is already a victory.

Furthermore, more than 7000 million gifts can also be proud of the entire network!

Although Douyu has been playing activities in the past few days, its development speed is obviously slower than that of Huya. level in March.

As for the emerging platform Douyin, let alone, it is still in the development stage, and it is not very suitable for anchors to make money.

Didn't you see Li Ge jumped over from Douyin!
The bald man also looked a lot more relaxed.

Although there are still no big recommendations based on this list, after all, he has won Xiao Fei, his old enemy.

Thinking of being suppressed by Xiaofei for more than half a year with Daheng's prestige, and thinking about the successive victories in the three-month event from May to July, the bald man just wanted to laugh a few times.

There is only one thought in his mind right now.


Compared to the joy on Baldy's side, although Xiao Fei already knew the result would be like this, he still couldn't bear it.

Among the 80 million tourists, at least 30 million are old fans of Daheng.

As soon as Brother Jiu stopped scrolling, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

Although he is trying to appease, but the effect is not too big.

Coupled with the fact that Brother Jiu quit the live broadcast room without saying a word, all the pressure fell on him.

While carrying the barrage of hundreds of thousands of Daheng fans, Xiaofei silently prayed in his heart that Brother Jiu would go to Brother Li's live broadcast room to make a move.

Brother Jiu also knew it was not time to be lazy, so he jumped into Brother Li's live broadcast room without saying a word.

"Super God Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"


In order to confuse Lehua, Daheng didn't arrange for Brother Li to broadcast tonight at all.

But now, a series of gifts suddenly jumped up in the live broadcast room with a black screen.

And Brother Li's list of gifts, which had been silent for several days, also began to jump up quickly.

Xiao Fei's live broadcast room was still noisy, but all of a sudden, several big brothers suddenly spoke up. Although it was only a few bullet screens, several exclamation points still made Daheng fans see the shock of these big brothers.

"Stop arguing, go to Brother Li's studio and watch!"

"Brother Jiu."

"It's too fierce!!!"

 Thanks to [Little Lover]: the reward of 2000 book coins, big brother domineering!
  Thanks to 【Do Lord】: the reward of 588 book coins;
  Thanks [喵~]: the reward of 588 book coins;
  Thank you [Child Watching Stars]: for the 100 book coins as a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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