Chapter 283 Event Planning! (4200 chapters)

"By the way, there is also my No.7 in the Road to Super God event in July. Is there a referral reward?"

Liu Xiao asked.

"Of course, Brother Xiao Xiao, you can designate an anchor at will, and we, Huya, will recommend this anchor across the entire network and channels."

Vice President Du made three bowing expressions again, and the audience was overjoyed.

"I recommend this position to Xiaojuzi, Xiaojuzi has a new song this month, just right."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

"666, brother Xiao Xiao really recommended this to Xiaojuzi."

"Yang Zi's guess is really accurate, Brother Xiao Xiao is really kind to Little Juzi."

"The talent competition organized by brother Xiao Xiao this time is probably also for Xiaojuzi's new song, right?"

As soon as Brother Xiao Xiao said this, the tourists who had guessed for a long time understood it immediately, and the die-hard fans of Little Orange cheered even more.

Huya live broadcast, it is really possible that a real superstar will appear!

Brother Li has to stand aside!
"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, from tomorrow onwards, Huya's recommendations will be available one after another."

Vice President Du replied with a smile, but he was thinking about whether to put Xiaojuzi's recommendation in the front row.

Originally, according to Huya's recommendation order, the first wave of network-wide recommendations starting tomorrow should be for the number one bald man, followed by the anchor designated by brother Xiao Xiao.

But tonight, Xiaojuzi released ten such high-quality songs, if you don't make good use of them, you will be too sorry for this wave of popularity.

With Huya's entire network being blocked and Brother Xiao Xiao's event, it may be possible to create a top traffic star similar to that of Douyu!

Liu Xiao went offline after playing for a while.

The task of supporting Xiaojuzi has been completed, and the Taobao store has also entered a critical moment.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao called Qu Yue again, planning to discuss the income of the online store again. It would be best to complete the accumulation of funds within a few weeks and upgrade the system to a higher level.

As soon as Brother Xiao Xiao left, Vice President Du and Lanlan naturally followed suit.

The water friend who was still a little depressed was completely let go now.

"Do it again [Feng He], I beg you to do it again!"

"Lian Mai Lian Mai, show off!"

"No, no, it's still fun to play pk, let's have a talent pk, and directly blind the eyes of the opposite anchor!"

The bullet screens on the public screen kept coming, and the little orange watching it was really dumbfounded.

Her original plan was to sing these ten songs two to three times tonight, and then promote the new album well.

She is very confident about the song, but she also knows that if a good song is not well-publicized, the end result is that it will be buried, and then plagiarized by some brazen guys like Mr. Luo [Simple Happiness].

Of course, Mr. Luo is a bit stupid. Others copy songs that are not popular, but he insists on copying other popular songs that have been famous for a long time, and he will make himself notorious all at once.

Xiaojuzi's plan is very good, but with Brother Xiao Xiao and Vice President Du intervening, it seems that the work of publicity can be completed ahead of schedule.

QQ Music and Netease Cloud's cover seal push, plus the talent activities held by the whole network and omni-channel and brother Xiao Xiao, all of them are hundreds of times better than her singing a few times in the live broadcast room.

In just a short while, these two songs on NetEase Cloud and QQ Music have already been on the hot song list of the day, and it is estimated that it will only take two days to become popular.

Just when Xiaojuzi was about to go to Lianmai, suddenly the VIP seats in the live broadcast room jumped, and a dozen emperors and dozens of kings joined the live broadcast room one after another, and two super god emperors took the lead.

"Hahaha, Xiaojuzi's new song is very popular, our anchor team came to congratulate!"

Baldy made three laughing emojis.

"Super God Emperor [Baldy] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Die-hard fan Yang Zi came to join us."

"Super God Emperor [Yang Zi] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"The emperor [B text] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"The emperor [Kaka] sent Tiger Bud No. 100*[-]!"


Almost in an instant, the entire public screen of Little Orange's live broadcast room was swiped by Huya No. [-]!
In the game area, apart from Brother Xiao Xiao's die-hard fans, big anchors like Tiao Nan, Hue He, Miss, and Zi Tai are also No. 100 [-]-shot Huya.

Sister Zha, Heizi, Bunting, and Xiaoyi are all two treasure maps.

Not to mention the Xingxiu District.

All the first- and second-tier trade union anchors who stand on Brother Xiao Xiao's side are undoubtedly the 100-shot Huya No. [-]!
If the money is not enough, even the trade unions are posting!
"Thank you all, thank you."

Xiaojuzi clasped her hands together and thanked her repeatedly.

The gift of 10 yuan per person is not too much, but it cannot stand the crowd.

Seven NO.80 people come to a group each, which is more than 700 million.

