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Chapter 289 Hostile Union?The number of votes is 0!

Chapter 289 Hostile Union?The number of votes is zero!

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

It happened that Da Mao was explaining the meeting, and when he saw the special effects of Brother Xiao Xiao's entrance, he hurriedly greeted him.

The anchor contestants who were competing were overjoyed, and they performed even harder.

The one who is competing now is San Jin, a second-tier anchor from Lehua's side, who is still a little bit stronger.

Liu Xiao was not polite either, as soon as he entered the live broadcast room, he began to collect treasure maps.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty, as soon as he comes, he throws beans in the live broadcast room."

For a while, the popularity that was originally close to 200 million climbed again, jumping directly to more than 200 million.

Liu Xiao took a look at the competition arrangement, there were about six anchors performing before Zhao Ning.

Exactly half an hour is just right for increasing popularity.

"If everyone thinks San Jin's singing is okay, please help count her votes."

Liu Xiao smiled and typed a barrage on the public screen.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is a must!"

"Just for brother Xiao Xiao's words, I will ask everyone in my dormitory to come and vote!"

"One vote cast!"


The audience was excited.

Sanjin was even more happy and crazy.

Brother Xiao Xiao just posted such a barrage, and the number of voters in the live broadcast room increased by nearly 20!

Her talent is mediocre, she tends to be the kind of chat anchor, and her own traffic is not too large. I thought it would be 30 million in the end, and a vote ratio of [-] to [-] is almost the same.

But Brother Xiao Xiao's words directly doubled her votes, and they are still growing!
One minute later, the Sanjin talent show was over, and the final vote count was also counted in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room.

53 votes, four to one vote!

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao and everyone for your support!"

Taking advantage of the last two seconds of exit, Sanjin bowed deeply to the front.

Until the live broadcast room was cut out, Sanjin still hadn't recovered.

She knew very well in her heart that although the 53 votes might not be able to send her to the finals, with such an impressive record, the live broadcast will definitely go smoothly in the future.

Even, it is not impossible to be promoted to the first-line anchor in a short period of time.

San Jin quit the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao didn't care too much.

They are all their own people, and they can help as much as they can.

Looking at the next few anchors who will appear on stage, Liu Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Next up is Liang Kai's host [Xiao Kai], and his talent is the musical instrument guitar."

Da Mao glanced at the program list, and then announced the curtain.

Xiaokai, the anchor of Liangkai, is a potential stock, and he plays the guitar very well, and the talent he is going to show today is the most difficult guitar piece [Canon].

Xiao Kai connected to the live broadcast room, feeling a little uneasy.

He and brother Xiao Xiao had crossed paths before, and when brother Xiao Xiao was helping Xiaojuzi to promote the game, he had tipped on the Xingxiu channel.

But on the page he was on at that time, Brother Xiao Xiao and other anchors had all tipped, and he was the only one left out.

He knew very well in his heart that brother Xiao Xiao wasn't having trouble with him, but with Daheng and the Liangkai trade union.

At that time, he was just a third-tier anchor, and he had nothing to do with the union winning or losing. He was paid a few thousand dollars a month, and no one cared about Brother Xiao Xiao bypassing him.

But now he has exploded because of his talent, and has reached the second-tier, or even the peak of popularity in the second-tier.

At this time, if brother Xiao Xiao is targeted again, his position as a second-line anchor may not be able to be kept.

"Brother Xiao Xiao shouldn't be so ruthless, the popularity of this live broadcast room is almost 250 million, Brother Xiao Xiao won't be that bad"

Xiao Kai comforted himself in his heart, then forced out a smiling face, and lightly plucked the first string of the guitar.

"This anchor is very talented, Canon is quite skilled."

"I just practice guitar. To be able to reach the level of an anchor, I guess I have been immersed in it for at least four or five years. I went to his live broadcast room some time ago. In addition to guitar, he can also play piano and drums."

"Fuck, is this person so versatile?"

Canon just entered the main theme, and the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room all buckled 666.

Now the main force watching the live broadcast is mainly the post-90s, unlike the post-00s who have received all-round talent learning, the post-90s are more miserable. Most of them grew up under the beating of exam-oriented education, and they admire people who know multiple talents from the bottom of their hearts.

Besides, Xiao Kai's playing is not bad, which may not be obvious in the entertainment industry, but in the small section of Huya, it can be regarded as the ceiling of guitar instruments.

And the unique way of playing makes many tourists feel refreshed.

