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Chapter 275 Summary of July Activities, No. 7 Explosion Recommendation

Chapter 275 Summary of July Activities, No.7 Explosion Recommendation
The game area is the most stable these days.

B Wen’s 2000 million list is firmly in the first place, and Hue He also found an advertiser such as an endorsement, and made a list of more than 1000 million for himself.

Uzi is still playing in the summer game, so it will be broadcast occasionally, and it didn't make the list this month.

Not to mention Kaka, who was originally the anchor of Brother Xiaoxiao's series. After Brother Xiaoxiao decided to make the list for B Wen, Kaka didn't even move at all.

And the veteran League of Legends anchor, Tiao Nan, has been busy arguing with his girlfriend for the past two days to file for a divorce, and it is said that he is about to get a divorce certificate.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's status in the game area is obvious to all. Of course, this does not mean that all the anchors in the game area are afraid of Brother Xiao Xiao. On the contrary, most of the anchors in the game area are fans of Brother Xiao Xiao. .”

Yang Zi analyzed the situation in the game area.

The audience nodded.

In the game area, except for the deceased anchor Han Ye, there are basically few anchors who are hostile to brother Xiao Xiao.

Even the anchors in the game area who hang under Daheng and Liangkai, few dare to dance in front of Brother Xiaoxiao.

Brother Xiao Xiao's dominance in the game area has been fully demonstrated since the end of May.

There is really no opponent! !

"The top three sections this month are the game area, star show area and outdoor area."

"It's true that the game area is the B text, and the No. 1 in the Xingxiu area, I believe everyone has already guessed it."


Yang Zi magnified Baldy's name on the event settlement and placed it directly in the most prominent position in the live broadcast room.

"It's too scary, a list of more than 2 million!"

"This should be the highest list since Huya was established, right?"

"No need, this is it!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

As soon as Baldy's name came out, there was another burst of cheers in the live broadcast room.

The list in the game area is not high, but Xingxiu's bald man's list, a large part of them witnessed it with their own eyes last night.

"We will analyze the specifics later, let's look down first."

Yang Zi chuckled.

"The third one is the No. 2000 anchor in the outdoor area, and the list is also [-] million, but it is not the anchor supported by brother Xiao Xiao, but the anchor of Daheng, hit dream."


The audience in the live broadcast room booed and sighed.

"Don't be like this, everyone. When we eat meat, let Daheng drink some soup. After all, Brother Jiu has beaten a lot this month, so it's not easy."

Yang Zi laughed.

In Huya's office, Lanlan couldn't help but cast a blank look.

Yang Zi really dares to say anything.

On the platform, if the anchor talks about Big Brother at will, he will be banned.

But Yang Zi controlled it very well, he didn't say anything wrong with Brother Jiu, but raised his mouth from the side.

People who don't understand the situation will probably think that Yang Zi is praising Brother Jiu when he hears Yang Zi say that.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into hahaha.

"Yang Zi is right. The anchors here eat meat, and let them drink some soup."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is still soft-hearted. If it were me, I would beat up Meng Meng as well."

"Upstairs, Brother Xiao Xiao is already on his way, I hope Brother Xiao Xiao will soften his heart when the sack covers the head and sinks the corpse."

"In my opinion, with the current level of live broadcasting of Yangqilan, even if Mengmeng gets this recommendation, I'm afraid it won't be able to handle Yangqilan this month."

"That's right, although Yangqilan's live broadcast is in the early hours of the morning, it looks really exciting. The first-person view of the racing car. I heard that Yangqilan will get a drone in the next few days. Then you can watch the panoramic view!"

Seeing the audience in the live broadcast room discussing into a group, Yang Zi was also very excited when he started the live broadcast.

Although Yang Zi's list this month is not as high as Dao Zi, so what?
Daheng was completely defeated, Daozi didn't even dare to broadcast live!

Although a lot of Daheng's black fans came to his live broadcast room to make trouble, but with the support of more than 20 fans, these unorganized black fans can jump around twice, and they can't make much trouble at all.

"The anchor's ranking has been released."

Yang Zi cleared his throat.

"The ranking of the three major sectors."

"No.1: The bald man in Xingxiu District, the list is 570 million."

"No.2: Dreaming in the outdoor area, the list is 120 million."

"No.3: B text in the game area, with a list of 92 million."

"The No.1 bald brother got Huya's official full-network and omni-channel recommendation, referred to as Chengshen Recommendation. No.2 is the same as No.3. He got Huya's official platform-wide omni-channel recommendation. It is referred to as the recommendation of the demigod."

The rankings of the three anchors have been calculated.

An all-network and all-channel recommendation cannot be replaced by one sentence.

After each person's ID, there are densely packed recommended positions to be obtained.

Yang Zi continued to read.

"For example, the recommendations from Brother Bald include tweets from Weibo big coffee fans, Weibo exclusive certification tweets, Baidu, Toutiao, Baijiahao, UC, and QQ browser hot searches."

Yang Zi paused.

"In addition, there are Douyin, Kuaishou video block and push, official Douyin hot search, watermelon video, Youku video, iQiyi video, Sohu video and a series of recommendations."

"Recommended in this platform, Huya enters the homepage cover push, homepage big screen push, default jump push, homepage banner No. [-], entertainment section banner No. [-], star show section banner No. [-]"

"Fuck, fuck, this is crazy!"

"My God, is this a recommendation worth 5000 million?"

The hundreds of thousands of visitors in the live broadcast room were almost overwhelmed.

Although you are not the internal anchor of Huya, you don't know where these recommendations are, but you know it's awesome just by hearing the name.

Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, various browsers, various video sites, as well as comprehensive blocking and tweeting within Huya
"Baldy is about to take off, just such a wave of recommendations, it's invincible!"

"I just don't know how long it will last."

"I guess it will take three or four days to die."

"I still know a little bit about Weibo. The price of a Weibo trending search is 4 yuan an hour, the price of Weibo trending No. 2 is 10 an hour, and the second one in a day is 240 million!"

"If Douyin Kuaishou is included, the cost of hanging up for one day will definitely be 600-[-] million."

The tourists analyzed for a while.

Yang Zi glanced at the barrage and nodded secretly.

The No. 1 spot in the hot search is usually bought by big traffic celebrities, the kind that is occupied by entertainment giants.

Even if Huya makes a move, it's probably enough to take the second position.

Of course, the No. [-] position can still be used occasionally.

Last month, brother Xiao Xiao sent [-] million news to the bald man, and he became the No. [-] position, but he was pushed down by the news of other big names after only three or four hours.

And this month, Baldy's No. [-] hot search is definitely stable.

Yang Zi could already imagine how popular his popularity would explode after Baldy finished this wave of recommendations!
(End of this chapter)

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