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Chapter 285 The host is finalized, but there is a knife?

Chapter 285 The host is finalized, but there is a knife? (4000 words)
Yang Zi calmed down his excitement, and continued to analyze while watching.

"The first two days are the time and voting method of the competition, and the third article is the mode of this competition."

"Different from Xiao Xiaoge's solo competition held in the game area last time, this time the competition is a voting system."

"The first round of the competition will start tomorrow. No matter how many anchors there are, each person will have a 5-minute talent show, and when the time comes, they will start to change people. During this period, the audience can vote. After adding up according to the number of votes and the time, it will be this name. The results of the anchor."

"Of course, in order to prevent some anchors from cheating or those who are very powerful but have no fan base and are eliminated, after submitting the report, the program group designated by Brother Xiao Xiao will conduct a review. If the review passes, you can participate in the resurrection competition , the quota is to be determined."

"The final top 500 anchors can enter the next round."

Yang Zi simply calculated.

Starting tomorrow means that the game will start at midnight tonight.

One in 5 minutes, twelve people in one hour, 24 hours a day, at most 280 No. [-] anchors.

"Oh, there is an additional explanation."

Yang Zi slapped his forehead.

"In the first round of auditions, there will be a total of five sub-venues, which will be rotated on the top of the homepage, trying to ensure that the popularity of each live broadcast room is the same."

"Based on this calculation, a maximum of 440 [-] anchors can be played in a day. Even if half of the anchors in the entertainment sector participate, the winner can be decided in three days."

As soon as this article was analyzed, the tourists in the live broadcast room immediately began to discuss it.

Although Huya is not yet the number one live streaming platform, its popularity is still top notch, and there are many types of anchors.

According to Huya's official data, Huya has at least 50 million registered anchors, and excluding those who register for fun, there are at least [-] to [-] live streamers.

With the popularity of Huya in the past few months, this number has increased a little.

At present, the number of anchors broadcasting throughout the day has reached about 1, and there are almost [-] people in the entertainment sector.

Of course, not all of these ten thousand people will participate. After all, although there are many people with special skills, the overall number is still limited.

And more than 4000 people and more than 5000 people, only the top [-] will be selected to enter the next round.

The first round is a ten to one elimination probability!
"According to Yang Zi's calculations, the preliminary round will take about three days."

"This kind of points-based selection competition is really good. Our participation rate is relatively high. The truly talented anchors will definitely be promoted."

"The resurrection mode is also good, and the popularity is average. It is estimated that anchors like Feng'er can be selected."

Yang Zi continued to analyze.

After the preliminary competition, the [-] anchors selected will participate in the second round of the semi-finals in the same format as the preliminary competition.

However, the difference from the first round is that there is only one live broadcast room left in the second round of rematch, and [-] anchors will be selected in two days, and the top [-] will be selected to participate in the three rounds of PK.

One hundred will determine the top thirteen in the third round.

The last day is the final round of the top [-].

Yang Zi analyzed all the news in one breath.

"Four competitions with 5000 people, bull beep!"

"This kind of competition method basically eliminates cheating. I think the internal competition of the trade union with the judge system in the past is fucked up. Those first- and second-tier anchors are more popular, and they just rely on their status to comment on this and that. Really. Not nasty enough."

"Yes, the correct solution is to let the audience choose. It is absolutely no problem for the talent of the anchor to be recognized by us."

"Let's talk about this, I watched [The Most Powerful Brain] these few days, that Gao Xiaosong is simply an idiot, just a few words a day, (this is not difficult, this can be practiced the day after tomorrow), it really pissed me off , support the audience to vote!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience echoed.

Vice President Du, who has been diving in the live broadcast room, nodded repeatedly.

This method was thought up by Lan Lan, and he thought it was very good when he saw it, but after all, it was a competition that subverted the traditional judging system, so he was really not sure if it would achieve good results.

But judging from the audience's reaction now, this method can obviously be recognized by the market.

As for whether so many audience votes can be recorded, it is not a problem for Huya at all.

Tens of thousands of bullet screens per second can be instantly fed back to the public screen, so what are hundreds of thousands of votes?
For computers, this is the most basic algorithm, not even the high-value exponential calculation method.

Vice President Du was completely relieved, and the major anchors on the platform were all excited after this announcement was released.

