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Chapter 277 Tonight I'm Xiao Xiao, I'm Little Orange's card!

Chapter 277 Tonight I'm Xiao Xiao, I'm Little Orange's card! (two-in-one 4000 chapters)

The event in early July was undoubtedly a complete victory for Lehua.

Chengshen recommended two, demigods recommended two, adding up to four.

On the other hand, Daheng's side is much worse. There are only two half-god recommendations, not even half of Lehua's.

Yang Zi is happy here, but Daheng's side is not very happy.

"These people are absolutely insane."

In the trade union office, Knife and Xiaofei sat together, looking helpless at the tens of thousands of Daheng fans who were making trouble on the platform.

In the past, it was okay to be scolded when I lost the event and went online, but since Brother Jiu spent a wave of consumption in the black screen of Brother Li’s live broadcast room last night, they just opened the live broadcast platform today, and saw tens of thousands of fans blacking out at them. The screen's live broadcast room sprayed wildly.

You can't escape online or offline.

They have nothing to do now, so they can only say hello to the trade union to relieve their anger.

The Daozi live broadcast room was better, but Xiaofei, as Daheng's first brother, had already flooded in with tens of thousands of tourists spouting all sorts of nasty things.

"Brother Hua."

Seeing Brother Hua walking in from the door, the two hurried forward to say hello.

Now that it has been hacked like this, whether it can still broadcast live this month depends on how the trade union will solve it.

Early in the morning, Brother Hua went to Huya to find connections, to see if he could add a few people to the event list.

Among other things, as long as two internal omni-channel recommendations of Huya can be added, this month will be able to pass.


Brother Hua patted Xiao Fei on the shoulder, with a smile on his face.


Xiaofei and Daozi were pleasantly surprised.

Brother Hua nodded.

When Brother Hua went there today, he didn't expect this problem to be solved so easily.

Brother Hua has relationships with several directors of Huya, but most of the decision-making power on Huya's side is in the hands of Vice President Du, the executive president. The directors of Huya cannot influence Vice President Du unless there are special circumstances. work decisions.

In the past few months, Huya's turnover tasks have been doubled, and they can't tell Vice President Du to wear small shoes at all, they can only watch Vice President Du make decisions.

In particular, Daheng and Vice President Du didn't deal with it. Brother Hua went there today with the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

But I didn't expect that just asking the director to pass a message to Vice President Du, Vice President Du readily agreed and sold him a face.

Brother Hua is a smart person, so he naturally knows what Vice President Du's willingness to agree means.

There is no absolute enemy in the market!
"Avoid the limelight for the past few days. I will arrange for second- and third-tier anchors to go online to distract the fans. You guys will take a few days off for a few days, and the fifth will contact you when the arrangements are almost ready."

"By the way, remember not to show off when you go out, the union won't save you if fans recognize you."

Brother Hua is in a good mood.

The fact that Vice President Du released this rumor meant that he was also on guard against Lehua.

This is good news for Daheng who has been suppressed by the platform.

"it is good."

The two looked at each other and agreed.

At Huya headquarters on the other side, Vice President Du was very helpless.

It wasn't because he wanted to suppress Lehua that he gave Daheng this chance, but because he really had no choice.

Although he had signed a contract with Huya, took over all the power, and said nothing in Huya, but this did not mean that he could escape the sophistication of the world.

When Daheng was strong before, he could still argue with reason, using the reason that Daheng was more harmful to the development of the platform to interrupt Daheng's willingness to go through the back door.

But now, Daheng has changed from a strong one to a balanced one, or even a weak one. At this time, if the shareholders ask him again, he has no reason to refuse.

In the final analysis, this company belongs to the shareholders, not to him.

Although the power is in his hands, there will always be a day when the contract expires, and he is still an outsider after all.

He still wanted to develop well in Huya, so naturally he didn't dare to offend people to death all at once.

If he can't refuse, it's better to distribute it generously, so as to sell the face of these shareholders, and if something goes wrong in the future, he can use it as an excuse.

Furthermore, according to Vice President Du’s consideration, Lehua’s position is a bit higher than Daheng’s in terms of operational concepts and anchor development. For the long-term development of the platform, the current concept of supporting Lehua cannot be changed.

But on the other hand, the introduction of new guilds is also imminent.

Only by intensifying platform competition can Huya's turnover increase.

Huya will be going public in a few months, and how many shares he can get from Huya depends on how much profit he can bring to Huya in the past few months.

As of now, the platform turnover in July is close to [-] million, which is two times higher than that in June.