Xiaojuzi was swiped to the list of nearly ten million by Brother Xiao Xiao with the treasure map, and suddenly jumped up like a rocket.

Some trade unions who hadn't been notified by the bald man were also anxious when they saw Xiaojuzi's posture in the live broadcast room.

Many trade unions who had been waiting and standing between Daheng and Lehua made up their minds directly.

Everyone is not blind, the rise of Xiaojuzi is already unstoppable, and the goal of Huya's creation of gods has been determined.

That is to say, even if brother Xiao Xiao is no longer playing on the platform, Lehua can still confront Daheng with the help of Xiaojuzi, a super star anchor!

Even if there is a lot of difference in funds, but with the star effect of Xiaojuzi, no matter how bad it is, there is a spectrum.

At this time, if you don't stand in line to show your attitude, when will you stand in line?
After this event, Lehua's basic plan has definitely taken shape.

"Vernacular, Da Mao sent [Huya No. 100]*[-]!"

"Vernacular, Da Mao sent 【Huya No. 100】*2*[-] combos!"


The next moment, Da Mao, who had been maintaining his neutrality, sent out a ten-hit combo, a total of 100 million gifts.

"Fuck, Da Mao is crazy, he only has 80 million a year, and this 100 million is his savings for more than a year!"

"Da Mao is still live broadcasting, everyone can go and watch."

"Come here, I haven't seen Da Mao for a long time."

In the live broadcast room, Da Mao looked at the public screen with a smile.

His fingers trembled slightly under the table where he couldn't see it.

When brother Xiao Xiao came to Xingxiu before, he invested in a wave, but it was all decimals, just swiping one or two treasure maps.

This time, Xiaojuzi was about to become a god, which made him really make up his mind to invest.

The 100 million has nothing to do with the vernacular trade union, it is entirely his own savings.

It can be said that this has basically covered all his savings since he came to Huya. If this wave does not work out, I am afraid that he will really have to go back to before liberation.

Looking at the atmosphere of tourists and the beeps of all the tourists on the public screen, Da Mao suppressed his uneasiness forcibly, and joked with the audience with a smile.

Such a big wave of booing is here, if you don't try your best to blow up your popularity, you will be too sorry for yourself.

On the other hand, Xiaochun was also hesitant. When he saw Da Mao investing millions, Xiaochun pinched his fingertips until they turned white.

He had communicated with Yang Zi several times in private, but it didn't mean that he was tied to Lehua's chariot.

As the most prudent anchor on the platform, if Daheng hadn't forced him to be unable to live broadcast, he would never have chosen to cooperate with Yang Zi.

100 million, he also has Xiaochun, but he is not much better than Da Mao, if 100 million is spent, he must not have much money in his hands.

And if he did this, he would completely stand on the opposite side of Da Heng, and really tear himself apart from Da Banan, and his life in the future would definitely not be easy.

After thinking about it again and again, Xiaochun still didn't plan to make a move.

What if the little orange gets cold in the future?

Internet celebrities are inherently a high-risk profession, and it is normal to be banned for saying something wrong. Don’t look at today’s prosperity, but tomorrow everyone will avoid it.

It's still the same sentence, online celebrities with flowing water, and hard-working unions.

After all, the background of Daheng is still there, so who can say for sure what will happen in the future?
On the live broadcast platform, the attitudes of the major trade unions are ambiguous.

Except for Liang Kai, Daheng's hardcore younger brothers, most of the vacillating trade unions chose to lean towards Lehua and Brother Xiao Xiao this time.

Sister Feifei couldn't even close her mouth when she smiled.

This month's harvest is really too big!

Just for a while, the bosses of three or four small guilds have already called her, saying that they will organize their respective anchors to communicate with each other in the future.

Sister Feifei hurriedly agreed to come down, and at the same time asked the assistant next to her to write down all the anchors who gave gifts today.

These are all anchors who are biased towards their Lehua side. In the future, whether it is a pk connection or an event is fine.

As a large guild, it doesn't mean that you can only have your own family, as long as you don't have opponents of the same size as your own.

Sister Feifei understands this truth very well, and knows that these are resources that can be used.

Seeing the current situation, Xiaojuzi definitely couldn't continue to carry out the original plan, so she simply gave up singing in the live broadcast room and devoted herself to the effect of the show.

"It's really impossible to continue singing today. Both music platforms have uploaded it. Fans who want to listen to the song can go to the music platform to play it."

Little Orange apologized in embarrassment.

"Listening to the wool song, it's still cool in this scene!"

"Sing again tomorrow, get up first tonight!"

The tourists were very enthusiastic and echoed.

And the bald man's mic application was sent at this time.