Naturally, some untalented anchors dare not come to this muddy water. When they sang on the stage, their five notes were incomplete. After being seen by hundreds of thousands of tourists, the future of live broadcasting may be gone.

But the anchors with a little bit of talent felt keenly that this was an opportunity to show themselves.

Although each person only has 5 minutes of talent show time, this is under the exposure of hundreds of thousands of tourists!

As long as you perform well in the last game, you can attract hundreds, even thousands of fans, at least!
And this recommended position does not need to be paid by the trade union, nor does it need to be paid by itself, as long as you participate.

And, what if it catches fire?
In addition to the million dollar prize, there is also a huge popularity boost.

Let's not talk about Feng'er on Lehua's side, Xiao Yi, the League of Legends anchor in the game area, is the best example.

Although Xiaoyi finished the money last time, and even borrowed some money from Xiaochun in the end, the increase in popularity is also visible to the naked eye. Eighty thousand flowing water.

In the backstage that Lan Lan was monitoring, the ID information of hundreds of anchors poured in at once.

There is no doubt that when every anchor comes in, the first thing to do is to click to sign up!

At ten o'clock in the morning, the number of anchors who signed up had reached a thousand.

At twelve noon, the number of registered anchors reached [-].

Tourists throughout the day, no matter which anchor's live broadcast room they entered, seemed to find that the anchors were busy preparing for their talents.

"Brother Bo, don't eat like this, your body can't handle it."

There is a huge stainless steel basin in front of Bo Long, the first anchor in the food area, with more than ten packets of instant noodles soaked in it, and Bo Long is swallowing it in big mouthfuls.

As an anchor with a big appetite, he also took a fancy to this game.

The exposure of the gourmet area is not high, and the food area for various activities can't match it here. This time, he wants to test his limits so that he won't make a fool of himself in public tomorrow when he competes.

Of course, only 5 minutes is definitely not enough to perform the Big Eater. The item he wants to perform is fast food.

In 5 minutes, eat more than [-] packs of instant noodles!
The terrifying swallowing speed made the tourists in the live broadcast room scared for a while.

In the outdoor area, Yangqi Lan even signed up on the spot, preparing to broadcast a violent tire burn on the spot during the game.

A group of girls from Two-dimensional are carefully selecting clothes, planning to perform a wave of the most beautiful cosplay.

And Daheng's side was even more happy.

"Brother Hua, the design of this competition is really friendly to our anchors."

The fifth child also studied the rules of the game and was very excited.

Originally, he thought that Lehua's anchors might be selected as judges for this competition, and it would be no problem to eliminate a large number of their Daheng anchors by then.

But Xiao Xiao unexpectedly chose such a voting mode.

In terms of voting, Daheng has never been afraid of anyone!
The live broadcast time is forcibly diverted, what is the impact of this?
With the influence of their Daheng anchor, coupled with thousands of navy accounts, this is simply a bonus.

Among other things, as long as this thousand-number navy account votes, it can be guaranteed that at least half of the top [-] are their Daheng anchors!
Of course, they won't do it so obviously, but as long as they choose the right timing, there is no problem with a hundred or so people.

Although Brother Hua didn't speak, he still had a smile in his eyes.

"Xiao Xiao is not stupid. He must have his own intentions when he does this. Let's let nature take its course. It's best to see what's going on, and remember not to be careless."

Brother Hua reminded softly.

Daheng just failed this month, and the hearts of the trade unions have not yet stabilized.

All of this is because of Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao's purpose of holding this event is to help Xiao Juzi reach the top, so things can't be that simple.

After Brother Hua said this, Lao Wu also gradually calmed down.

"Don't worry, Brother Hua, Little Orange's growth can no longer be stopped. If we don't want to win the championship this time, we will go in and be a shit-stirring stick. Let this competition be as chaotic as possible!"

The fifth child immediately arranged for the anchor to start signing up.

As for Xia Nuan, Brother Li and Xiao Fei, he didn't intend to push them out.

Xiao Xiao's daring to do this proves that Xiao Xiao must be able to secretly manipulate some ranking points. If three top anchors are allowed to fight, there is no guarantee that Xiao Xiaoyin will not be able to win. It will be too embarrassing to be eliminated in the first and second rounds.

He chose some first- and second-tier anchors, who are somewhat popular but not very popular. Even if something goes wrong, the union will be able to get out of it.

