Chapter 284 Exquisite Event Planning (4000 words)
Vice President Du was pacing back and forth in the office, feeling a little nervous.

Although Huya is currently the top-ranked live streaming platform in China, and it is also a mature project that has escaped from its old club YY, it is still a company that has not yet been listed.

With Brother Xiao Xiao's level of arrogance, I am afraid that even if Huya is listed, it may not be able to catch Brother Xiao Xiao's eyes.

He now sees that the animation scheme made by the technical department and the marketing department is very good, but from Xiao Xiaoge's perspective, it is not so certain.

It was almost nine o'clock in the morning, seeing the WeChat message that still had no reply, Vice President Du became anxious again.


Suddenly, the phone in Vice President Du's hand vibrated slightly.

"Brother Xiao Xiao gave it to me!"

Vice President Du saw Brother Xiao Xiao's reply on WeChat, and his heart was relieved immediately.

Turning his head, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"Lanlan, according to the procedure discussed last night, immediately announce it on the entertainment channel, and replace all the covers with hyperlinks to this event!"

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Seeing Vice President Du's expression, Lan Lan knew that the plan must be going well.

Although she has been up all day, Lan Lan still has plenty of energy for this meeting.

Brother Xiao Xiao has already made 4.7 million turnover on the platform, and her accumulated commission has reached 470 million. In addition to the various bonuses given by the company, the minimum income in these three months is 500 million.

And for this event, brother Xiao Xiao will earn another 100 million, which means that she can get another [-] million in commission.

Furthermore, thanks to Brother Xiao Xiao's relationship, she is now being reused by Vice President Du. I'm afraid she will be promoted to the next step.

Just how awesome it is can be seen clearly by looking at Guoguo's expression on the station next to her.

After a few days of busy work, she can earn 100 million, and Lanlan even feels that she has worked a little less overtime!
On the Huya platform, a series of news anchors including Yang Zi, who already knew the news last night, went online early and waited.

Even the knife, which was not online for a day yesterday, is already online, and under the arrangement of Daheng, it is ready to eat this big melon.

In Yang Zi's live broadcast room, the tourists who came online early in the morning were talking about it.

"Knife, although he is a bit arrogant, he still has a bit of talent, but he probably won't participate in this competition, right?"

"I think Xuan, after all, the top three have the lowest bonuses of 1000 million, even if they get the bottom one, they still have 200 million bonuses."

"Didn't you find that there are a lot of anchors on Daheng's side today? I reckon they are planning to disgust this event. After all, although the first-line anchors on Daheng's side are not very good, their talents are still passable. As long as they participate in the competition, they will definitely share some prize money, and the goal of this disgusting Lehua and Brother Xiao Xiao will be achieved."

Yang Zi also frowned slightly.

There are currently about [-] anchors on Lehua's side, and most of them are small anchors. Now the first-line anchors are only Tutu and Sanjin.

But Daheng's side is different. The entire trade union has more than 2000 anchors, and the development time is also long. There are at least a dozen first-line anchors, and there are as many second- and third-line anchors as there are crucian carp crossing the river.

If Daheng really came to make trouble with sincerity, Lehua couldn't stand it at all. With Daheng's ability to incite fans, if all Daheng's die-hard fans ran over to make trouble, the event would not be able to continue.

"Brothers, let's not talk about the shameless things about certain anchors. I just received internal news from Lanlan that this event is planned and will be released on time in 5 minutes."

"This is our brother Xiao Xiao's card. I also heard that last night, the more than [-] experts in Huya's technology department all stayed up all night. Even the company with outsourced rendering also stayed up all night. server to render."

Yang Zi chuckled, and boasted about Brother Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room.

He is a hardcore member of brother Xiao Xiao's department, and he is also a front anchor. Lanlan will notify him by the way if anything happens, which is why he was able to know the internal situation so early.

Sure enough, after Yang Zi broke the big news last night, the fans in the live broadcast room didn't bother to gossip about Daheng, and they were all interested by Yang Zi.

"Is the event rule released in 5 minutes?"

"I don't know if brother Xiao Xiao will be online this morning. I wasn't there during the live broadcast of Xiaojuzi last night, but it made me regret it for a long time. I didn't see such a big scene."

