Chapter 273 Why Can Xiao Xiao Win?
Brother Hua is completely fooled.

According to his calculation, Xiao Xiao should have more than 2000 million, at most 3000 million, in his hand.

But Xiao Xiao actually paid the bald man two hundred million!
Calculated in this way, Lehua invested more than [-] million yuan this month, even approaching [-] million yuan.

"how can that be?"

"More than [-] million, how can it be possible?"

Brother Hua brainstormed every possibility.

As a business genius, Brother Hua has a very good memory.

At the beginning of the month, the report that the analyst made for him was completely recalled by him.

Their Daheng will lose more than [-] million yuan, and Lehua will only invest [-] million yuan at most.

The iron-like data is placed here, it is impossible to be wrong.

But now, even if the bald part is removed, Xiao Xiao has almost doubled the investment amount. Isn't that a loss?
Even if Xiao Xiao has a bit of a heroic nature, he spends money generously, but he can't do it like this, right?

Everything must have a purpose, what is Xiao Xiao's purpose for doing this?
"Let Xiao Fei go down the broadcast first, and Brother Li's originally planned online work will also stop, and the second and third-line anchors of the union will start broadcasting all that can be broadcast."

Brother Hua rubbed his temples, and said to Lao Wu next to him.

Brother Xiao Xiao made such a big fight, the one who suffered the most tonight was not Brother Li, but Xiao Fei, the veteran platform number one brother.

If there is no way to get Xiao Fei to withdraw now, then the cards of their Daheng male anchor will really be lost.

"Brother Hua, this will make the second- and third-tier anchors start broadcasting, and they probably won't feel well."

Old Fifth whispered.

"This is also an impossible solution."

"If it was placed in the last month, with our Daheng background, it would be fine even if all the staff stopped broadcasting for a day, but all the activities in the past three months have failed, and the tourists need to vent."

Brother Hua is helpless.

How could he not know what would happen if the second and third tier anchors went online at this time.

But Xiaofei, as the face of the trade union that Daheng focuses on cultivating, must keep it, so he can only find another anchor to go online to take the blame.

"How about this, go talk to the anchors below. The third-tier anchors who are online tonight will each be compensated with a bonus of 5000 yuan, and the second-tier anchors will be compensated with 1 yuan each. The one who bears the most will receive a bonus of [-] yuan."

"If it is sprayed off the Internet, the union will unilaterally compensate 10 yuan."

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

The fifth child nodded, and hurried out of the office to find the signing manager under his banner to pull the head.

With such a large amount of compensation, I believe there are still many anchors who are willing to do it.

"Old Jiu, what do you think is going on today?"

After the fifth child left, Brother Hua really couldn't figure it out, so he turned to look at Brother Jiu who was next to him.

"Brother Hua, aren't you embarrassing me?"

Brother Jiu gave a wry smile.

Although the screen in Brother Li's live broadcast room is still black, there are still many fans of Daheng who are raving on the public screen.

If he hadn't withdrawn quickly just now, this meeting might have been affected.

After standing for three months, seeing the dawn is coming, Brother Jiu was already thinking about whether to use two speakers or three speakers tonight, but he didn't expect Xiao Xiao to give him another ruthless blow.

Now he is wondering whether he offended Xiao Xiao in reality.

Every time you go online, grabbing him is a blast!
As long as Xiao Xiao is online, he has never been lost once.

"If you have any ideas, let us know. Since we have already lost, then we will find out the reason."

"To be honest, I still haven't understood Xiao Xiao's intentions."

Brother Hua shook his head lightly.

He is a person who refuses to admit defeat, but he is not a person who cannot afford to lose.

For losing, he can accept it calmly.

But why he lost, he had to figure it out!
Brother Jiu sat down slowly after hearing what Brother Hua said.

There was a brief silence in the office.

Suddenly, Brother Jiu's eyes lit up.

"As far as I am concerned, there is nothing wrong with our plan this time."


Brother Hua was a little puzzled.

If the plan is okay, how can it fail?
"From the very beginning of preparations to create Star Li, our plan has been progressing in an orderly manner."

"After Xiao Xiao messed up our plan by swiping gifts in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, the strategic adjustment we made was fine."

"Even the 5000 million hits in Xiaofei's live broadcast room today are relatively successful in achieving their goals."

"However, we Qiaqia ignored Xiao Xiao's character."


"Yes, Xiao Xiao's character!"

Brother Hua suddenly realized.

With his ingenuity, he immediately understood Brother Jiu's point.

The reason why he didn't want to understand it just now was because he was thinking whether it was a failure in the layout that Xiao Xiao saw the flaws in, or a channel that could allow Xiao Xiao to earn more than the investment of [-] million yuan.

But he forgot Xiao Xiao, or in other words, he forgot the most primitive human psychology.

"Gambler psychology!"

Brother Hua and Lao Jiu said this sentence almost at the same time.

A psychologist once did an experiment.

20 yuan is auctioned in public. The rule is that each time the price is increased by no less than one yuan, the highest bidder wins.

The only requirement is that the money auctioned by No.1 and No.2 must belong to him.

Before the auction, all auctioneers thought that as long as the bid was not higher than 20 yuan, they would not lose money, so many people chose to participate.

But the result of the fact is that when No. 1 and No. 2 call for 19 yuan, one of them must call 20 first, and the other will call 21 after a short hesitation in order not to lose money.

In the end, the transaction price of 20 yuan will be at least one to two times the face value.

Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are both highly educated, and they both know about this famous psychological problem.

And what Xiao Xiao is doing now is so similar to this mentality!
The only difference is that Xiao Xiao made a move based on his subjective will. Compared with these gamblers, his self-control is much stronger!
"This Xiao Xiao is really ruthless!"

Brother Hua was amazed.

The reason is very simple.

When Jiu Ge made a high ranking of [-] million in Li Ge's live broadcast room.

The [-] million yuan prepared by Lehua is already in the category of losing.

With the two biggest recommendation positions taken away, Lehua will definitely be overwhelmed by Daheng this month. Even if Daheng works hard, it is not impossible to crush Lehua, a new trade union, to death.

If it really becomes a reality, then the two billion yuan that Xiao Xiao invested earlier this month and the tens of millions that the trade union already had would all be in vain.

The loss was close to [-] million, which was definitely unacceptable to Xiao Xiao.

But what if Xiao Xiao invests more at this time?
After 5000 million, even if an additional [-] million is fully compensated, it will never be able to recover the capital.

But for a direct loss of [-] million, as long as you can win, it is also profitable!

If it was just this point, what Xiao Xiao did would not impress them.

What really impressed Brother Hua was that Xiao Xiao invested an additional [-] million yuan!
He didn't choose to beat Brother Li's list with 5000 million in the Xiaojuzi live broadcast room, but in the bald live broadcast room, he abruptly pushed the bald man's list to [-] million!

(End of this chapter)

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