Chapter 286 Event registration (big chapter asks for subscription)
Da Mao really didn't expect him to be the host this time.

As a little transparency in the first-tier top anchors, Da Mao has always kept a low profile, for fear of offending any big guild and ending his career in one fell swoop.

Yesterday, he invested 100 million in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room. In fact, he made a hot-headed decision. Although he calmly pretended to beep afterwards, he regretted it immediately after the broadcast.

After 100 million swiped out, there are only [-] left in his account.

It can be said that he directly spent all the money he saved after coming to Huya live broadcast yesterday!

Even the trade union behind him didn't understand his operations, and some union anchors even started gossiping about him.

Although, as the first brother of the union, the big boss relied on him to make money, and most people dared not speak of him face to face, but some of them still reached his ears.

This feeling of being talked about is still uncomfortable.

From last night to now, he has been worried for a whole day.

To Xiaojuzi, this 100 million is nothing. To Xiao Xiaoge, this 100 million may not even be able to buy a car.

But for Da Mao, this 100 million is all he has, all the labor he has earned for such a long time!
What made him even more uncomfortable was that he completely broke his neutral attitude and fell to Lehua's side.

Once Lehua does not accept him, he will definitely be attacked by Daheng. Although he is not afraid of Daheng with his current achievements, there is no guarantee that the vernacular union behind him will not become the next Liangkai, and give him such a blow like a bald man .

And now, with Brother Xiao Xiao's designation, all the grievances from yesterday to now have all gone with the wind.

He's big, the investment is successful!

From now on, as long as he hugs Brother Xiao Xiao's thigh tightly, he will be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the future. The 100 million invested will probably be earned back in a few months.

Even with the mentality of his old anchor, Rao couldn't hide his inner excitement.

After thinking about it, Da Mao also quickly lay down on the bed again.

Although I'm not too sleepy just after waking up, it's still necessary for hosting in the next few days.

It's the first time to appear in Brother Xiao Xiao's sight, and you must prove your level with a brand new look!
When Xiaochun got the news, he first took a deep breath, and then felt annoyed in his heart.

Brother Xiao Xiao gave him a good host for the first live broadcast, but he gave Da Mao the host for the second live broadcast.

Although he always wanted to remain neutral, he was still affected by Da Mao's treatment, thinking carefully whether the choice last night was really wrong.

"Forget it, one is not bad."

Xiaochun sighed softly, at least he is still neutral now, and if there are changes in the future, it will be convenient for him to choose.

But what puzzled him was why Brother Xiao Xiao gave Dao Zi the last position.

Knife's meeting has just been broadcast, and when it received Lanlan's notice, it was also on the spot.

His thoughts are the same as Xiaochun.

He has never thought about being the host of this competition. After all, he has been against Xiao Xiao for so long. Even if Xiao Xiao gave it to a small anchor, he would never give it to him. He never thought of participating in this competition at all.

Daozi stepped out of the live broadcast room in two steps and came to the offices of Brother Hua and Lao Wu.

"Fifth brother, Xiao Xiao recommended me to be the host of this competition, do you think I should go or not?"

"Xiao Xiao asked you to host the first match?"

Brother Hua also came out of the office, stroked his chin in deep thought.

Soon, a bright light flashed in Brother Hua's eyes.


"Xiao Xiao's hand is beautiful!"

Rao is an opponent, and Brother Hua also admires him.

Xiao Xiao's move really hit him three inches.

Lao Wu and Dao Zi hurriedly moved their heads over, ready to listen to Brother Hua's analysis.

"Xiao Xiao's action may be a mistake in the eyes of ordinary people. After all, the whole network knows what Xiao Xiao and our Daheng did not deal with. Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for him to give us such a position as the anchor of Daheng. It did."

Although Brother Hua felt that Xiao Xiao's move caught him off guard, he still smiled and said:

"The first point, Xiao Xiao is for the smooth progress of this event."

"Xiao Xiao held this event, so he naturally thought that our Daheng side would not let him have a good time, so he asked Daozi to be the host of the live broadcast room. If my guess is right, the anchor of our Daheng department will definitely Most of them will be arranged in the Knife live broadcast room."

"In this way, Xiao Xiao will be under much less pressure in the internal competition of Daheng's anchors. The remaining 500 people in the follow-up competition can be completely controlled by Xiao Xiao's ability. We can only rely on real strength, and we have to prevent Xiao Xiao from wearing small shoes."

"The second point, Xiao Xiao is to show his strength."

"As the first-hand planner of this event, giving Knife such a position is enough to make many tourists admire him, and even change the impression of some tourists on our Daheng side, so that he can give Lehua that While sucking powder."

"Third point, by doing this, Xiao Xiao can also consume the number of our Daheng's anchors internally. Let Daheng have a wave of internal friction first, and by the second and third rounds, there will not be many anchors on Daheng's side."

