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Chapter 288 Completely Blessing Little Tangerines

Chapter 288 Completely Blessing Little Tangerines

In an environment where an anchor broadcasts live broadcasts for four or five hours at a time, 5 minutes is particularly short.

With the end of the performance of the first contestant, the visitors in the live broadcast room were all unsatisfied.

However, a new anchor came up to perform talents to make up for the gap. This kind of seamless connection still makes the audience quite enjoyable.

In order to select a few more competitive anchors for Daheng, Knife also performed well, and the commentary was quite passionate.

Soon, the total number of votes for the first batch of contestants was announced at the top of the live broadcast room.

Xiaorourou's song [Little Ban] won 12 tickets in this competition, and after doubling one to two in the early morning, it was [-] final points.

Bengbenghu and the others were slightly behind, but they also got [-] to [-] final points.

“Tourist participation is good.”

Vice President Du was overjoyed when he saw the data of several live broadcast rooms.

All this is similar to his plan, and the turnout rate of one sixth of the tourists is relatively normal.

Seeing that the rhythm of the live broadcast was very good, Vice President Du was completely relieved.

At [-] o'clock in the morning the next day, when Liu Xiao just went live in the live broadcast room, he saw the bustling scene of the entertainment section.

Although Yang Zi has been live broadcasting for eight hours in a row, but because of the relatively tight schedule of this audition, he only occasionally said a few words when cutting people, and he was not particularly tired.

Just as Liu Xiao clicked into the live broadcast room, he saw a talent anchor singing.

More than 40 visitors were watching in the live broadcast room, and the number of votes on the screen was going up crazily.

"This activity works well."

Liu Xiao looked at the scrolling barrage on the public screen, and nodded secretly.

The effect of this show is much hotter than the solo match held in the game area last time.

It's not yet the evening peak, and the total number of tourists in the five live broadcast rooms will exceed 200 million. Perhaps it is possible to reach 250 million or 300 million in the evening peak.

Although the popularity cannot be compared with that of the League of Legends, this is the star show area, and the quality of consumption of tourists and the stickiness of fans are much better than those in the game area.

300 million people, almost [-]% to [-]% of the permanent tourists in Xingxiu District!
"The next contestant is [Feng'er], the anchor of our Lehua union. I really didn't expect Feng'er to be assigned to my group."

In the live broadcast room, Yang Zi saw the playlist in his hand and said with a smile.

Feng'er is sitting next to him now, of course he knows that this is the arrangement of Vice President Du, so that he can canvass for Feng'er.

"Don't worry Yang Zi, this wave must be clearly arranged."

"Miss Feng'er is going on stage, she must pass with a full vote."

The tourists laughed.

Most of those who can come to Yangzi's live broadcast room are Lehua's fans. Although Feng'er is at night time, there are many fans of Lehua's fans in the episode of Lehua's fans. This is an intangible advantage.

The screen flashed, and Feng'er officially connected to the live broadcast room.

"Feng'er's talent to perform today is dancing. I still remember that when Tutu was broadcasting live, he danced this. The difficulty of dancing is quite high."

Yang Zi smiled slightly.

"The Pure Land of Bliss!"

"Yang Zi, I don't need you to say it. The clothes Miss Feng'er is wearing today are kimonos. This dance is too iconic."

"On singing, I only obey [Majestic and majestic], and on dancing, I only obey [Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss]!"

The single dogs suddenly burst into cheers.

The wind hadn't started yet, and the voting data in the live broadcast room was already skyrocketing. In just 30 seconds, the number of votes had exceeded 1!

Liu Xiao was also on Yang Zi's live broadcast room.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*2*[-] combos!"


As soon as Liu Xiao went online, he was bombarded with a series of gifts.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to go online!"

"Sure enough, as I expected, Brother Xiao Xiao is still very concerned about this event. He gave so many gifts as soon as it went online. Feng'er's voting data today is going to explode!"

No matter at any time, gift bombing is the best way to increase popularity.

Especially this event was hosted by Brother Xiao Xiao.

In each live broadcast room, as soon as the world news at the top popped up, most of the tourists chose to click on the link to jump.

Needless to say, Brother Xiao Xiao is a fan of Shen Hao, as soon as the special effects of the super god emperor came out, he jumped over directly.

And those tourists who didn't know much about Brother Xiao Xiao couldn't sit still when they heard the hosts in their respective live broadcast rooms say that this event was held by Brother Xiao Xiao and Hu Ya.

In an instant, the popularity of Yang Zi's live broadcast room began to increase crazily.

The other anchors who were performing in the live broadcast room were even more helpless.

The popularity of the original live broadcast room was 40 to [-], but half of it ran in almost half a minute.

