Chapter 274 Event Settlement
"Xiao Xiao's last move was indeed too ruthless."

"If you insist on losing an extra [-] million yuan, you have to hit the bald man."

"The first brother's position has been snatched away, Xiaofei will have a hard time this month."

Brother Hua sighed lightly.

If the previous two months were due to miscalculations that allowed Xiao Xiao to take advantage of the loopholes, this month's brother Hua has really developed admiration for Xiao Xiao's opponent.

In his business journey for so many years, except for the top few existences, no one has the courage to dare to fight this chance with a cash loss of [-] million yuan!

Lehua's development cycle will take at least half a year, and it is still unknown how much profit will be made by then. With this alone, it dares to spend more than [-] million in a month.
Brother Hua thought to himself, he didn't have the courage.

Once the return on investment is insufficient, it will even affect some subsidiaries of his group.

And the most important thing among them is that Xiao Xiao actually left behind more than a billion dollars in his hands!

This is [-] million funds.

Xiao Xiao actually stored it in his bank card as a reserve fund.


Brother Jiu sighed.

Although he was amazed by Xiao Xiao's strength before, he has never been so intuitive now.

Too hard on yourself!

"This is the end of the matter, and we can only compete next time."

"Wait for me to return a part of the money in the next few days before investing. July is just the beginning."

Brother Hua waved his hand.

This month, Brother Jiu took the No. [-] spot on the super king list and was able to get a recommendation from a demigod.

On the other hand, there is good news.

Outdoors, although the popularity of Mengmeng is not as popular as that of Western Qilan recently, the list of Dreamer is higher than that of Western Qilan.

Therefore, Jianmeng can also get a recommendation from a demigod.

Xiao Xiao snatched away the two recommendations for becoming a god.

Although Brother Hua was upset, there was nothing he could do.

He has seen a lot of normal business competition, and he is more open to such things.

Simple annoyance can't solve any problems, and the only way now is to win over a few top anchors again.

"Brother Li's list is not low, even if she loses, it doesn't matter. With her own popularity, she should be able to hold on this month."

"You can also put aside the knife. His list is 500 million higher than Yang Zi's, and it's unlikely that Xiao Xiao will recommend Yang Zi."

"The only problem is with Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei."

Brother Hua frowned.

Baldy and Little Orange will definitely have so many recommendations this month.

Especially Baldy's recommendation from God, which is the whole network and all channels!

With Huya's official network, it is impossible for Daheng to recommend them.

What Brother Hua is thinking now is whether he can use the money to buy two demigod recommendation positions from Huya officials to stop losses for Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei.

For Brother Hua, this was another sleepless night.

Nine o'clock the next morning.

Major news anchors started broadcasting one after another.

Today is the event settlement day, seven full days of fierce competition on the platform, just picking any melon out is enough for a news anchor to eat for a day.

"Let me just say, brother Xiao Xiao is more likely to win this month."

Xiaochun felt complacent in the live broadcast room.

Although it was a mistake, what he said was true. It's just that Xiaofei, the protagonist on Daheng's side, has become Brother Li.

And Brother Xiao Xiao can win the final victory, which is naturally the best result for Xiaochun.

Lehua is so strong this month, he doesn't believe that the knife can still crush him this month!
Yang Zi also went online early, and kept his eyes on Huya's official notification area.

As a die-hard fan of Brother Xiao Xiao, it is natural to spread the first-hand news of Brother Xiao Xiao's victory to the entire Internet, so as to give Brother Xiao Xiao enough face.

The game area and outdoor area also gathered batch after batch of fans.

On Daheng's side, Knife was not online today, and a few second-line news anchors trained by the trade union came up to bear the damage.

Yang Zi glanced at it for a while, his eyeballs twitching wildly, thinking about whether he had to dig up the black material of Daheng and these little anchors.

If these Daheng's newly promoted news anchors can be killed, and then cooperate with Xiaochun to make a wave of knives, then Daheng will be completely cold in terms of news in the future.

Suddenly, with a ding, a pop-up message appeared.

"The Road to God event is over, the announcement is here!"

"Yang Zi, look, look!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is definitely number one on the Super Emperor List this month, right?"

"Sister Lele is not bad either, she won the third place firmly!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is also dominating the screen in the game area, brother Xiao Xiao is invincible again this month!"

As soon as the pop-up window appeared, the eager audience suddenly became excited again.

Even though many viewers hadn't woken up because of the lottery draw in Baldy's live broadcast room last night, they were awakened by this announcement.

Everyone knows that many victories have been won this month, but most tourists have not counted the exact number.

"I'm coming!"

Yang Zi was equally excited, and he clicked on the pop-up window on the platform just now with a smile.

【Announcement on Road to Godhood. 】

"Dear tourists, dear hosts, with everyone's support, the Road to God event in July has come to a successful conclusion. Here, the Huya official would like to express our most sincere thanks to everyone for participating in this event."

Opening his mouth was another long thank you letter of one or two thousand words. Yang Zi didn't read much, just read the beginning and skipped over.

"Couldn't the official change this urgency? Every time I write such a long thank-you letter, I have to turn the page twice."

Yang Zi complained.

"Hahaha, Yang Zi, you are gone."

"Yang Zi is really doomed now, Brother Xiao Xiao can't save you."

"Yang Zi, you don't even look at the VIP seats, just look at who is third in line."

Seeing Yang Zi complaining about the official, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately laughed.

Yang Zi glanced slightly at the VIP seats.

The ID Lanlan with the Platform Super Tube brand immediately came into view.


"Lanlan, you didn't hear anything, did you?"

Yang Zi's complexion suddenly changed, causing the tourists in the live broadcast room to laugh.

"[-]-word review, let you go."

Lan Lan jokingly posted a barrage on the public screen.

"Don't, don't, I was wrong."

This [-]-word review was caused by Vice President Du to Han Ye at the time, and now Lan Lan took this out, naturally as a joke.

Knowing that Lan Lan is Brother Xiao Xiao's account manager, Yang Zi made a few jokes with Lan Lan at the right time.

"Okay, okay, I'll pay Lanlan some public food later, and now let's talk about the data of this event."

Yang Zi coughed lightly, and looked at the camera with a serious face, ignoring the army of question marks on the bullet screen who were all suspicious of the word public grain.

Yang Zi turned to the third page, and the anchor results of this event were presented on the big screen in the live broadcast room.

"There is no doubt that the No. [-] list in the game zone this month is the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds anchor: B Wen!"

(End of this chapter)

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