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Chapter 282 Talent competition, a 1 million event!

Chapter 282 Talent competition, a 4200 million event! ([-] word chapter)
As soon as Liu Xiao said this, although the live broadcast room was still muted, most of the tourists were still excited, sending messages frantically in the fan group one by one, full of excitement.

Brother Xiao Xiao held a wave of solo competitions in the game area last month. Most of the fans of Star Show couldn’t participate.

Brother Xiao Xiao has already said that any anchor with a skill can participate. Compared with a single League of Legends competition, the scope is wider.

Dancing, singing, rapping, even some alternative big eaters, fast drinks and other talents can all participate!

As long as the talent is shocking enough, you can sign up online.

It doesn't matter if you are not an anchor. Now registering an anchor is very simple and can be done within 10 minutes.

Vice President Du was even more shocked when he saw the bullet screen played by brother Xiao Xiao.

"As expected of Xiao Xiao."

Vice President Du looked at Lanlan next to him and said with emotion.

Last month, they only invested 4000 million yuan to set up a solo competition in the game area, and this month they will invest another [-] million yuan to set up a talent competition in the star show area.

Although [-] million is not much compared to their Huya's turnover, their Huya's turnover is all fake, and the money that Xiao Xiao's took out is all real!

In July, Huya’s total water flow was [-] to [-] million, which seems to be a lot, but overall the water is still very serious.

9000% cashback for renewals above the Emperor level. For the [-] million turnover, the [-] million cashback quota has to be removed first.

Secondly, so many running water tiger buds can only be divided into [-]%, and if they are cut in half, there will be [-] million left in their hands.

Two full-network and omni-channel recommendations, not to mention some self-owned platform recommendations, just the money for cooperative platforms, one recommendation is 5000 million.

The cost of publicity and capital for each of the four stations is at least 2000 million.

Coupled with the organization of the event, the rendering of the promotional animation, etc., so much money is simply not considered.

You should know that animation rendering billing is calculated in seconds!
Last month, in order to make the promotional animation of League of Legends "Sword Girl" for the solo competition held by Xiao Xiao, several million funds were spent in just ten seconds.

Doing special effects is burning money!
And this month's Super God Emperor special effects, as well as the exclusive appearance animation of Brother Xiao Xiao's No. 5000 Shenhao, including the page rendering of the event, these bits and pieces add up to at least [-] million or more.

2.5 million turnover, less than [-] million yuan actually fell into the pocket.

This is not yet final billing data.

As an entertainment company, the tax paid is 40.00% five, which is the same as the big sister Bingbing who evaded taxes.

2.5 million, you have to pay a tax of 1000 million!

In the end, the ones that can fall into the hands are only in the early [-] million.

That's not counting the salaries of Huya's internal staff. The top talents in the technical department can earn as little as [-] yuan a month.

The commission of the marketing department, the wages of super management, the rental fee of the background server, and the rent of the building
This is because he earned a little more this month, and vice president Du dared to spend so much money, but in the end, he couldn't give anything away.

But for the development of the Huya platform, the money is still necessary.

This is also the reason why Huya has been losing money for consecutive months. It is good to have a high turnover, but the consumption is also high!

As far as the current development model is concerned, shareholders still need to continue to inject capital into it to maintain it.

Therefore, Vice President Du did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Only when Huya is officially listed, can it make a lot of money with the financing of shareholders!

Now there is such a fierce person as Brother Xiao Xiao, who can hold an event in Huya without them paying a penny.

Vice President Du said he was unhappy, that must be a lie.

"Lanlan, notify the technical department immediately. Today's get off work will be postponed, and the overtime pay will be three times the usual rate. If you have to work overnight, the overtime pay will be five times."

"Keep an eye on Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room throughout the whole process. As soon as Brother Xiao Xiao shows his intentions, he will immediately draft the event regulations, and then ask the technical department to release a promotional video as soon as possible!"

Vice President Du clenched his fists hard, his eyes full of excitement.

As long as this event organized by Brother Xiao Xiao can be successfully held, coupled with the omni-channel recommendation of this month's event, I am afraid that their popularity in Huya will be pushed to the top immediately.

Not to mention surpassing Douyu, but there is no problem surpassing the old platform yy, which has been declining day by day.

Vice President Du seems to have imagined the crazy stockholders after the listing.

Lan Lan nodded again and again, took out her mobile phone to contact.

In addition to being Brother Xiao Xiao's account manager, she is also Vice President Du's assistant. She has been in contact with Huya's affairs, big and small, recently.

However, the project department has a lot of contact with their marketing department, and some things are easier to say.