On the other side, more than 20 technicians are rushing to work in the office of Huya's technical department.

Vice President Du and Lanlan stood by, writing and drawing on a piece of white paper.

"Yes, yes, this is what we want. Continue to render, and strive to achieve the ultimate display of the current 6M Blu-ray."

Vice President Du saw a poster and nodded repeatedly.

"Mr. Du, if this goes on, the studio doesn't plan to do it anymore."

The designer smiled wryly.

The art on their side is done by themselves, but the rendering is handed over to the outsourced computer room.

With Vice President Du's attitude of striving for perfection, every frame is worth hundreds of streams, and even the outsourced computer room can't handle this intensity.

"What are you afraid of, call them 500 million later, I don't believe that a ten-second animation can't be perfect!"

Vice President Du snorted softly.

Huya is profitable this month, and with the fixed investment from shareholders, Vice President Du still has a lot of funds available.

500 million funds is not worth mentioning to the current Huya.

"Okay, the money is in place, even if you burn a few servers, there is no problem."

The designer nodded and contacted the studio again to make animations.

"Lanlan, go over there and watch the planning. This event must not be a joke. You may cooperate with Brother Xiao Xiao in the future. This stepping stone must be done well."

"Mr. Du, don't worry, I'll watch over there all night tonight."

Lanlan nodded again and again, and stepped out of the office of the technical department in a few steps.

The last solo match was the main picture made by Tiaonan Studio, and their Huya didn't play a big role.

This month's event was taken over by Vice President Du from Brother Xiao Xiao. If this is messed up, even if Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't trouble Huya with them, he will definitely not trust their official cooperation sincerity in the future.

Been busy all night.

Early the next morning, Vice President Du had just squinted for about twenty minutes when he was awakened by cheers.

"Mr. Du, it's over!"

The person in charge of the technical department came over with a laptop, his expression full of excitement.

"nailed it?"

Vice President Du was pleasantly surprised, took the computer and clicked play.

A period of ten seconds or so of animation special effects was almost rendered into a naked-eye 3D effect. Vice President Du just watched it and was immediately attracted.

"Good! Good! Good! This is the effect!"

Vice President Du slapped his thigh vigorously and was very pleasantly surprised.

"Mr. Du, the 500 million yuan is too much. A total of 650 million yuan has been spent."

The person in charge smiled awkwardly.

"If you exceed it, you will exceed it. I will bring the report and I will sign it later."

Vice President Du didn't care.

"By the way, half of the people in the technical department will be on duty today and tomorrow, and the rest will go back to catch up on sleep. The salary will also be paid at five times, followed by a bonus of 1 yuan per person. I will go to the finance side to sign later."

As soon as Vice President Du said this, the technical department cheered again.

Their salaries are not low. As technical posts, they are often bald, and their monthly salary is at least 3 yuan.

Including the five times the overtime pay for three consecutive days last night, this is [-].

Adding a bonus of 1 yuan, it can basically cover a month's salary!

"Mr. Du is awesome!"

"Okay, you guys have to work harder, find a few people to make the final product, and I'll go to the side to see how the plan is going."

Vice President Du said with a smile, feeling a sense of relief in his heart.

"It turns out that brother Xiao Xiao felt this way when he was giving gifts in the live broadcast room."

Although it's not his own money, Vice President Du still feels very happy.

Before Xiao Xiao came to Huya, Huya's revenue had always been negative. He, Vice President Du, wanted to spend one dollar in half. When was he so rich?

Today, he can be regarded as having passed the addiction of President Shenhao.

There are more than 20 people, each with 30 yuan, which is only [-] million yuan.

Although the revenue last month was not much, it was close to [-] million in the end.

Such a small amount of money is not even a hair!

Vice President Du went to Lanlan's side again, and got a very satisfactory plan as he wished.

Use a computer to compress all the documents into ppt, then attach the promotional video, make a compressed package and send it to brother Xiaoxiao's mailbox.

Just as Liu Xiao woke up, he saw the message that popped up on the mailbox.

"Good guy, a file of 1 G."

When Liu Xiao saw the video file, he was taken aback.

Another careful look.

Vice President Du commented a sentence under the email, saying that this is the original video that has not been compressed by Huya's internal program, and he was relieved.

If Vice President Du really frantically made this animation into 1 G, then more than 90.00% of the tourists would not need to watch it.

Which computer in ordinary people has such a large cache!

These videos should be loaded in the cloud in the end, and it is estimated that there will be only a dozen or twenty megabytes left on the user's computer, which can be brought up with ordinary network speed.

After seeing this point, Liu Xiao officially opened the plan sent by Vice President Du.

(End of this chapter)

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