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Chapter 272 Bald No. 1, brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!

Chapter 272 The bald man is number one, brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!

Following Liu Xiao's continuous shots.

The list of gifts in Baldy's studio is also rising rapidly.

Every minute, the list jumps up by about 1 million.

From 35:5000 to 2:[-], the total list of Baldy's live broadcast room has exceeded [-] million, successfully surpassing Xiaojuzi and ranking No.[-] in this event.

At 43:8000, the total list of Baldy's live broadcast room exceeded 1 million, leaving only 1000 million behind the No.[-] brother Li.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is number one in the world, I will also come and help the bald man to become number one!"

In the live broadcast room, a series of diehard fans of Baldy also all shot.

Although they don't have much money in their hands, it's only a few hundred thousand in total, but this is their tribute to brother Xiao Xiao!
Brother Xiao Xiao came to Huya for three months, and he used his own strength to stop Baldy from being an outdated anchor who was about to be squeezed out to the position of first brother.

And after the big battle tonight, coupled with a series of official recommendation from Huya, the position of Xingxiu No. [-] Brother Baldy will really be confirmed in the future.

Even Xiao Fei, who didn't get anything tonight, will inevitably be seriously injured by the bald man's crazy target!

In another minute, the list of Baldy's live broadcasting room has completely passed 1 million, successfully grabbing the first place in the event.

At the same time, Liu Xiao also slowed down the speed of collecting gifts.

At 59:1000, Liu Xiao completed the last [-] million.

As Brother Xiao Xiao's last gift barrage ended, the field control in the live broadcast room immediately took a large picture of the gift column and the live broadcast room.

The next moment, the time jumped to the last second, and the weekly list was refreshed immediately, and the gifts of more than 2 million on it were replaced by a series of tourists with hundreds of thousands of golden beans.

It's a new week and the July event is coming to an end!
In the live broadcast room, nearly a million tourists cheered.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too fierce."

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for your gift, Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

The bald man couldn't care less about whether his throat hurt or not, so he screamed hard in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"


Although it was already midnight, the tourists in the live broadcast room were still very excited.

Last month, brother Xiao Xiao threw [-] million to the bald man to make the rankings. He thought that this month's focus should be on the little orange, but he didn't expect that brother Xiao Xiao spent another [-] million to the bald man this month!

Of course, looking at Brother Xiao Xiao's appearance at the beginning, he probably didn't have this plan. Brother Xiao Xiao swiped so much, and he was probably annoyed by Brother Jiu's surprise attack on Brother Li's live broadcast room.

But no matter what, Brother Xiao Xiao gave Baldy [-] million alone, this is a fact!
Two billion.

There are now millions of viewers in the live broadcast room. If the 200 million is allocated to these millions of viewers, each person can also get [-] yuan.

Brother Jiu showed a bank balance of [-] million before.

But after all, it is just a series of numbers, and writing a series of numbers on paper is two hundred million.

Apart from envy, they don't have many other emotions.

Brother Xiao Xiao converted all [-] million cash into gifts tonight!
Everyone is not blind. Although Brother Xiao Xiao has stopped scrolling, the special effects of gifts in the center of the live broadcast room will take several minutes to complete.

The [-] million yuan was just brushed in front of them, and the effect was too intuitive in front of Huya, a money amplifier.

"Don't worry too much about it, I just can't understand some sneak attacks."

Liu Xiao chuckled, and posted a barrage on the public screen.

"Hahaha, although I'm used to Xiao Xiaoge pretending to beep, but Xiaoxiao's beeping today really caught me off guard."

"Two hundred million, tell us not to care too much"

"I only earn 100 yuan a month, and I can only earn 1000 million yuan in [-] years. Brother Xiao Xiao, you are too ridiculous."

"Wori, I am 4000 a month, [-] million will earn [-] years?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you."

Xiao Huya also couldn't laugh or cry.

Although with his family background, spending [-] million yuan is not a big problem, but if his family members know that he dared to spend [-] million yuan in the live broadcast room, he might have his leg broken tomorrow.

His usual pocket money is only ten million a month.

Xiao Huya was like this, not to mention the big brothers in the live broadcast room like Beibei and Junjun.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's wave has wiped out all the assets of my company."

Beibei gave a wry smile.

"Hey, Brother Beibei, you want to open up. Brother Xiao Xiao has collected five of my total assets in this wave."

Junjun is a born optimist.

During this period, Xiao Huya introduced him to many projects, but with so many projects completed, the current market value of his company is only more than 4000 million.

Two hundred million is already an asset that he can't even imagine.

Several people sighed for a while, but they were all determined in their hearts to hug Brother Xiao Xiao's thigh tightly.

Such a thick leg, if such a good opportunity is really missed, the elders in the family will want to chop themselves off without doing it!
"Work overtime all night, unlimited red envelopes tonight!"

Baldy even slapped the table and shouted loudly.

He doesn't dare to touch Brother Xiao Xiao's gift of [-] million yuan now.

Brother Xiao Xiao swiped [-] million last month. Although he has said that he does not need to cash back, but the cash he withdraws is actually only a small part.

Not to mention the [-] million this month.

8000% of the platform, [-]% of the trade union, and [-] million in his hands!
With so much money, I must ask Brother Xiao Xiao privately.

He is bald and not greedy, earning three or four million yuan a year is enough for him to live a life of excellence.

And it doesn't cost much to draw a lottery all night.

From the consumption in the first two months, I still have 500 million yuan left in my hands.

If you draw slowly overnight, it is estimated that more than 200 million yuan will be enough.

You know, Little Orange's million-dollar lucky draw took place for three full days!
When the bald man said this, the enthusiasm of millions of viewers went up to a new level.

After the bald man changed the key word on TV to "Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible", he immediately started throwing red envelopes frantically.

He wants to take advantage of this time to convert all the popularity of these millions of viewers into subscriptions and his own popularity!
Brother Xiao Xiao created such a good opportunity for him, if he didn't cherish it, he would really be sorry for Brother Xiao Xiao's cultivation.

"You guys play tonight first, and the rest will be discussed tomorrow."

Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room were having fun, Liu Xiao got ready to play.

It's not early, and I have to practice jujitsu tomorrow.

Coupled with the fact that he was here, the tourists in the live broadcast room were a bit reluctant to let go, so Liu Xiao simply logged off.

Different from the jubilation in Baldy's live broadcast room, Daheng tourists in Xiao Fei and Brother Li's live broadcast room felt as uncomfortable as eating bitter melon.

Inside the Daheng trade union, Brother Jiu and Lao Wu looked at each other in silence, and Brother Hua even frowned.

"It's impossible"

(End of this chapter)

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