"That's right, I didn't hear the live version of Xiaojuzi's performance yesterday. I hope I can listen to it again tonight when Xiaojuzi broadcasts live, but I still want to know how this event will be held (laughing and crying)."

Yang Zi smiled and continued:

"Little Orange's song has been launched simultaneously on the two music platforms. If you have time, you can check it out. It will still be pushed on the homepage. The name of the song is [Feng He]."

"Secondly, this morning only the rules of the event were announced, and the host, person in charge, and members of the organization have not been confirmed. Brother Xiao Xiao probably won't be here in the morning."

Yang Zi's analysis is still very pertinent.

The determination of a game is definitely not something that can be done overnight after working overtime.

Even if the event organized by brother Xiao Xiao is not particularly large, the scope of influence is not small. The plan and data can be completed in one night, but the host and other organization members still need to confirm it again.

According to Yang Zi's estimation, if this activity really wants to start, it will be tonight at the earliest, and tomorrow morning later.

However, his talent is relatively average, and he doesn't have much to show for it. What he is most proud of is his sharp mouth.

For the host position of this event, Yang Zi still wanted to fight for it.

Soon, all the pages of the entire Huya Entertainment section were refreshed at the same time.

The next moment, an announcement has been mentioned in the center of all user pages.

"Huya officially joins forces with the No. [-] god on the platform [Xiao Xiao] again, and the entertainment district individual talent competition officially starts registration!"

"I'm coming!"

The major news anchors were all shocked, and they clicked on the link at the same time.

"Yang Zi, hurry up and tell me about the process of this event."

"If there is hope, I will also register as an anchor to have fun. I can still sing and dance a little bit. Maybe I can win a big prize. I don't want to ask for more. 200 million is enough."

"Forget about participating, but the collision of so many anchor talents must be very exciting."

Whether they are those who want to become an anchor to participate in the competition, or tourists who want to watch the anchor's performance, their spirits are extremely excited at this time.

Most of the tourists came to the entertainment channel to watch the excitement.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time today."

Yang Zi smiled slightly, took a few sips of mineral water.

Just after clicking on the hyperlink, an incomparably beautiful large picture of Fengtui suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

On the anime big picture, an extremely beautiful girl is wearing a gown, holding a big golden trophy in her hand.

Yang Zi clicked on it again, and an animation came into view immediately.


As soon as the screen was clicked, a huge awards hall suddenly appeared in front of him.

Different from the special effects of the video, it really appeared in front of Yang Zi!

Of course, this is also related to the pixels of Yang Zi's computer. If it is an ordinary computer, it must not have such special display effects.

Including Yang Zi's computer, because it is not a professional equipment, only a small part is projected, but this does not affect Yang Zi's shock.

"Glasses-free 3D seems to be achieved with professional equipment, right?"

"Holy shit, shit, shit, I used a projector, guess what I saw? It's a holographic image!"

"I also projected it with a projector at home. The picture is so real, it's like standing next to me!"

Users who watch live broadcasts on computers or mobile phones feel shocked, but it is not particularly obvious.

But tourists who use better projectors at home seem to see miracles.

Glasses-free 3D technology is the latest scientific research achievement displayed during the performances of singing and dancing during the Spring Festival Gala last year. At present, there are not many private enterprises that have made great use of this technology. The main reason is that most computer screens cannot be adapted, and projectors must be used. Or professional 3D equipment can do it.

But Vice President Du has optimized this animation to the extreme. As long as a projector is used, even the pores of the characters can be seen clearly.

There are also slightly protruding traces from the screen when using a computer, and it is perfectly adapted to the 6M Blu-ray quality equipped with Huya!

In the picture, the beautiful and outrageous character in the poster just now took the wreath from the host and slowly put it on his chest, and then raised the trophy with his hands.

Under the cheers of the crowd, the five characters of the Talent Competition suddenly emerged.

In just 15 seconds of animation, the picture quality of each frame is almost exquisite to the extreme!
"Huya has definitely spent a lot of money this time. What Yang Zi said just now that he burned down several servers is absolutely true. This level of exaggeration is almost the pinnacle of the industry!"