"Forget it, Xiao Fei, let Xia Nuan and Brother Li sign up, and we also have people on Huya's side. As long as the two of them have good grades, I will definitely guarantee them to enter the final."

Hearing Lao Wu's analysis, Brother Hua pondered for a while before deciding to let the top anchors play.

Xia Nuan and Li brother can stand out from so many anchors, their own talents must be nothing to say.

The audience's eyes are not blind, as long as the two perform well, Xiao Xiao will definitely not be eliminated.

There are so many fans on Daheng's side, each of them can drown Xiao Xiao with a mouthful of saliva.

But just to be on the safe side, Brother Hua still kept Xiao Fei as a backup.

Once something really happens, Xiao Fei can come out to save the scene.

"it is good."

The fifth child was taken aback for a moment, then nodded repeatedly.

More and more anchors signed up, and Lanlan also sent a message to Liu Xiao, saying that five anchors would be selected to host the competition.

"How about this, the five hosts in the first round: Yang Zi, Xiao Chun, Bald Zi, Da Mao and Dao Zi."

"The hosts of the second round choose Yang Zi and Da Mao."

"The host of the third round is Yang Zi."

"As for the time during their intermission, just find a few news anchors to bring them along."

Liu Xiao replied on WeChat.

The first round consisted of five live broadcast rooms, and the second and third rounds had only one live broadcast room. However, the second round was more tiring, and one hundred candidates had to be selected out of five hundred. One person would definitely not be able to resist. Simply let Yang Zi and Da Mao go together.

There are only a hundred people in three rounds, which is relatively easy, and Yang Zi must be enough alone.

As for the host of the final, according to Vice President Du's arrangement, JJ and Junjie should host it in person, and he can also come over to make a guest appearance at that time to meet this legendary walking DJ.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, among the five anchors you selected in the first round, Dao Zi is the news anchor of Daheng."

Lanlan saw the message from Brother Xiao Xiao and quickly reminded her.

This host is much more popular than these contestant anchors. Although there is only a small pop-up window in the lower right corner, it is a high-intensity exposure time, and it is still very useful for recommending the anchor.

"It doesn't matter, I can't think of anyone for the time being, so let's use him to make up the number."

"As for the live broadcast room he hosts, all the anchors from their Daheng series will be arranged there."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

This is really a helpless choice.

To ensure the same popularity in the five live broadcast rooms, it is necessary to ensure that the popularity of the hosts in the five live broadcast rooms is similar.

Although Yang Zi's popularity can be a little higher, it is not much higher than other people.

There are only a few anchors who have experience in hosting and are of a certain level. Apart from Daozi, there are really few people who can be selected.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to give Knife a chance to host the game of their Daheng anchor, and also make room for other live broadcast rooms.

Otherwise, it is not a solution for the tourists in Daheng to keep making trouble.

As for the final finals, if Daheng's anchor will advance.
Liu Xiao laughed heartily.

He said a word, who dares to rank Daheng's anchor?

Didn't they all become wedding dresses in the end?

When Lanlan heard Brother Xiao Xiao's words, she was immediately blessed, and gave Brother Xiao Xiao a thumbs up in her heart.

Brother Xiao Xiao is worthy of being a big boss who plays with business, and he has used people's hearts to the extreme!
This is simply the kind of person who uses knives as tools, the kind who would lick his face and help Xiao Xiao count the money after being sold by Brother Xiao Xiao!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I will definitely finalize the selection of the host within today, and I will choose the anchor for the midfield replacement as soon as possible."

Liu Xiao smiled and replied ok.

The first show of the new song was a complete success yesterday, Zhao Ning asked him out for an outing today, it's almost time for the meeting.

Lanlan got Xiao Xiaoge's intention, and notified the five anchors of the host's news as soon as possible.

When Yang Zi got the news, he turned off his phone and set the alarm clock to catch up on sleep.

As Brother Xiao Xiao's die-hard fan, this news was within his expectation.

Starting tomorrow, his workload will be the largest, and he has to go to the trade union live broadcast in the early morning, and now he must take a good rest.

And when Da Mao from the vernacular trade union got the news, he couldn't believe it at first, and then almost jumped up in surprise.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

 Make up for the missing chapters of the previous few days!

  Eight thousand today, and more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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