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Chapter 269 Xiao Xiao will lose if he doesn't make a move!

Chapter 269 Xiao Xiao will lose if he doesn't make a move!

Seeing the speeches of the big brothers in these live broadcast rooms, the Daheng fans who were originally noisy in Xiao Fei's live broadcast room suddenly felt a little baffled.

But within two seconds, most people saw the world news that the top of the live broadcast room suddenly started beating crazily again.

"Is Brother Jiu going to Brother Li?"

"Didn't Brother Li not start the broadcast?"

"What the hell is Brother Jiu doing, Xiao Fei is not finished here!"

Seeing that the attention of the tourists in the live broadcast room was diverted, Xiao Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Luckily Brother Jiu's action was fast, if he waited another minute or two, he would have to be dismantled by fans.

The tourists on Daheng's side, even he, the first brother, can't afford to provoke them.

"Everyone be quiet."

Xiao Fei first coughed twice to attract the audience's attention.

"Brother Jiu actually communicated with me before going online today, and I told Brother Li about this before."

"Two days ago, Brother Jiu finished all the money in his hand, but Brother Li has not won the first place, so Brother Jiu plans to go online today to make up the list for Brother Li, but there is something wrong with Brother Li that has been unable to broadcast. Brother Jiu will come to my place to play for a while."

Xiaofei said with a smile.

"So that's the case, no wonder Brother Jiu skipped over."

"No wonder, no wonder, Brother Jiu was originally going online tonight to help Brother Li, but it doesn't matter, anyway, Brother Jiu can give Xiaofei a big recommendation if he gets the first place in the Super King list this month."

"I'll tell you why Brother Jiu stopped swiping halfway through it. It's really about the same time. Although Brother Li is not online, this event still has to be played."

As soon as Xiao Fei explained, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized.

It turned out that the reason why Brother Jiu stayed in Xiaofei's live broadcast room from nine o'clock to eleven o'clock and didn't make a move was because of this.

Many tourists with strong comprehension ability restored the whole incident in just a few seconds.

"After Brother Jiu finished brushing with Xia Nuan, he was going to wait for Brother Li to go online to give Brother Li the first place in the rankings, but Brother Li has not been online because of something, so Brother Jiu came to Xiaofei's place to stay for a while. meeting."

"But Xiao Xiao went online at eleven o'clock. Brother Jiu, who hadn't planned to make a move in Xiaofei's live broadcast room, just casually swiped. Swipe, this list will definitely be gone, so Brother Jiu stopped swiping halfway."

Xiaofei saw that some brainbudi in the live broadcast room made a serious excuse for Brother Jiu's somewhat botched operation in a few words, and almost laughed crookedly.

Why didn't he discover these geniuses in his live broadcast room before!

Xiaofei immediately took a screenshot of the accounts of these fans, planning to get to know each other privately in the future.

In the future, if anyone fails in the event, he must find these Fengchu brothers to learn from them!
"Brother Li is really serious. She has only been in Daheng for a few days, so I asked my elder brother to wait for her."

"It's better for Brother Jiu. I'm not angry when Brother Li let me go, so I'll give her a ranking."

Xiao Fei sneered, and said a few nice words to Brother Li.

"You can't say that. Just now, brother Li also sent me a message, saying that there was an accident when I went out to do errands today. If there was no real problem at this time, no one would choose to let the pigeons go."

For Xiao Fei, it doesn't matter who Li Ge or Xia Nuan is the first sister.

And the trade union is obviously going to support Brother Li this month. He said a few good words to Brother Li at this time, and he can also get good luck with Brother Li in the future.

As the first brother of a trade union as big as Daheng, he is very good at dealing with the world.

The audience in the live broadcast room nodded repeatedly when they heard what Xiao Fei said.

Indeed it is.

Fans of Daheng, who have not been watching the live broadcast for a short time, naturally know what kind of opportunity and exposure Brother Jiu's gifts are for an anchor.

As long as the anchor is not stupid, he will naturally not give up.

"Everyone can skip the OB wave, after all, there are very few opportunities for a black screen to earn tens of millions."

"Brother Fei is right, I'll go ahead and watch Brother Jiu kill the Quartet!"

"From today onwards, I will be a loyal fan of Brother Jiu!"

Tourists in the live broadcast room chose to click on the link to jump away.

After playing in the Xingxiu District for so long, they have also seen a few times when the black screen is swiping for gifts, but at most it is a few thousand dollars, and most of them are some hardcore fans swiping some free tiger food or something.

They really haven't seen the live broadcast of the black screen floating around the world like today.

And all the fans in Baldy's live broadcast room also discovered the changes in Brother Li's live broadcast room.

In just five or six minutes, the No.6 of the Road to God event has changed hands from Xiaojuzi's 1 million list to Li Ge's 5000 million.

World news kept floating on the screen, so Liu Xiao naturally saw it.

The bald man is also a little worried.

If you don't count Xiao Fei who will be in Li Ge's live broadcast room, Jiu Ge's consumption this month has reached 1000 million.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao is also very fierce, this month because they had a lot of money left over from last month, although they also made a lot of money this month, it is indeed not as much as Brother Jiu.

2000 million in the game area, 2000 million in the outdoor area, 500 million in Yangzi's live broadcast room, 5000 million in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room, plus his 7000 million.

Adding some scattered rewards, brother Xiaoxiao's consumption this month is 8000 million.

Therefore, the position of the first king of the gods on the super emperor list must be won by Brother Jiu this month.

The bald man didn't care before.

Even if Brother Jiu wins the No. [-] spot on the Super King list this time, the recommendation for this path to becoming a god is probably for Brother Li, and Xiaofei has nothing to do with it.

And on Lehua's side, Little Orange was also able to get a recommendation from a god with the highest list.

Two-phase deductions, plus Brother Xiao Xiao and Sister Feifei won the second and third places on the Super Kings List, Lehua's side is definitely bloody.

But now, Brother Jiu went to buy gifts for Brother Li's live broadcast room, which is obviously to grab the first place in Xiaojuzi!

No matter how you say it, brother Xiao Xiao is just a big brother Shenhao, but Brother Jiu's bald man is very clear, behind him is a big trade union like Daheng.

And Daheng's doing so was obviously premeditated.

Tonight's list in Brother Li's live broadcast room will probably be at least the same as Xiao Fei's.

At that time, Brother Li will win the first place in the event, and Brother Jiu will give Xiao Fei the recommended position in his hand.

Then their Lehua side will really be gone this time.

It doesn't matter if he loses, but Xiaojuzi won't be able to get up after being overwhelmed by Brother Li, an already popular anchor.

Things have developed to the present, if you want to restore the situation, you can only see what Brother Xiao Xiao will do.

Only Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu, who also go to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room to swipe against the black screen, can hope to win!
(End of this chapter)

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