Chapter 278

"Wow, it's been a day since Little Orange Pigeon aired again, Brother Xiao Xiao has come to sit here in person!"

"Little Orange, there is really no one else!"

Seeing Xiaojuzi and Brother Xiao Xiao go online at the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room was amazed.

Everyone knows Brother Xiao Xiao's character, he is the kind who never makes a move until the last moment.

Of course, in the eyes of most people, Brother Xiao Xiao should be busy with other things. After all, he is a big boss with a net worth of at least [-] billion or more. It is not easy to spare a little time to watch live broadcasts.

Just a few days ago when I was playing activities, Brother Xiao Xiao had a little more time online, playing four or five games in the game area at noon and so on.

But like Xiaojuzi, Brother Xiao Xiao came to sit in the town just after the broadcast, there really isn't a single one!

Little Orange was also flattered.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao, and welcome all fans to enter the live broadcast room."

"I heard from Yang Zi that a new song is going to be released today, come over and sign up for the meeting to listen to the song."

Liu Xiao typed a barrage on the public screen.

Then, another series of treasure map combos.

"Looking at brother Xiao Xiao's attitude, the recommendation in his hand must be for Xiaojuzi."

"It goes without saying, who doesn't know that brother Xiao Xiao is the exclusive eldest brother of Xiaojuzi?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is probably announcing this when he went online today. With the release of a new song by Xiaojuzi and the blockade of the entire network, Huya is really going to produce a superstar!"

For a while, all the tourists, countless anchors, and the management of the small guild all sighed.

In terms of star-making ability, Douyu is the strongest platform.

The [-]-[-] in the League of Legends area, Xu Xu Baobao in the DNF tainted milk powder, Fafajie and Xiao Leng in the entertainment area are all phenomenal celebrity anchors.

Although Huya has been catching up recently, the star-making project has just begun after all, and there is not a single anchor on the entire platform that is as popular as the star anchor of Douyu.

Although Huya has caught up with Douyu in popularity and surpassed Douyu in terms of revenue, the big anchors are still not as good as them.

And the rise of Xiaojuzi has made everyone see the hope of truly surpassing Douyu in all aspects.

Just like gamers want their games to be number one in the world, tourists watching live broadcasts also want their favorite live broadcast platform to be number one!

I believe that with Huya's official all-network and omni-channel publicity and the support of Brother Xiao Xiao, Xiaojuzi can at least reach the level of a second-tier star. If there are one or two signature songs, such as Sister Fafa's "Tonghua Town" It's not impossible to reach the level of a first-line star with the appearance of a popular phenomenon-level song!
Liu Xiao looked at the tens of thousands of barrage comments, smiled and said nothing.

Indeed, as the audience said, this recommendation opportunity in his hand is really reserved for Zhao Ning.

The whole network is blocked and tweeted together with Zhao Ning's new song, it will definitely send Zhao Ning into the entertainment circle in one fell swoop!

"I wanted to keep it in suspense, but I didn't expect Yang Zi to expose it to me in the morning."

Zhao Ning adjusted the microphone, adjusted the microphone to the best condition, and said with a smile.

It’s true that real singers don’t need a sound card to sing, but the live broadcast is not a concert. It’s really tiring to sing with full voice. The use of a sound card is not to make the singing sound better, but to use the automatic tuning function to cover up some mistakes.

After all, the anchor needs to sing with high intensity every day. If every song is sung at its peak state, it will be abolished within two days.

Although Xiaojuzi also pursues music quality, she also understands this truth. Recording songs is different from live live.

The new song is released tonight, and the live broadcast will last at least five or six hours. She thinks that she can't sing at high intensity for four or five hours.

Most of the viewers who watched the live broadcast were not so hypocritical, and the sound from the sound card was better, and the sound was more enjoyable. Naturally, no one would be so serious.

Everyone is looking forward to what work Little Orange will present tonight.

Suddenly, two names popped up from the VIP seat in the live broadcast room.

"Welcome President Du, welcome Lanlan!"

Little Orange hastily welcomed her.

"Good afternoon Xiao Xiao, good afternoon everyone."

Vice President Du smiled and greeted in the live broadcast room, and sent out two treasure maps by the way.

"Good afternoon, brother Xiao Xiao." Lanlan followed closely behind, and also sent two treasure maps.

"good afternoon."

Liu Xiao was slightly surprised.

It's normal for Lanlan to come here, but it's a bit strange for Vice President Du to come here. It stands to reason that even if he came, he should go to the No.1 bald live broadcast.

"Little Juzi released a new song today. I happened to have nothing to do, so I planned to come over to see the new song's debut. The previous song [Liu Piao] was a single that I had been repeating for several days."

Vice President Du posted another barrage to explain.

"I didn't expect Mr. Du to be a fan of Little Orange."

"With the backstage of the president, the little orange is not invincible on the live broadcast platform. In the future, I recommend walking everywhere?"

"Hahaha, little orange beep, Mr. Du has been attracted to fans!"

Seeing Vice President Du's speech, tourists typed and laughed.

Vice President Du also chose a few bullet screens to reply on the public screen.

On the other side, Vice President Du was observing brother Xiao Xiao's reaction.

When he saw that brother Xiao Xiao didn't show any anger when he saw him, he was completely relieved.

Although Lehua was also involved in the thing recommended to Daheng in the morning, the audience couldn't see it. The trade union management and Xiao Xiaoge's arrogance must be able to see it. This incident must have wronged Lehua.

After all, they won the Lehua event and got four big pushes.

Then Daheng lost the event. Originally, he could only get two, but now he insisted on adding three recommendation slots.

Although it seems that everyone has more recommended places, this clearly reduces the gap between Daheng and Lehua.

Brother Xiao Xiao paid so much money, it's hard to guarantee that he won't have a problem with them.

In Vice President Du's mind, brother Xiao Xiao's strategic positioning as Huya's No. [-] godly hero absolutely cannot be changed.

Even if you want to bring in a few more trade unions in the future, you can't abandon this strategic core.

Vice President Du knew very well that without brother Xiao Xiao, Hu Ya's activity would have to be reduced by at least half!
Liu Xiao didn't know what Vice President Du was thinking.

In fact, Liu Xiao didn't pay too much attention to Daheng.

Even if Daheng gave him a trick last night to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, and divert the tiger away from the mountain, Liu Xiao actually didn't care too much.

In Liu Xiao's view, this actually brought him more fun.

I'm really not happy playing in Huya, at worst, I will continue to play on another platform.

Douyu, Douyin, Kuaishou, Panda, Quanmin.
Even peppers with a bit of color can occasionally be sneaked by a person to play with.

On this point, Vice President Du thought too much on his own, and took the platform decision too seriously.

The activities and things he launched are just to add some fun.

He didn't understand that when the strength reached a certain level, he would no longer be bound by the rules.

For example, Liu Xiao is still making rules!

(End of this chapter)

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