"To get so many benefits, you only need to give Daozi a little popularity, and it doesn't pose any threat. Is there any reason for Xiao Xiao not to do it?"

Lao Wu and Dao Zi tightened their hearts.

According to Brother Hua's analysis, by doing this, Xiao Xiao was digging a hole for Daheng, just waiting for them to jump into it.

Knife broke out in a cold sweat.

For him, this is indeed a good opportunity to get a lot of exposure, but if this opportunity is achieved by attrition of Daheng's internal anchor, he would never dare to do it.

After all, his foundation is in Daheng, and his reputation outside will not affect his development, but if his reputation in Daheng is bad, it will be difficult to make money in the future.

"Brother Hua, I will immediately reject Lan Lan, and we will continue as planned."

Knife settled down, and hurriedly replied.

The fifth child glanced at the knife appreciatively.

"No, instead of refusing, you have to actively participate."

Brother Hua said again.

Looking at the puzzled eyes of Lao Wu and Dao Zi, Brother Hua explained again.

"Xiao Xiao made this request, naturally we won't let us refuse it, wouldn't that be meaningless? Xiao Xiao's purpose is very clear, we Daheng have no choice at all in this regard, we can only accept it!"

"We were the losers in the event in July. Although many first- and second-tier anchors resisted the thunder, you few super-first-tier anchors still didn't get up. Only through this event can you be active in the public eye again."

"Let Xia Nuan and Brother Li quickly clean up and show their true strength to attract fans, which is actually the fastest choice."

"So, Xiao Xiao threw out this bait to let us win with him?"

Old Five said.

"That's right. The moment Little Orange released the song, the rise of Little Orange was already unstoppable. Naturally, we have to recover quickly so that we can challenge Little Orange in next month's event."

Brother Hua nodded.

In his opinion, how could Xiaojuzi, a newcomer, write so many songs?
There are even such extreme ancient songs as [Fenghe].

During this period of time, he also knew a little about the entertainment industry, and he was vaguely guessing about Xiao Xiao's series of plans in his heart.

The ten songs of Xiaojuzi may have been collected by Xiao Xiao, and the few songs with the name of Xiaojuzi probably also bought by Xiao Xiao at a big price, just to win Xiaojuzi!

Xiaojuzi's appearance and singing skills are indeed very good, even better than some popular stars, which is suitable for this series of plans made by Xiao Xiao.

This series of activities and this talent competition all confirmed his guess.

If there is no accident, before the end of this month, Xiaojuzi should have become a superstar known all over the Internet.

Daheng was already a step behind. Although accepting the opponent's gift made him uncomfortable, this was the best choice at the moment.

Daozi had a bitter face, and was almost dizzy by Brother Hua's analysis after analysis.

Before Xiao Xiao came to Huya, Daozi always thought that he was a smart person, and even for a while, his mantra was that no one knows Huya better than me, no one knows Daheng better than me, etc.

Even during the few days when Xiao Xiao came to Huya, he even boasted in the live broadcast room that no one knew Xiao Xiao better than him.

But after being slapped in the face by Xiao Xiao several times in a row, he no longer dared to be so arrogant in front of others, especially when Brother Hua analyzed the battle situation in May and June, he even lowered the hostility in his heart to the lowest level.

No way, I really can't play it!

When he was on the first floor, Brother Hua was already on the eighth floor.

As for Xiao Xiao, when he was still wandering around on the first floor, he had already gone up to the ninth floor, overlooking this little guy from a high place, all his thoughts seemed to be invisible in front of Xiao Xiao.

And today, the trade union pushed him in front of others, and he came under Xiao Xiao's sight.
Gritting his teeth with the knife, he still decided to trust Brother Hua.

"Don't worry, Brother Hua, even if I'm Xiao Xiao's host, I will be the best one!"

Seeing the promise made by the knife, Brother Hua nodded in satisfaction.

Among Dao Zi, Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei, he is most satisfied with Dao Zi.

Xia Nuan is too turbulent, Xiao Fei is too scheming, although Dao Zi has some ideas, but most of his opinions are for the good of the trade union.

He is more at ease when dealing with knives.

As Lan Lan expected, Knife quickly replied to her, saying that he would participate in the host of this competition, and expressed his thanks to Brother Xiao Xiao.

Of course there is nothing wrong with the baldy side.

The bald man is a shouting anchor, because of the vulgar live broadcast of some shouting anchors, most tourists don't approve of shouting, and they probably won't get any good rankings in the competition.

But he is not a professional host after all, and it is almost enough to be the host of the last round to maintain the skyrocketing popularity due to the victory of the event.

The time soon came to twelve o'clock in the evening. Through the platform channels, Lanlan also got the final event registration data.

(End of this chapter)

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