The boss of Liangkai's trade union was also quite nervous at the beginning. After all, the relationship between Liangkai and Baldy was here. If Xiao Xiao wanted to help Baldy, he would definitely use Liangkai's anchor.

But when he saw that Xiao Xiao didn't attack Xiao Kai, he immediately became excited.

"Xiao Xiao is always thinking about the impact. With nearly 250 million viewers watching the live broadcast, even Xiao Xiao has to step back!"

"From today onwards, we can start to let Xiao Kai go to the front line, slowly cultivate, maybe our Liang Kai can also be a front-line anchor!"

Xiao Xiao didn't ask for any more gifts this time, but even without the help of gifts, Xiao Kai's votes still kept going up.

Soon, Xiao Kai's votes exceeded 70, and he continued to jump up. It is estimated that it will be no problem to get a little more than one-third of the votes in the end.

Soon, Little Kai Cannon finished the last note, and he glanced at the public screen in the live broadcast room.

The above data of 90 votes completely excited him.

Not surprisingly, this statistic is enough to advance to the final round of the day after tomorrow!
The highest number of votes now is Xia Nuan, who just performed in the morning, and currently has 130 million votes, followed by him!
There are still a few seconds left in the game, but Xiaokai can't hide his excitement.

Suddenly, a huge golden-red barrage popped up in the center of the screen. Almost all tourists saw it in the center of the live broadcast room.


"Why did Brother Xiao Xiao stop suddenly? I don't think there's anything wrong with playing it?"

"Could it be the recording played, or is something wrong with Huya?"

"Impossible. Huya's technical department opened tens of thousands of live broadcast rooms every day without any problems. Huya attaches so much importance to this event, and only opened ten live broadcast channels. How is it possible?"

"If it's not the Tiger Bud's problem, then it must be a fake bomb."


Brother Xiao Xiao called a stop on the spot, and the tourists immediately talked about it, and the barrage on the public screen multiplied exponentially.

Huya's planning of the event this time is still very good.

After the first round of the competition, most of the anchors who were not talented enough were brushed off. These 500 people are a bit level in every way. If the strength of the three gold medals is not very good, it is also among the 500 people. .

As for the decrease in the proportion of votes, it was because after watching it for several days, the audience's eyes became more vicious, and they had higher requirements for the quality of the program.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of tourists is still very high.

Huya's technical department immediately became nervous.

"Technology, hurry up and check whether Xiaokai's original singer's voice is connected to the live broadcast!"

"Also, check whether the data stream in Xiaokai's live broadcast room is the same as the place where he usually broadcasts live. Is it possible that his video is matched with someone else's playing."

The head of the technology department was also in a hurry.

In the entertainment industry, fake singing and fake playing are not uncommon, but that is the default of the organizers.

But Huya's control of this event is extremely strict, just to highlight a person's talent.

It doesn't matter if Brother Xiao Xiao isn't there, but now that Brother Xiao Xiao is in the live broadcast room, if a fake bomb is caught at this time, it will be a big problem.

Vice President Du was the first to receive the news, and made several phone calls to Daniel in the technical department.

The next anchor who was going to play was also notified to suspend playing.

Xiao Kai hangs in the middle of the live broadcast room, not knowing for a while whether to launch Lianmai.

Of course he also watched the public screen.

He knows his own level, and it is not difficult to do it live with his strength. He knows best whether there are fake bullets.

What he was even more afraid of was that Brother Xiao Xiao would use him to stab Liang Kai!
When the audience was discussing, Brother Xiao Xiao finally spoke again, saying the speech that Xiao Kai was most afraid of seeing.

"To be honest, your talent is good, but because you are Liangkai's anchor, I won't let you live."

Huya naturally reserved a copy of the authority for this event, so Liu Xiao went backstage and directly cleared Xiaokai's current vote count.

"How dare he, how dare he!"

In the trade union office, Liang Kai's boss saw Xiao Xiao's barrage in the live broadcast room and Xiao Kai's count of votes cleared, and threw everything off his desk.

"This Xiao Xiao is absolutely crazy. This is 250 million tourists. He is trying to provoke public outrage!"

Boss Liangkai slapped the office vigorously to express his anger.

Beside, a few beautiful little secretaries lowered their heads and dared not speak, they also felt that Xiao Xiao was crazy.

If Xiao Xiao used his authority to secretly downvote Xiao Kai, they would all understand. It is also a way of saying that the actual number of votes is reduced from 90 to 45.

