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Chapter 276 Little Orange is going to release an album?

Chapter 276 Little Orange is going to release an album?

"The second No.3 demigod's recommendation in this event is actually pretty good."

Yang Zi glanced at the recommendation positions of Jianmeng and Bwen.

Although it can't compare with Baldy's recommendation, the recommendation position in Huya is also good, enough to make the anchor known to everyone in Huya.

Among other things, it can at least double the popularity, which is a very good super push.

"Look at the Super King List!"

"Super emperor, super emperor!"

After seeing the channel promotion project recommended by Chengshen, the audience is a little bit less interested in the specific data of the remaining two recommended positions.

No matter how good it is, it is only a recommendation within the platform, and it cannot be compared with the whole network.

Yang Zi didn't refuse the audience's request, he clicked to turn the page, and jumped to the second ranking of the super king list.

"The Chaohuangbang was offline last night, and now there is only this data left on the platform to watch. Otherwise, you can click on the Superhuangbang to see Brother Xiao Xiao's B."

Yang Zi chuckled.

The page was refreshed, and the data of the Chaohuangbang popped up immediately.

"No.1 King of the Gods: Xiao Xiao, 3 million!"

"No.2 King of the Firmament: Jiu Yuan, 2.7 million!"

"No.3 King of the Earth: Sister Lele: 8000 million!"

"Holy shit, Brother Xiao Xiao made [-] million this month?"

"I haven't paid attention to the Super Emperor List these days, but Brother Xiao Xiao's [-] million is still within the estimate."

"Brother Jiu is actually pretty aggressive this month, but just met Brother Xiao Xiao, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Sister Lele is not bad either, she's a newcomer, and she's on Brother Xiao Xiao's side, perfect!"

Brother Xiao Xiao's list is not difficult to calculate.

In the game area, B-text is 2000 million, and other anchors are 1000 million in bits and pieces, so that's 3000 million.

Tens of thousands of outdoor areas.

On Xingxiu's side, Yangzi has 700 million, Xiaojuzi has 5000 million, and Baldy has [-] million.

Adding up the bits and pieces, it's almost the same number.

"I don't know who will be recommended by the three big brothers this month. I look forward to it."

"As far as I'm concerned, the recommended position in Brother Xiao Xiao's hands is likely to be given to Xiaojuzi."

"Brother Jiu's recommendation is uncertain."

Yang Zi stroked his train of thought and spoke again.

"You don't have to guess randomly, let's analyze it together."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, as this month's super king list, has the right to designate an anchor to be recommended by God."

"However, according to my estimation, the possibility of recommending this to Sister Orange is quite high."

Yang Zi said with a smile, feeling a burst of envy in his heart.

Yang Zi knew that this recommended position would definitely not be given to him.

Kaka in the game area or Little Tangerine in Xingxiu's side are all possible.

"Probably not. Brother Xiao Xiao will probably give one in the game area. There is already a bald man in the Xingxiu area."

"What you said above is good. I think Brother Xiao Xiao has a higher probability of giving Kaka."

As for the foreign style blue in the outdoor area, no one would definitely consider it.

Hearing that Yang Zi said that this opportunity should be given to Xiao Juzi, the tourists in the live broadcast room still couldn't believe it.

Brother Xiao Xiao is good to Xiaojuzi, but the list of Xiaojuzi is not low this month, and Sister Lele still has a demigod to recommend it to them. In their opinion, Brother Xiao Xiao recommended this to Xiaojuzi Oranges are less likely.

"Hahaha, there are things you don't know about here."

Yang Zi laughed and said proudly.

"If there is nothing else to do this month, I'm afraid it's true as you said, this recommendation will be given to Kaka."

"But Miss Orange has something important to announce this month."


"Could it be that Little Orange is about to release an album?"

Quite a few tourists who often watch the live broadcast of Xiaojuzi can communicate with one click, and guessed curiously.

