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Chapter 270 Xiao Xiao is admitting defeat by doing so

Chapter 270 Xiao Xiao is admitting defeat by doing so

The audience in the live broadcast room was naturally outraged.

Brother Jiu's play is indeed a bit too dark.

Neither Xiaojuzi nor Brother Li was online at this meeting. Everyone thought that there was nothing to do tonight, but under such circumstances, Brother Jiu actually went to Brother Li's live broadcast room to compete for the rankings!
In just a few minutes, Xiaojuzi, who was firmly at the top of the list, was knocked down. Judging from the situation, it is clear that he is determined to give Brother Li the first place.

You know, on Baldy's side, Brother Xiao Xiao paid 7000 million yuan tonight.

As for Xiaofei, it was only 5000 million.

There is a gap of 2000 million in the middle!
With Baldy and Xiaofei on the list, it has nothing to do with this month's event No.1.

Now Brother Xiao Xiao has paid 2000 million more, which means that 2000 million was wasted tonight.

This time, Brother Xiao Xiao's capital level was forcibly equalized with Brother Jiu's.

Most of the audience was just indignant. They didn't know about these things about the trade union, and they couldn't see the essence of the matter.

But Xiaohuya, Xingjue, Junjun and other big brothers can naturally see it.

Brother Jiu can come up with such a strategy to consume Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, which means that Daheng must be sure to win this time.

If brother Xiao Xiao had been prepared, they would naturally not be worried.

But the current situation is that Brother Xiao Xiao originally thought that tonight was just for fun, but Daheng actually launched a sneak attack.

There is a high probability that Brother Xiao Xiao prepared less money tonight than Brother Jiu.

Xiao Huya thought about it, and still sent a WeChat message.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, why don't we go to the Xiaojuzi live broadcast room to watch a wave together. Although I don't have much money here, I can still get out with a squeeze of five million yuan, plus Xingjue, Beibei and Junjun. A few, with all the cash in hand, it is estimated that there will be 500 million."

"If it's not enough, I'll talk to the old man and draw 1000 million temporarily."

It's close to 10:[-] pm, and there are only [-] minutes left.

It is definitely impossible to go to the bank to transfer money or something. Now the comparison is the cash flow in each hand.

Xiao Huya cursed inwardly.

This Daheng obviously guessed right, so he chose to have a hard time at this last juncture.

It's true that Brother Xiao Xiao is rich, but tonight he has 7000 million in his hands and has already calculated it. He paid 3000 million to the bald man, and it is estimated that there is only [-] million left.

"Don't worry, wait until I run out of money, and then you can go."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile, feeling a little warm in his heart.

Who said that the relationship gathered because of money is not solid?

As long as it is not bankrupt, no matter how difficult it is, there will be support from all directions.

And for Liu Xiao, it is impossible to go bankrupt in this life.

It doesn't really matter to Liu Xiao that Xiao Huya wants to get on the same line with him.

In a few months, when the industry grows bigger, there will be a chance to be on an equal footing with Xiaohuya in reality.

Even after a while, in reality, he will truly have such arrogance on the platform.

In the process of development, it is also impossible to use people like Xiao Huya.

As for the lack of money just mentioned, let Xiaohuya go again.
Just pretend to beep.

On the live broadcast platform, he, Liu Xiao, has never been afraid of anyone!
As for Daheng's series of operations tonight, Liu Xiao also fully understood.

No wonder there were people starting the live broadcast from the very beginning.

At first Liu Xiao thought he was thinking too much, but now it seems that Daheng is obviously fishing.

"This Daheng is interesting."

Liu Xiao smiled slightly, and wondered if it was Da Heng's sorrow when it counted on him.

Liu Xiao turned on the connecter again, and adjusted the magic books into groups of 1000.

The next moment, Baldy's live broadcast room.

A thick stack of magic books floated from the gift column to the center of the live broadcast room.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent a magic book *1000*701 combo!"


Although the barrage of gifts on the public screen has been floating for a few minutes, the special effects of so many gifts superimposed have been walking in the live broadcast room.

Therefore, Liu Xiao's ability to give a gift this time perfectly matched the number of combos he gave before.

Starting directly from the [-]st, the barrage of gifts on the public screen began to jump crazily again.

"Why is Brother Xiao Xiao still playing in Baldy's live broadcast room?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I'm going to the Little Orange live broadcast room to collect gifts!"

"The list of bald people is 8000 to [-] million short, it's useless to brush it!"


Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao start scanning again, the audience in the live broadcast room became anxious.

And the bald man who was the person involved was also anxious.

A series of big brothers such as Xiaohuya and Beibei were even more confused.

Even Lao Wu, who was slowly drinking tea from a teacup in Daheng's office, was dumbfounded.

"Impossible, impossible."

The fifth child was full of disbelief.

"Even if Xiao Xiao doesn't have enough money right now, he should go to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room. Why is he still in Baldy's live broadcast room? Doesn't Xiao Xiao know how to stop losses?"

The bald live broadcast room will only have 500 million listings. If you want to catch up with Xiaojuzi, you have to spend 8000 million to fill it.

Furthermore, under the current situation, it is useless to catch up with Xiaojuzi. This time, he also cannot get a recommended position.

If you really have so much money, wouldn't it be nice to give it to Xiaojuzi?

Seeing this unexpected situation, Lao Wu couldn't sit still immediately, and paced back and forth in the room.

Even Brother Jiu's subordinates who were frantically poking at the screen on the sofa were given a meal.

They really couldn't figure out what Xiao Xiao's purpose was for doing this.

In the office, Brother Hua was the only one drinking tea in the presence of the old god, looking out the window with his eyes unchanged.

Suddenly, Brother Hua chuckled.

"Don't worry, sit down and talk."

"You may not understand Xiao Xiao's intentions, but in my opinion, Xiao Xiao has already lost."

Brother Hua gently put the teacup on the table, got up again and stretched his muscles.

"Now, I can finally sleep well."

Brother Hua laughed.

"Brother Hua, what is going on here?"

Next to him, Lao Wu was full of anxiety.

"Sit down first."

Brother Hua didn't show off, and directly talked about his analysis to the fifth child.

"According to our previous calculations, Xiao Xiao probably doesn't have much money in his hands right now?"

Xiao Xiao swiped 8000 million, Sister Feifei swiped 8000 million, Yang Zi and Baldy swiped more than 600 million, a total of [-] million or so.

"Yes, even if estimated at the maximum amount of 3 million, Xiao Xiao only has 3000 to [-] million in his hands now."

Seeing Brother Hua's calm expression, Lao Wu also sat down slowly, calming down his anxious mood a lot.

"Then if you were Xiao Xiao, knowing that Little Juzi had no chance of winning, would you still go to confront Lao Jiu to humiliate yourself?"

Brother Hua didn't let the fifth child answer, and said again:
"If I were Xiao Xiao, I would know that when I only have such a small amount of money left in my hand, I wouldn't seek abuse again."

"On the contrary, if you give the 2000 million yuan to the bald man, and make a list of [-] million yuan for the bald man, wouldn't it save some face?"

 Thanks to [Bubble Gum]: The reward of 2500 book coins, thank you big brother, big brother is domineering!

(End of this chapter)

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