Most of the remaining half of the mind is not here, and the desire to vote is even more pitiful.

Not surprisingly, these 5 minutes of performance time must be wasted, it depends on whether you can participate in the resurrection match later.

"Everyone come to Yang Zi's live broadcast room, don't the anchors who are performing in other live broadcast rooms have no chance at all."

"How about this, the overall time of this competition will be postponed by 5 minutes, and after Feng'er dances, the other participating anchors will start the competition again."

Liu Xiao smiled and spoke on the public screen.

Several other anchors who were performing their talents in the live broadcast room were even more shocked.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty!"

Feng'er didn't dare to waste any time, the music officially started and directly entered the rhythm of dancing.

It has to be said that Feng'er's dancing ability is still very strong, coupled with Feng'er's good looks that can almost score 95 points, it makes all the tourists hooked.

In just 5 minutes of the exhibition match, they directly scored 35 points!

"This result is simply explosive."

"Although brother Xiao Xiao came to the live broadcast room and brought a lot of popularity, Feng'er's real strength is also very strong, and the voting ratio is at least one-third!"

Yang Zi shouted passionately.

He hosted the game all night, and he almost figured out the proportion of votes.

For an anchor with average talent, the proportion of audience votes is about one-tenth, and for an anchor with slightly better talent, the proportion of votes is about one-sixth.

A third like Feng'er, this is still the first one from early morning to now!
Coupled with the increase in popularity brought by Brother Xiao Xiao, it is estimated that this score will not be surpassed in a short time.

Liu Xiao didn't stay in the live broadcast room too much.

With his current popularity, it is not appropriate to stay in any live broadcast room, mainly because the popularity of the other four live broadcast rooms is too big.

This wave of going online is to see how the event is going, and to make a splash along the way.

After all, Feng'er is also the anchor of his department, and he can help as much as he can.

What's more, in the next step, Liu Xiao still wants to set up a trade union to have fun. Sister Feifei's suggestion last time was a bit tempting to Liu Xiao.

After turning off the live broadcast, Liu Xiao bought another plane ticket to Guangzhou on his mobile phone.

The Taobao store has reached a critical moment. In the past two days, Qu Yue bought another Taobao home page promotion. It is expected that there will be another wave of traffic peaks in these two days.

It is impossible to be a 100% hands-off shopkeeper in business, and this matter is related to system upgrades, so Liu Xiao can't stay here in the magic capital.

Pushed the training plan set by the beautiful coach, directly called the Lane Airport, and boarded the direct plane to Guangzhou.

At the same time, Vice President Du's Internet-wide blockade of Baldy also officially began.

"Contact Weibo, it will be the tenth most searched one minute later, and the second most popular search within half an hour."

"Let those self-media be active. Douyin's self-media focuses on analyzing Baldy's live broadcast experience, and Kuaishou mainly publicizes Xiao Xiaoge's rewarding deeds."


Lanlan said to several employees of the planning department.

This is Huya's first star-making project. From the very beginning, Huya had high expectations for this star-making project, and Lanlan personally watched over this matter.

As the whole network is blocked, Baldy's popularity spreads to the whole network at a crazy speed.

Baldy has already changed shifts with another anchor, and is looking at his own name hanging all over the Internet with great satisfaction.

"After all, it's still a bit hot."

Baldy shook his head slightly.

This wave of recommendations is very strong, but he is a host after all.

Many people still have opinions on this music classification, which has caused Huya to lose a lot of popularity in the process of pushing him.

The bald man reckoned that after recommending him in the past few days, it would be the limit to push him to Brother Li's level. If he wanted to go further, he would have to wait for a better opportunity.

During the three-day event, the Huya platform was full of joy.

With Daheng's strong support, Xia Nuan won the third place in the preliminary round with 40 votes, and Brother Li won the second place in the preliminary round with a final score of 45 votes.

Little Orange, on the other hand, unquestionably won the first place with 100 million votes.

As the competition entered the second round, more and more Lehua anchors won with a high number of votes, and Brother Hua's face became darker and darker.

He is not an idiot, the recommendation of Daheng's various resources, coupled with the shots of several well-known gods, gave Brother Li a score of 45 votes, but what about Little Orange?
The game time was early in the morning, and the vote ratio was one to two.

Although the proportion of votes is high, if it is placed among other participating anchors, few people will choose the early morning competition. After all, the activity of tourists at night is not high.

But when Xiaojuzi sang, the big brothers in the live broadcast room raised their popularity to 55 to give Xiaojuzi a boost.

In the early hours of the morning, it didn't matter if there were 55 people, but Xiaojuzi managed to achieve another 100 million votes!