Although these recommended positions cost a lot of money, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and the creation of a few superstars will benefit Huya's development a lot.

If the current situation continues, it will be absolutely no problem to get some equity incentives after listing.

"Lanlan, publish this supplementary note as well."

Vice President Du pushed the file over to Lanlan on the computer.

"Mr. Du, isn't the omnichannel in Huya the demigod's recommendation for this event? Why not merge and push it directly with this event?"

Lan Lan asked curiously.

"It's true to recommend the same, but this supplementary explanation must not coincide with this event. This reward must be named differently, and it can also convince the public."

"Occasionally, I have to do some tricks to sell dog meat."

Vice President Du smiled, a cunning flashed in his mind.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Lan Lan nodded and walked out of the room quickly.

She can roughly understand Vice President Du's considerations.

After all, the rewards for this event were set early on, and if you add a few more at this time, the audience will definitely not be convinced.

Even when the matter fermented, it was difficult for brother Xiao Xiao to talk about it.

But if there is a supplementary explanation, saying that it is a little compensation for other anchors, maybe it will have a better effect.

Five minutes later, a supplementary note about the event popped up again.

Many tourists who happened to be online clicked immediately.

"Respected tourists, dear anchors, in order to encourage more anchors who shine in this event, hereby issue the following reward recommendations."

"Lehua, Xiaojuzi: reward Huya for channel recommendations."

"Brother Li: reward Huya for channel recommendations."

"Daheng, Xiaofei: Reward Huya's internal channel recommendation."

"Yuehua, Yangqilan: Reward Huya's internal channel recommendation."

"Yuehua, Yangzi: Reward entertainment channels for omni-channel recommendations."

"Daheng: Knife: Reward entertainment channel omni-channel recommendation."

"Incentive reward?"

"This reward seems to be worse than the demigod's recommendation, right?"

"But that's right, after all, Little Orange and the others have made quite a few rankings, so it's not appropriate that they didn't miss anything."

For a while, the tourists agreed.

There are three anchors on Lehua's side, Xiaojuzi, Yangqilan and Yangzi.

Daheng also has three anchors, Xiaofei, Daozi, and Brother Li.

Three on one side is considered even.

The dissatisfied tourists in Daheng's live broadcast room with a black screen froze for a moment.

"The government is still quite face-saving."

"It's probably because Brother Jiu swiped too much this month but didn't get anything. The officials should find a way to compensate Brother Jiu."

Tourists in Daheng talked a lot.

Although they were very upset with the few anchors who lost the fight, most of the tourists were still convinced by Brother Jiu.

After all, we have to respect the figure of 7000 million.

Yang Zi was also a little surprised by this supplementary reward.

"This reward is mainly aimed at Daheng."

Yang Zi frowned.

The three anchors on Lehua's side are just incidental. This is obviously Huya's official compensation reward to Daheng's side, but it's just a different name.

"Three were given to both sides, and Vice President Du can be a man."

Thinking of this, Yang Zi laughed again.

Daheng probably also put in a lot of effort, and I'm afraid Huya's side also made Brother Hua bleed less.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Zhao Ning bought some food from the supermarket and brought the demo that was recorded yesterday.

"What is Zhao Keke doing recently? I haven't seen her for a long time."

Liu Xiao took a look, Zhao Keke, this follower, didn't come over.

"Some time ago, I asked her to do field control for me for a few days. This guy couldn't stay, and went out to travel with his classmates."

Zhao Ning put down the dish with a smile.

Zhao Keke's grades have come out, and it's no problem to go to school in the capital. His parents are away, and Zhao Keke has let go of playing recently, enjoying his last time in the local area.

After all, Liu Xiao had been a tutor for several months, so he was relieved to hear what Zhao Ning said.

"The ten songs here have all been recorded, listen to them first, and give me some advice by the way."

Zhao Ning handed the USB flash drive to Liu Xiao, her eyes full of anticipation.


"Should I be the first to hear your complete song?"

Zhao Ning glanced at Liu Xiao, then gave Liu Xiao a big white eye, and carried the dishes into the kitchen.

Liu Xiao looked at Zhao Ning's back in the kitchen and smiled, walked into the study and inserted the USB flash drive into the computer.

Except for Liu Piao, which I have already heard, the rest of the songs are new songs that I have never heard before.

Excluding Liu Piao, three original songs and six songs were written by other musicians.

Liu Xiao first clicked on the number one song [Fenghe].


Hearing the guzheng prelude, Liu Xiao was a little surprised.

