Chapter 280 Phenomenon level!
"Brother Xiao Xiao is domineering!"


As soon as Liu Xiao said these words, the tourists were immediately excited.

"The second song is [Liu Piao] which I sang before. As one of the main songs of the album, I will sing it again today."

Little Orange sang very steadily, but not at a slow pace.

The average length of a song is three and a half minutes, and each song is separated by a few minutes to listen to the opinions of fans and then drink water to slow down the throat. At eight o'clock in the evening, all the first nine songs were sung, and only the last one was left. The song [Feng He] at the bottom of the box.

"666, is Little Orange going to reach the pinnacle of the Chinese music scene?"

"Can you believe it, the worst of these nine songs is actually the first one!"

"The last time I listened to a song on QQ Music, it was about the same level as Xiaojuzi's first song Dream Awakening, with more than 1 comments and 100 million+ favorites!"

"It's too fierce, too fierce, I really look forward to Xiaojuzi's debut."

Almost all the audience in the live broadcast room were captivated by the nine songs of Xiaojuzi.

Of course, in addition to the songs being good, being loved by so many fans is also related to the types of these nine songs.

Almost every song represents a different genre, and every song has a different meaning.

With a mix of many aspects, most tourists can find one or several songs they like.

"I don't know what kind of song this last one is."

"I reckon it might be electronic music or something. Little Orange is quite good at love songs and electronic music."

"But this should be the bottom song of Xiaojuzi. I'm afraid it's better than the previous songs."

"Little Juzi must have told Brother Xiao Xiao in advance, Brother Xiao Xiao has been scrolling through the treasure map for a while and has not said a word."

The tourists in the live broadcast room sighed for a while, expressing their real-name envy to Brother Xiao Xiao.

Earlier Yang Zi said that Little Juzi had to let someone listen to the song in advance, but most people can actually think of it as Brother Xiao Xiao.

After all, brother Xiao Xiao bought so many gifts in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, it is not an exaggeration to say that Xiaojuzi was picked up by brother Xiaoxiao.

Furthermore, Brother Xiao Xiao was able to go online so early today, he must have gotten through with Xiaojuzi in advance.

"However, Brother Xiao Xiao may make a big move tonight, every time Brother Xiao Xiao goes online is unusual."

Liu Xiao looked at the public screen in the live broadcast room full of barrages with real names envious of him, and couldn't laugh or cry.

Although this is not the case, these audiences guessed correctly by mistakenly knocking down.

He did listen to Xiaojuzi's song in advance, but not because he is Brother Xiao Xiao on the platform, but because he and Xiaojuzi are real friends.

At the same time, Liu Xiao also faintly looked forward to it.

Feng He's song, in the recent music environment, is definitely considered an excellent category. Such a good song, I don't know what kind of excitement it can cause in this live broadcast room with tens of thousands of people today. reaction.

"The next song is an ancient song called [Feng He]."

Little Orange smiled.

Before the tourists in the live broadcast room discussed it, the guzheng prelude sounded slowly.

The house that Liu Xiao rented was of the highest quality hardcover, and the sound quality of the TV was excellent.

As soon as Xiaojuzi opened his mouth, the surround sound immediately lingered in the entire living room, with a slightly low-pitched antiquity prelude, and just one sentence is addictive.

The live broadcast room became even more silent, with only a few sporadic barrage scrolling on the public screen.

Soon after the prelude passed, Xiaojuzi took a breath and formally sang the opera.

Soon, a section of drama ended, and the song officially entered the chorus.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also began to increase slowly.

"Who can tell me when Xiaojuzi will be able to sing? Isn't Xiaojuzi always singing pop songs?"

"My God, this drama is absolutely amazing!"

"Ahhh, it sounds good, it sounds so good!"

"I didn't expect that there was a song [Chi Ling] that became popular two days ago, and today I can hear a song that is not bad at all. The name of the song in the upper right corner is called [Feng He]?"

"The wind and rain are coming and the dream is going, the country is peaceful and the people are playing the mountains and rivers, the fragrance is lingering around the banks, and the round shadow covers the Huachi. This is the most beautiful ancient lyrics I have heard except Chi Ling!"

Three and a half minutes of the song is not too long, and as the chorus slowly ended, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded more and more.

The number of barrage almost doubled at the end of the song!
"I just came to the live broadcast platform today to listen to songs, but I didn't expect to hear such a nice song."

"As a professional musician, I can affirm that the song "Little Orange" is almost one of the best in the current Gufeng Mandarin, but the live version is not so perfect after all, it depends on the performance of Little Orange in the recording studio. That's it."

"Is it officially going online at [-] o'clock tonight? I've decided. I'll stay here tonight!"

For a while, even some Daheng tourists who came to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room to snipe and intentionally sprayed were attracted fans.

They originally planned to run away after swearing at Xiaojuzi, but the barrage suddenly became all 666, and their fingers were taken away from the exit button.

Xiaojuzi looked at the barrage feedback in the live broadcast room, and her eyes were full of beautiful crescent moons.

When I was doing live broadcasting, one reason was that Lehua gave me a lot of basic salary, and the other was because I wanted to use live broadcasting to make music, and it would be best to make my debut from live broadcasting.

Now, just over two months later, one dream has come true, and the other is about to come true.

Of course, as a relatively professional singer, being recognized by the audience is the greatest recognition for her.

This point, no one is more touched than her live broadcast.

The tens of thousands of bullet screens in the live broadcast room are the best compliment to her!

"Little Orange, if I see this album, don't play it again in the early morning, how about uploading it now?"

Liu Xiao typed on the public screen.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is right, for me to review QQ Music and NetEase Cloud, I guarantee that your album will be released within 10 minutes!"

Vice President Du also took care of everything, his eyes were burning.

If Xiaojuzi's nine songs before made him see the hope of Xiaojuzi's rise, then this last ancient song [Fenghe] made him see Huya's real front partner!
At this moment, all trade union competition and turnover improvement were thrown aside by Vice President Du.

As a veteran manager, his sensitivity to entertainment is extremely high.

In his opinion, the song [Feng He] is truly phenomenal!

As long as it is released, it will inevitably arouse heated discussions among the people.

And Little Orange will inevitably sweep the homepages of major entertainment platforms across the country in a short period of time.

Coupled with the omni-channel recommendation of this event, if it works well, Huya can even create a superstar this time who is several times more enchanting than Baby Douyu Xu Xu and Sister Fafa!

(End of this chapter)

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