One to two votes, which means that almost all the tourists present voted for Xiaojuzi!

This is also impossible to think about.

No matter how popular Little Orange is, it is impossible for everyone to be her fans. Even if two-thirds of the people voted, he would hold his nose and bear it, but this is almost 100% voting rate
Rao Yihua's belly is so big, but he also has a toothache from being angry.

This is definitely a shady scene, and it's the aboveboard kind!
"Although Xiaojuzi won the first place, Daheng has also taken advantage of these few days to slow down. The popularity of Xia Nuan and Brother Li has basically recovered, and Xiaofei has resumed the broadcast, and the popularity is not bad."

The fifth child smiled wryly, and gave Brother Hua a little comfort.

But only they knew in their hearts that the [-] million invested this month was completely in vain.

Daheng's profit this month may not be as good as last month, and if the guild's funds decrease, it means another capital injection.

This month Brother Hua first paid in advance and didn't cut his equity, but what about next month?

Lao Wu really doesn't have much money in his hands!
"Leaving aside these things, 500 people advanced to the preliminary round, and we have more than 100 in Daheng, and these 100 or more are all talented."

"I can't see it when there are 5000 people playing, but now there is only one goal in the 500-player competition, which is to make trouble!"

Brother Hua hummed lightly.

Participating in Xiao Xiao's competition, and putting the knife on it again, was just to wait for this moment.

The talent level of their more than 100 anchors in Daheng is good, and the participation rate is close to a quarter. If Lehua still wants to wear small shoes for them in Daheng, it will be more difficult.

At that time, if you don't use the navy to shoot, the audience who can't see it will be able to spray Lehua to death!
So what if you give Xiaojuzi the first place?
If their Daheng occupies seven, eight or even ten of the thirteen ranking positions, wouldn't the event held by Xiao Xiao become their Daheng's wedding dress?
Xiao Xiao invested [-] million yuan to train anchors for Daheng?
Brother Hua and Lao Wu looked at each other, everything was kept silent.

The large size of the trade union has this advantage, and it can completely crush the opponent with the crowd tactics.

I can't accept it!

Just after Liu Xiao came back from Guangzhou, Zhao Ning drove a mini to pick him up.

"Well, have you been busy these two days?"

Liu Xiao sat in the co-pilot and asked with a smile.

The car has also been driven for a month, and Zhao Ning is quite familiar with this small mini, and it is smooth to drive on the road.

"It's okay, Huya notified me in the morning that it will start the whole network recommendation process for me starting this afternoon. I'm basically just sitting at home and waiting for fame to come to me."

Zhao Ning chuckled, with a bit of complacency in her words.

From a small person to a first-line Internet celebrity in just a few months, although Liu Xiao's help accounted for the majority, it is also inseparable from Zhao Ning's strength.

Exquisite singing skills coupled with unparalleled creative talent are definitely the cornerstones of Zhao Ning's stardom.

"After the recommendation this time, I'm afraid it will be really popular."

Liu Xiao glanced at Zhao Ning, who was driving triumphantly, and smiled.

He and Zhao Ning, this can be regarded as making progress together, right?
Driving along the way to buy a la carte, Liu Xiao personally cooked some delicious dishes.

"Wandering outside, it is necessary to have the ability to cook, unlike a native lady like you who is full of artistic cells."

"You mean I am well-clothed and well-fed."

"How dare you, how dare you, you are barely half as good as I am in housework, which is not bad."

Liu Xiao joked.

Although Zhao Ning's family conditions are not very good, they can definitely be regarded as a well-off family.

Especially in a place like Shanghai where every inch of land is expensive, there is such a big four-bedroom house. This starting point is already the end point of many people's lifetime struggle.

In third- and fourth-tier cities, you can even live on rent directly.

But Zhao Ning is not arrogant.

On the contrary, Zhao Ning is still a very gentle girl, the kind who can go from the living room to the kitchen, and has an excellent appearance and figure.

Not to mention those Internet celebrities who rely on beauty filters, Zhao Ning's appearance, figure and conversation are among the best girls he has ever seen.

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a blank look, and concentrated on the dishes on the table.

The prime time at [-] o'clock in the evening is the time for Zhao Ning's second round of competition.

This was also arranged by Huya officials in advance.

Liu Xiao first counted the data of the Taobao store, and then turned on the Huya live broadcast.

I only watched the game for 5 minutes in total.

The second round of competition started, and now there is only one live broadcast room left, and there is no such situation that going online will affect the popularity of other anchors.

Moreover, he did not forget the most important reason for holding this game.

Completely praise Zhao Ning!

(End of this chapter)

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