Zhao Ning seldom sang ancient songs before this, Liu Xiao really did not expect Zhao Ning to write an ancient song.

After a short prelude, flute and pipa are added to the music, with a little piano mixed in.

Soon, Zhao Ning's voice came from the speaker.

"Floating fragrance circles the curved bank, and the round shadow covers the Huachi"


After a burst of lyrical ancient words, another period of drama was ushered in.

"I go!"

Liu Xiao glanced at the computer screen again in disbelief.

Words: Zhao Ning
Song: Zhao Ning
Accompaniment: Zhao Ning

Vocals: Zhao Ning

Song producer: Muzi Li
"It's really original, this song is amazing!"

Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning have also stayed together for a long time, so they naturally have some understanding of song appreciation.

It is no exaggeration to say that the drama Zhao Ning used just now is almost at the level of the national team!

Except for the few seniors in the music world who can count on one hand, there is almost no one better than Zhao Ning's ancient singing style!
The first sentence uses an ancient poem by Lu Zhaolin in the Tang Dynasty, which opens up the beautiful artistic conception at once.

Then there are a few inspiring modern poems, and then jump directly to the opera
The song goes up and down, almost using the transposition to the extreme.

It can be said that this beautiful song lyrics and Zhao Ning's strong singing skills, this song can definitely stand at the top!

After listening to it once, Liu Xiao was completely convinced.

If there is any recent song that can compare to this [Feng He], perhaps it is only [Chi Ling].

And it doesn't say who surpasses who, it can completely tie!
Thinking of this, Liu Xiao unconsciously admired Zhao Ning's talent.

Come to think of it, even if he didn't support Zhao Ning on Huya, with this strength, it would be a matter of time before he became popular, right?
I listened to a few more songs later, four original songs, except for this song [Fenghe] which is the peak, the other two songs are basically at the same level as [Liu Piao], and there is even a high-pitched song, similar to [Stars and Seas] ] This kind.

After listening to the other six songs produced by musicians, they were just barely enough to make up the numbers, but it was basically impossible to compare with Zhao Ning's four original songs.

"How about it."

Zhao Ning walked in with a smile, and looked at Liu Xiao who was focused.

"Really amazing."

Liu Xiao gave Zhao Ning a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart.

In just one month, four original songs.

This creative efficiency, although it can't compare with Jay Chou, a musical genius, is still one of the best in the entertainment industry.

Of course, the most important thing is that every song sounds good!
[Feng He] can be regarded as a classic, and the other three songs will definitely be popular for a while!
"When you release it on NetEase Cloud and QQ Music, I will definitely collect it as soon as possible."

"Then it's settled."

"By the way, are you going to charge for these songs?"

At the dining table, Liu Xiao asked curiously.

Zhao Ning shook her head first, then nodded.

"If it's free, you can vote on both platforms, but if you charge, you can only choose one platform to sign the contract."

"My plan is to go VIP. As long as you are a VIP user on both sides, you can listen to it for free. This way, you can also earn some income. It is my first step towards the entertainment industry."

Liu Xiao nodded.

"I suggest that you can also cooperate with short videos such as Douyin and Kuaishou to maximize the publicity."

"I think so too."

Zhao Ning smiled slightly.

Take the VIP route and sign a primary sharing contract, so as not to be monopolized by a single platform.

Although the income will be lower, Zhao Ning is not short of money now.

And if these songs can become popular, it is still very easy to earn 300 million points a month, which is enough for Zhao Ning to create new songs.

After all, the creation of musicians also requires money. From buying the copyright to producing a song, it costs at least more than [-] yuan.

Zhao Ning originally created these four songs. In order to pursue the ultimate sound effect, the five-day recording studio spent more than 40 yuan.

Some singers who choose songs for free forever, either take advertising traffic share, or hold concerts or go to variety shows to get money.

For example, Xu Song or Xue Zhiqian have their own income channels.

After all, there are still a small number of people who rely on their feelings to create. These days, even doing public welfare requires a lot of money.

Simply ate a meal.

At six o'clock in the evening, Zhao Ning returned home and went online on the live broadcast platform on time.

At the same time, Liu Xiao logged into Huya's platform and entered Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room.

did not say.

He Xiao Xiao, tonight is Little Orange's card!

 Thanks for the 2600 book coins reward from [Child Watching Stars]!Thank you, big brother, big brother Niubi!

  Thank you [Little Lover] for the reward of 1200 book coins!

  Thank you [(smiling face) 24] for the reward of 100 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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