Seeing the atmosphere in the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao was also happy.

"First of all, it is the distribution of rewards for this event."

Liu Xiao cheerfully spoke in the live broadcast room.

Everyone's spirits were shocked.

As today's main coffee, Xiaojuzi also looked at the public screen seriously.

Liu Xiao continued typing:

"No.1: Bonus 5000 million."

"No.2: Bonus 2000 million, No.3: Bonus 1000 million."

"Then the remaining 2000 million will be divided into ten shares of 200 million. In addition to the top three, 10 will be selected again, and each will be rewarded with 200 million."

After saying this, Liu Xiao privately sent a message to Lanlan, indicating that Lanlan can unmute everyone.

As soon as the ban was opened, the entire public screen suddenly exploded.

"My God, No. 15000 million bonus, 5000 million!"

"If I can get in the top three, I don't have to do anything in my life!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible, brother Xiao Xiao is awesome!"

Hundreds of thousands of visitors in the live broadcast room continued to click on the barrage, even crazier than when they drew millions.

Although the official activities held by Huya are not small, they are not as scary as the cash rewards.

As long as you can get No.1 in the activities held by brother Xiao Xiao, you can basically say goodbye to struggle for the rest of your life.

Last month, the game area was not too obvious, but this month, the total prize money set by brother Xiao Xiao is more than double that of the solo competition!

No one doubted whether brother Xiao Xiao could give out the prize.

As long as Brother Xiao Xiao promised, there hasn't been a single thing that hasn't been fulfilled so far!
In Huya, brother Xiao Xiao even has a better reputation than the four big banks.

This is the image Xiao Xiaoge created in two months.

Two words, invincible!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, our Huya technical department can do publicity and renderings, so I don't want this old face. This event brings Junjie to help out."

Vice President Du spoke on the public screen.

Junjie is a well-deserved leader in the Chinese music circle. He is known as the walking DJ, and he can be regarded as the pinnacle of the Chinese pop music scene.

If you want to invite Junjie with money, even if you connect online, I am afraid that after an event, the appearance fee will be at least 5000 to [-] million.

Huya definitely can't afford the money, but Vice President Du and Junjie have a little friendship, and the relationship between each other is not bad. Vice President Du believes that with his old face, he can still attract Junjie for a game or two .

Not to mention the auditions, it's still possible to pull over to make up the number in the finals!
When Liu Xiao saw Vice President Du's barrage, his eyes lit up.

As a post-[-]s generation, he naturally knows Jay Chou and Junjie very well.

From 2004 to 2012, this was the era when a hundred schools of thought were contending in the Chinese music scene. The gods of song praised by the market could not be compared with the current small fresh meat.

There are only a few of them standing at the top!

Although Liu Xiao often had to work part-time to supplement his living as a student, this did not hinder his love of music.

Jay Chou's Qilixiang, Junjie's Red Dust Inn, Xu Song's Broken Bridge and Remnant Snow, Wang Sulong's Unbreakable Love, Xin Orchestra's Heaven and Earth, and Wang Dongcheng's Enough Love.
"That's perfectly fine."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile, but secretly lamented Vice President Du's beeping in his heart.

As expected of being in the entertainment industry, not only the music platform can get such a strong relationship, but now even Junjie can be invited.

Even if you only participated in one or two live broadcasts, that is a terrifying network.

Most celebrities are actually unwilling to confuse themselves with Internet celebrities. Vice President Du can do this, he is indeed a fierce person.

"By the way, there are no judges in this competition, and it all depends on audience voting. As long as the talent is good enough, it will naturally stand out."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, how about I build a new live broadcast room here, find one or two hosts to host, and all viewers can go to watch the live broadcast."

Vice President Du saw Brother Xiao Xiao saying that, and quickly added.

Lanlan next to him looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, feeling a little contemptuous of Vice President Du in his heart.

Two days ago, I was still thinking about how to introduce a new guild to find an opponent for brother Xiao Xiao, but this dog-licking appearance is even more extreme than her professional business manager.

"It's no wonder that Vice President Du can climb to this position, it's a skill."

Lan Lan secretly shook her head, planning to learn a lot.

Although he is just a small assistant now, what if one day he is favored by the directors and becomes a manager?

Now in the workplace, licking dogs is the most popular!

It was because Guo'er couldn't lick that Vice President Du put him in the office to look at the tables, chairs and benches. She Lan Lan was not stupid, so she naturally wanted to hug Brother Xiao Xiao and Vice President Du's thighs tightly.

After thinking about it, Lanlan also posted a barrage on the public screen.

"The live broadcast room has been opened, Brother Xiao Xiao, tell me what you want to use."

