Chapter 281 Total bonus: [-] million!

Brother Xiao Xiao and Vice President Du spoke one after another, and the tourists in the live broadcast room even frantically echoed.

The most uncomfortable distance is not the sky and the sea, but the song is in your hands, but I can't hear it.

There are currently 80 million viewers in the live broadcast room, and now at least half of them want to repeat this song [Feng He] endlessly!
This is a classic that can be passed down for ten years, or even more than ten years.

And with Xiaojuzi's unique voice and national team-level singing skills, I am afraid that there will be almost no singers who can surpass Xiaojuzi's original singing.

Just like Deng Ziqi's [Bubble], Jay Chou's [Huo Yuanjia], it is unsurpassed!

These people, as witnesses of the birth of this song, will probably blow it in front of relatives and friends in the future.

"Little Orange, hurry up and release the song. Mr. Du has promised so much. If Mr. Du can't do it, he will be cut off!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is great, upload it quickly, even if it costs ten yuan a song, I will recognize it!"

"Can't this song be free?"

"Upstairs, hurry up and down, you go to the platform to see, which good song is free, and Jay Chou's new song costs three yuan."

Little Orange originally planned to sing it again from beginning to end.

After all, from the beginning of the broadcast to the present, all the songs have only been sung once. Tonight, her plan is to sing at least three times, and even the song "Fenghe" may have to be sung five or six times.

But she really didn't think about releasing songs in advance.

But now that Brother Xiao Xiao had already spoken, she was too embarrassed to dismiss Brother Xiao Xiao's intentions.

After all, from the start of the broadcast to the present, Brother Xiao Xiao has almost earned 500 million views.

At the same time, Sister Feifei and Yang Zi were also frantically sending her messages on WeChat.

They all knew that Xiaojuzi released a new song tonight, but they didn't expect Xiaojuzi to be so fierce.

Presenting a new song of this level in a live broadcast is simply going to heaven!
"Then listen to Brother Xiao Xiao and send it now."

Little Orange nodded with a smile.

"Don't worry, little orange, 10 minutes is 10 minutes."

Vice President Du sent a smug expression to interact with the audience, and then went offline directly.

Having been in this circle for so long, Vice President Du naturally has his own information channels.

The song that would have taken two to three hours to review was approved by Vice President Du in just 5 minutes, and Vice President Du directly used resources to buy two big cover recommendations.

Two music platforms, QQ Music and Netease Cloud, took seven to eight minutes to directly produce two song posters, which were directly hung on the first position of the homepage of the platform!

"Damn it, Mr. Du is awesome!"

"I just clicked into QQ Music to search for songs, but do you know what I saw?"

"Wori, is President Du still serving as the president of Netease Cloud? It's only been a few minutes. Is it that scary?"

The current development of Kugou Music is pretty good, but after all, it is not as good as the emerging multimedia music platform, QQ Music and NetEase Cloud.

Therefore, the number of users of these two platforms is also the largest, and QQ Music is the leader among them.

Many tourists who just clicked into the music platform and planned to see if Xiaojuzi's album was available, saw the big recommendation slot on the homepage at a glance.

Although the banner is still a little rough due to the production time, and I don't even know which banner screen has been used for the song, but the two big characters on the top are unmistakable.


All of a sudden, the tourists who had just slipped away from the live broadcast room came back one after another.

As soon as he entered the live broadcast room, he saw Vice President Du's ID hanging on the VIP seat of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room.

"I didn't expect Vice President Du to be King B."

Liu Xiao glanced at the barrage with some displeasure.

Vice President Du's beeping was a bit too much.

The most important thing is that in order to play this beep, they were able to have such a big fight with QQ Music and Netease Cloud Music officials in just a few minutes.

You know, even if you make two phone calls with the high-level executives of both parties, it will take two to three minutes, right?

Seeing Vice President Du laughing and interacting with the audience on the bullet screen to attract fans, Liu Xiao seemed to understand the thoughts of Brother Jiu and Brother Hua at Daheng.

What a shame!

Of course, Liu Xiao didn't come here today just to scan the treasure map, and he is not Brother Jiu.

"Lanlan, turn on the mute for everyone."

Liu Xiao tapped Lanlan on the public screen.

The huge font of Super God Emperor suddenly lit up in the live broadcast room, and the big words "First Shenhao" attracted the attention of countless tourists.

Vice President Du, who was experiencing the joy of pretending to beep, froze for a moment.

In the office, Vice President Du smiled awkwardly at Lanlan.

It stands to reason that with his mentality and the city government, he shouldn't pretend to be like this in the live broadcast room.

But I don’t know why, every time I appear in the same live broadcast room with Brother Xiao Xiao and see Brother Xiao Xiao pretending to beep, there will always be an evil fire in his body. The limelight was stolen.

He can make QQ Music and Netease Cloud upload banners within 10 minutes, can't a business tycoon like Brother Xiao Xiao not do it?

He rushed to do what Brother Xiao Xiao was going to do, and pretended to be what Brother Xiao Xiao wanted to pretend!
Thinking of this, Vice President Du's neck suddenly felt cold.

"Open the ban."

Vice President Du glanced at Lanlan and nodded at Lanlan.

If other Shenhao said to silence all members in the live broadcast room, Vice President Du would not even think about it.

But if it's brother Xiao Xiao.
He just wanted to say. . .

You can drive it as long as you want!
Anyway, when brother Xiao Xiao spoke, there would be no objection from the audience, so he took advantage of this opportunity to ask Brother Xiao Xiao to take B back.

Lan Lan nodded, right-clicked on the page, and directly opened the mode of all staff muting, and then unmuted Brother Xiao Xiao only.

Immediately, the hundreds of thousands of bullet screens per second in the live broadcast room all disappeared.

Vice President Du heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that all the public screens had been cleared, and only brother Xiao Xiao, the Super God Emperor, was left with the barrage.

He, Deputy Du, is always so fierce that he can make two music platforms hang banners.

But now, Brother Xiao Xiao said that he, a fierce man, had to be obedient. Doesn't that prove that Brother Xiao Xiao is more fierce?

This time, I returned B to Brother Xiao Xiao.

Countless viewers who were muted did not feel any discomfort.

They all know what brother Xiao Xiao is like. If Brother Xiao Xiao wants to do this now, he must have something important to announce.

Although hundreds of thousands of tourists could not speak, they still watched the public screen of the live broadcast room with full expectation.

Liu Xiao looked at the public screen area and nodded in satisfaction.

Although Vice President Du took the top spot, his style of being the number one hero is still there.

Liu Xiao didn't just pretend to beep, he really had something to announce.

Last month, the SOLO competition was held in the League of Legends area. At that time, I also thought about holding a game in the Xingxiu area, but it was temporarily delayed due to time problems.

Today, Xiaojuzi released a new song, taking advantage of this opportunity to come up with it.

Liu Xiao organized his wording, and then spoke on the public screen:

"Starting tomorrow, I will hold a talent competition in the entertainment area, and all anchors with skills can participate."

"Total bonus: [-] million!"

 Thank you guys for your rewards, I will make up for yesterday's update in the past few days.

  Wedding photos are a real waste of a man to take.


(End of this chapter)

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