It's no secret that Xiaojuzi released an album. Everyone knew it a long time ago, but the production has not been completed and no time has been set.

If Little Orange wants to announce a major event, then this is probably the only one.

Now that Yang Zi said this, the tourists in the live broadcast room immediately guessed it.

"That's right, Sister Orange didn't go online yesterday, she just went to finalize the album."

"It is estimated that Sister Orange will announce the album tonight."

Yang Zi smiled and nodded.

With Brother Xiao Xiao's attitude towards Xiaojuzi, and the fact that Xiaojuzi released an album, the probability of becoming a god and recommending it to Xiaojuzi is definitely the highest.

With the entire network being sealed and pushed, coupled with the fermentation of the album, I am afraid that Xiaojuzi can really take the first step into the entertainment circle!
All of a sudden, exclamation marks lit up on the public screen.

"I heard from Xiaojuzi at the end of June that they were going to release an album. I didn't expect it to be so soon!"

"The song [Liu Piao] from a few days ago has been released on NetEase Cloud and QQ Music, and I have been repeating the single for several days!"

"Yang Zi, do you have a demo of Xiaojuzi's song? Play one and listen!"

"That's right, Yang Zi, you two have such a good relationship, don't say you don't have a sample!"

Yang Zi smiled wryly.

"To tell you the truth, I really don't have a sample in my hand."

He also asked Xiaojuzi for it at the time, but Xiaojuzi didn't give it to him in a daze, saying that he wanted a real friend to listen to it first, and then he could give it to him after he had heard it.

But wait, wait until today and there is no news.

"Everyone, let's wait until the evening. Although I haven't heard the demo, I can give you some news."

"The previous song [Liu Piao] is just an average song in Xiaojuzi's album this time."

Yang Zi unknowingly burst out another big melon.

As soon as these words came out, many tourists who were still concerned about who Brother Yuejiu and Sister Lele would give their recommendations to immediately focused their attention.

In the public screen area, there was another burst of exclamation marks expressing exclamation.

"If Xiaojuzi's album this time is really of this level, it won't be difficult to enter the entertainment circle, and even get a big position in the entertainment circle."

"That's right, I look forward to Xiaojuzi's appearance on variety shows."

Visitors in the live broadcast room nodded one after another.

The current entertainment industry is too impetuous, and there are not too many people with real strength in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention, Jay Chou and JJ who relied on album sales in the millennium are considered to be the peak, and Deng Ziqi and Zhou Shen who rose to the top after the millennium by relying on talent and variety shows such as Super Girl are considered to be the peak.

Furthermore, Huang Xiaoyun, Uncle Qi, and Ai Chen who have become popular during this period of time are considered to be the pinnacle of the new round.

As for the trainee Kun Kun packaged by an economic company, it's better not to release disgusting people.

The entire entertainment industry has been turned into a mess by these people.

The entertainment industry is huge, but there are only so many capable ones.

Xiaojuzi's singing skills are also constantly improving, and the unique high and low voice position has given Xiaojuzi unlimited possibilities. I believe that after a period of study, the level of a rising singer like Huang Xiaoyun will not be too far behind.

Strong strength, coupled with Brother Xiao Xiao pushing behind, it is only a matter of time before the little orange becomes popular.

Yang Zi also deeply agrees.

If Huya can emerge as a superstar, in his opinion, the possibility of Brother Li is very unlikely, and the only one who is most likely is Xiaojuzi!
This has nothing to do with other things, it can only be said that the talent of the voice.

Although Brother Li has become popular all over the Internet with one song, his voice is too unique. There is only one smoky voice, and many songs are not very pleasant to sing. Naturally, his development in the entertainment industry will be limited.

But the little orange is different.

With a high-pitched and low-pitched voice, coupled with Ke Yu Ke Tian's beautiful voice, even if some people say that Xiaojuzi can reach the height of Deng Ziqi in the future, not many people will object!

(End of this chapter)

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