But now, in front of Huya officials, all the trade unions, and all the tourists, Xiao Xiao directly slapped Xiao Kai to death!
No matter who does this kind of thing, public outrage will definitely happen.

On Daheng's side, the fifth child who had been watching the live broadcast from the trade union gasped even more.

Xiao Xiao is really crazy!

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Kai's face was pale.

The fans who came to support Xiaokai himself were even more angry.

Now they don't care about what kind of super hero Xiao Xiao is, and to do this kind of thing openly is to challenge everyone's bottom line!
"Brother Xiao Xiao is right. This competition was originally organized by Brother Xiao Xiao. Everyone knows what the Liangkai union has done before, right?"

"In my opinion, brother Xiao Xiao is very kind to do this. If I were to play, I would never give the host Liang Kai a chance to play!"

Da Mao was also shocked, but he opened his mouth immediately.

From the moment he invested 100 million in Little Orange, he was firmly bound to Brother Xiao Xiao's chariot. At this time, he could only support Brother Xiao Xiao unconditionally.

"Oh, I think what Da Mao said is right. This competition was originally organized by Brother Xiao Xiao. We don't need to remind you what Liang Kai and Daheng have done. Support Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Although my vote was rejected by Brother Xiao Xiao, I am a little upset, but I still want to say that Brother Xiao Xiao did the right thing. If it were me, I might not give them a chance to play at all. Since I have the cheek to play, I have to be prepared to be rejected. Get ready for a beating!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is the big brother Shenhao after all. Brother Xiao Xiao invested [-] million yuan in this game. Could it be that he can't even offend an unhappy trade union? I don't know what you people think. Brother Xiao Xiao should pay the platform for free work to earn a living?"

Unlike Daheng and Liangkai's union fans, the tourists on Lehua's side helped Brother Xiao Xiao to speak up after the initial shock.

Brother Xiao Xiao's actions are indeed somewhat overbearing, but logically speaking, Brother Xiao Xiao is not wrong!

"Support Brother Xiao Xiao!"

After all, there are a lot of Lehua and Brother Xiao Xiao fans in the live broadcast room, and they will all be on Brother Xiao Xiao's side.

The fans of Daheng and Liangkai almost looked dumbfounded.

There are more than 200 million people in the live broadcast room, at least 150 million people are from Brother Xiao Xiao.

Yes, I can't spray it at all!
"Daheng and Liangkai are just a bunch of idiots, Brother Xiao Xiao is already doing a good job of saving face."

"Don't blame the host for this matter, if you want to blame it, blame Liang Kai, the sand sculpture!"

In the live broadcast room, there was even a barrage of kings constantly tumbling, and it was mad at Daheng and Liangkai.

The bald man was lying on the bed, watching the public screen in the live broadcast room getting better, and even took out a few king trumpets to complain wildly in the live broadcast room, and flew up happily.

In his opinion, this is Brother Xiao Xiao's character!

Just do it if you don't like it, don't worry about him 21 [-]!

No matter what happened to Xiao Kai, in the final analysis, he still had Liang Kai's sign. Since he chose the opposite camp, he was the enemy.

Thinking back when he was live broadcasting in Liangkai, Liangkai never saw a single anchor who helped him from top to bottom. If something happened, wouldn't they always stay far away from him?

As for Daheng and Liangkai who want to target Brother Xiaoxiao.
Don't even look at who organized the game and whose live broadcast room it is!
Slowly, the voices of Daheng and Liangkai in the live broadcast room became weaker and weaker.

In the end, the public screen completely turned into a voice of support.

Liu Xiao smiled slightly.

The purpose of playing live broadcasts is to have fun. It would be meaningless if the union that doesn't deal with it swaggers to cause trouble here.

He has such a character in himself, originally he wanted to get angry with Xiaokai when he first started live broadcasting, but seeing that Xiaokai's talent is considered good, he gave Xiaokai some time to perform.

Of course, Liu Xiao is not unreasonable.

But the anchors of Daheng's series should have thought about such consequences long ago when they had the cheek to come to the competition.

It was just a fluke, betting that he would not dare to target him in public. It was clear that he wanted to use public opinion to suppress him.

Don't look at Xiaokai's aggrieved face now, but seeing that he chose to play after going online, isn't he just trying to take advantage of the public opinion of tourists?

It's just that they underestimated Liu Xiao.

"I'm not targeting a certain anchor, but those unions."

"Of course, if the contract relationship with Liangkai is terminated, then I will let it go."

"This is a competition I organized, if you don't want to watch it, you can leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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