Liu Xiao was really surprised at this meeting, but after thinking about it, he took it for granted.

Although the main purpose of his holding such a competition is to promote the little oranges, he must also promote the Huya platform along the way.

He invested [-] million yuan, and Huya didn't pay much, so Vice President Du was naturally willing to cooperate.

Liu Xiao thought about it carefully.

For the fairness of the game, it is still necessary to open a new live broadcast room.

As long as the popularity of this live broadcast room is high enough, then most anchors on the platform will have less bonus to them from their own popularity, so that the competition will be more fair.

Of course, absolute fairness is certainly impossible.

Popular super anchors like Xiaojuzi and Baldy naturally had the upper hand.

But it is undeniable that this event will definitely give many truly talented anchors a chance to be exposed.

Even if it doesn't get the ranking, as long as it is exposed in front of many tourists this time, it goes without saying about its future development.

As for who is No.1.
Liu Xiao smiled slightly.

Isn't it simple to set a No. 1 in the competition held by yourself?

What's more, even if I don't make an official decision, with the strength and songs that Xiaojuzi showed tonight, it is quite possible to get No. 1, right?
As for the anchor on Daheng's side, let alone.

He can even decide No.1 by default, isn't it easy to find a reason to eliminate a few anchors in the middle?

Even if it's unfair to do so, since it's an anchor like Daheng
You know everything.

"I don't have professional talents here, so I'll trouble Mr. Du and Lan Lan."

Liu Xiao replied on the public screen.

After all, President Du and Lanlan plan more activities, and it is more interesting to talk about how to organize the activities, but they are much better than him, a layman.

Moreover, the few opinions put forward by Vice President Du just now, after careful consideration, are actually very good.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's cards are really good. If there is an event, Mr. Du has to cooperate."

"That must be awesome. Brother Xiao Xiao's participation in the event will greatly increase Huya's popularity. Mr. Du is also helping himself by doing this."

"According to Brother Xiao Xiao's speed, the event should officially start by this time tomorrow, right?"

"I don't know how many anchors will sign up this month, look forward to it!"

Brother Xiao Xiao and Vice President Du interacted on the public screen, and tourists in the live broadcast room can naturally see it, and they have a general impression of the event plan.

Brother Xiao Xiao sits in the manor, and Hu Ya officially works as a coolie.

Sister Feifei, who has been following Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room, naturally noticed this at the first time.

"Notify all anchors of this matter immediately, and all who can sign up."

"Brother Xiao Xiao's event, if we can get a few rankings, the reputation of our trade union will definitely increase!"

Sister Feifei said excitedly.

As Xiao Xiaoge's direct labor union on the Huya platform, Lehua must have an advantage in participating in this kind of activity.

And this month, Huya's official event is over, and the rest is to go through the recommendation process. Most of the anchors don't have any arrangements, so they just go through the event process of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Sister Feifei calculated the sum carefully again, thinking about whose talent would be better among so many anchors under her command.

Compared with Lehua's excitement, Brother Hua's face turned dark.

"This Xiao Xiao, he is taking every step of the way, and he is too willing to invest."

The fifth child sighed helplessly.

Having dealt with Xiao Xiao so many times, how could he still not understand why Xiao Xiao wants to engage in this activity now?
If the solo event in the game area last month was to unify the game area, then the star show event this month is for the star show area!
The fifth child also knows that the anchor Xiao Xiao will eventually support in this event is Xiaojuzi.

The omni-channel recommendation of the Huya platform plus this activity is enough to hold Xiaojuzi to a very high position.

"Xiao Xiao's wave of investment is very in line with his style. Taking advantage of the victory to pursue the pursuit, this is to completely kill us Daheng."

Brother Jiu stood aside with his arms folded, thoughtful.

"All navy accounts are used."

"Didn't Xiao Xiao say that we can't let Daheng's anchors participate in the competition? Then let all the talented anchors of our union participate in the competition and show their best talents."

"Let Xiao Xiao do the shady things. As long as our anchor of Daheng shows all his real talents, and he is eliminated innocently, I don't believe he can withstand the insults of so many viewers."

Brother Hua slapped the table heavily.

They have plenty of talented anchors in Daheng!
Whether it is singing or dancing talk show, you can be proud of the whole Huya.

If Xiao Xiao doesn't engage in shady affairs, then let their anchor of Daheng win awards and increase his popularity.

If Xiao Xiao chooses to engage in shady activities to eliminate their Daheng anchor.
"I don't believe that the spittle of hundreds of thousands of tourists in Daheng can't drown a Xiao Xiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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