"That's right, I did this rendering. During these 15 seconds, the tiny fluff of the characters in each frame flicked regularly with the flicking of the characters. This is definitely not something that an algorithm can do, it can only be a Frame by frame rendering!"

A few tourists who know a little bit of technology are even more excited.

Compared with ordinary people, they can understand the difficulty better.

I'm afraid Yang Zi just said that the production cost of several million is really not talking nonsense!

Seeing this promotional animation, Yang Zi was a little reluctant to skip it.

After pulling the progress bar to the front and playing it again, Yang Zi clicked on the text of the event this time.

"I'll go buy a projector or 3D glasses when it's aired later. For those brothers who have projectors at home just now, stand up and I promise I won't beat you to death."

Yang Zi smiled.

The audience was even more delighted to see Yang Zi making fun of it.

From a poster and an animation that appeared on the stage, it can already be seen how much Huya attaches importance to this event.

Everyone was vaguely looking forward to it, wondering what Hu Ya's plan would be like this time.

"Brother Xiao Xiao probably also knows Hu Ya's technology, so he let Hu Ya do all the plans, otherwise Brother Xiao Xiao will find someone by himself."

"Huya is quite professional in this area. Although Brother Xiaoxiao's company is very large, it is not in the entertainment industry. Huya may not be as good as Huya."

The audience chatted on the public screen.

Soon, the screen was refreshed, and the details of this event were clearly marked in black and red fonts.

"There are not many detailed rules for the event, so I will analyze it directly for everyone."

Yang Zi said.

"There is no limit to the number of applicants for this event. The deadline for registration is 9 o'clock tonight. All talent anchors with special skills can participate. The first round of competition will start at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Secondly, the first game will be a carousel game. From 8 am to 12 am, the audience voting base is 1:1.5, from 12 noon to 2 pm, the voting base is 1:1.2, from 2 pm to 7 pm Points, the voting base is 1:1.5, from 7 am to 12 pm, the voting base is 1:1, from 12 am to 8 am, the voting base is 1:2.”

Yang Zi understood while reading.

"What is the voting base? Huya has come up with a new game?"

"It's not right, why is the voting base different in each time period?"

When these professional terms came out, the audience was immediately confused.

Yang Zi read it silently again, and immediately understood.

"This voting base is actually the voting data, and you don't need to care about it."

"This represents the popularity of each stage. To give two extreme examples, from 80pm to 0pm on the platform, this is the prime time at night. There must be at least 8 million tourists, but if it is changed to early morning During the period from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the morning, everyone went to bed, and naturally there were fewer people watching the live broadcast. If the ranking is determined by the number of votes cast by everyone, then the contestants in the night competition will suffer too much."

Yang Zi explained.

"Understood, one vote for a tourist at night is equivalent to two votes, and one vote at eight o'clock in the evening is equivalent to one vote."

"This is better, otherwise the anchor of the night game will suffer too much."

"You can rest assured that the proportion of Huya's votes is calculated using traffic data. Even if there are some differences, the impact will not be too great."

Yang Zi continued:

"Moreover, this competition mode has another advantage, that is, it can divert the live broadcast time of each anchor. For example, if I participate in the competition, I am the anchor of the morning show, and I can be arranged for the afternoon show or the evening show."

"In this way, the tourists who watched my live broadcast in the morning will not be able to see me during the game in the morning, reducing the fans' family tickets and improving the fairness of the event."

Yang Zi gave another admiration.

As expected of a big platform, this planning department is really smart.

Through this method of voting, although there will still be many fans chasing their own anchors to vote for their own anchors to increase their popularity, but because the audience's time is diverted, this impact will be reduced a lot.

After Yang Zi explained this, all the audience suddenly realized.

"Mr. Du 666, you can think of such a way!"

"This is also the best way. If you don't do this, many small anchors will not even have the chance to make their debut. Those anchors above the second tier don't have tens of thousands of visitors in their live broadcast room. Even if only half of them vote for them, there are still [-] votes. gone."

"We'll discuss these later, let's look at the next one first."

Yang Zi also looked forward to it more, clicked to enlarge the next one, and let it all appear on the public screen.

 There is another chapter, also [-] words, at night.

  Eight thousand today.

(End of this chapter)

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