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Chapter 290 Daheng Black Fan: We Are the Beauty of Adults

Chapter 290 Daheng Black Fan: We Are the Beauty of Adults

As soon as Liu Xiao said this, the live broadcast room became even more heated.

Xiao Kai showed even more bitterness.

Although brother Xiao Xiao's words were a bit loud, it was also the truth.

The audience of Brother Xiao Xiao cheered even more.

"If you have the ability to let your eldest brother also hold a competition, none of our Lehua anchors will participate!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too domineering. This is the brother Xiao Xiao we have always recognized. This is what we want. If you don't want to see it, you can leave voluntarily. Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't owe you anything!"

"Although it's a pity for Xiao Kai, but remembering what Liang Kai did, let's forget it."

Liangkai is just a small guild, and there are no big brothers in the guild.

Huya's rule is that the anchor can't talk about the big brother at will, but it doesn't say that the anchor can't talk about the union at will.

Therefore, the bald man talked a lot about the affair between Daheng and Liangkai in the live broadcast room.

Tourists who are often in Baldy's live broadcast room are even more familiar with this matter.

Liangkai's boss slumped on the office chair helplessly.

There is no way to escape what they have done. This time they are exposed in full view, and their Liang Kai's reputation is going to be rotten to the end.

Xiao Kai's face was a little uneasy, and after thinking about it, he left the stage voluntarily. Although he disdained Liang Kai's actions, he is Liang Kai's anchor after all, and everything should be based on the union.

Besides, you can't just wake up with Brother Xiao Xiao in this live broadcast room, right?

Whether it is reasonable or not, I will say first, in this Huya platform, there is really no one who dares to turn against brother Xiao Xiao!
"The next one is from .
The anchor [Little Cucumber] from the Daheng Union. "

Da Mao had a strange expression on his face.

Brother Xiao Xiao will be online now, and he is obviously rushing to make a list for Xiaojuzi.

But there was still half an hour before Xiaojuzi played, and there happened to be six anchors competing, and it happened that the first few were Daheng's anchors.

With Brother Xiao Xiao's performance tonight, I'm afraid these six anchors won't get any points even if they perform well?

During the day, many anchors of Daheng have passed the test. These anchors are indeed a bit unlucky.

Sure enough, after Gherkin came on stage, there was another uproar in the live broadcast room, and countless viewers spoke and laughed.

Little Cucumber boarded the live broadcast room with a wry smile.

She wanted to abstain directly, but the fifth side made her have to show her talents online. She is just a second-tier anchor, so naturally she has to listen to the union's arrangements. No matter what the result is, these 5 minutes must be passed .

Sure enough, without Gherkin's surprise, after the 5-minute game ended, Xiao Xiao once again used the management authority to clear her score to zero.

Little Cucumber had no intention of staying any longer, so she went offline in seconds.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is good, don't be cowardly, just do it!"

"Come on Brother Xiao Xiao, with us here, Daheng's black powder can't be sprayed!"

The next anchor came online, and just after the show ended, Liu Xiao cleared the votes again.


Within half an hour, no matter which Daheng's anchor came on stage, they could not escape the fate of their points being cleared in the end!
With Xiaokai and seven zero votes in a row, even Da Mao was a little scared.

At the same time, Da Mao was secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, there are only these six or seven people in front of Xiaojuzi. If Xiaojuzi goes online at [-] o'clock in the evening, then all the anchors of the Daheng faction will not be able to pass tonight?
At that time, even with the support of fans, I am afraid there will be many trolls.

Even Xiaojuzi, who was about to play, was quite frightened by Brother Xiao Xiao's move, for fear that Brother Xiao Xiao would clear her points and clear her points by the way.

"I believe most of the friends in the live broadcast room will know the anchor who will be appearing below. On the other hand, the talent of this anchor is unparalleled. It is definitely the existence of Tiger Bud's ceiling."

Before Da Mao finished speaking, the tourists immediately started barrages frantically.

"Welcome Little Tangerine!"

"Little Orange, definitely deserves the first place!"

"I've been waiting all day, and finally Xiaojuzi is online. I'm so excited!"

Although Xiaojuzi hadn’t been blocked on the entire Internet in the past two days, several major music platforms have been directly recommended on the homepage. How many tourists who love the Internet don’t listen to music?

Coupled with the appearance of Xiaojuzi who can almost score full marks, she can definitely be a well-deserved first sister on Xingxiu's side!
And with the start of Xiaojuzi's star-making on the Internet tonight, countless people came to Huya specifically to take a look at this super Internet celebrity who has been almost popular all over the country these days.

Under Liu Xiao's deliberate planning, the popularity of the evening session has already exceeded 250 million, and is even slowly heading towards 300 million.

You know, this is the top [-], and there are still top [-] competitions, and the popularity will probably be even higher by then!
Da Mao didn't show it on his face, but he was secretly surprised.

Although he had expected that Xiaojuzi's popularity would be very hot, it was terrifying that he could arouse the love of so many tourists after only playing for 5 minutes.

He, an old anchor who has been in Huya for more than a year, is not even a quarter of Xiaojuzi's popularity now.

Perhaps when Xiaojuzi completely completes this wave of network-wide recommendations, it is really possible to become a real celebrity anchor in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Da Mao's heart became hotter.

Baldy has just been recommended by the whole network today. Although he is still a little far from a star anchor, he is at least a big anchor of Li Ge's level. I believe Huya will give Baldy a celebrity anchor sign in the next step.

Not to mention the little orange, the achievement is definitely much higher than the bald man.

He Da Mao will follow Brother Xiao Xiao in the future, maybe he will be treated like this in the future!
He didn't dare to say anything else, but with his background of live broadcasting for so long, as long as he recommends it, he can definitely take off to the level of a bald man!
"Not much else to say, if you have votes in your hands, vote for Xiaojuzi, and I invite everyone to have a supper tonight."

Liu Xiao has all the permissions of the live broadcast room, and directly clicked on the TV function of the live broadcast room.

A total of 100 red envelopes, [-] yuan each!
Liu Xiao was a little surprised. Originally, according to the intention of the network supervisor, the anchor's single red envelope cannot exceed 5 yuan.

Liu Xiao originally just had the mentality of trying, and if it didn't work, he planned to post it in groups of [-].

But I didn't expect that 1000 million could be sent out in one click!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, Mr. Du said hello to his superiors. During this event, only you are available."

Lan Lan privately sent a wechat to clear up Liu Xiao's confusion.

The capped red envelope of 5 yuan is just to prevent the anchor from getting too big in the paid lottery draw, and finally run away without claiming the prize money.

Just like Huya’s single-day recharge limit of 1000 million before, it can be canceled in special circumstances.

Vice President Du knew that Brother Xiao Xiao liked to do this kind of thing, so he went to say hello to his superiors.

Brother Xiao Xiao naturally doesn't do paid lottery, the approval is relatively fast.

"Have a heart."

Seeing Lanlan's reply, Liu Xiao understood it.

Hu Ya is indeed very considerate, he has thought of everything he can think of for the client, so as to save him trouble.

One hundred thousand red envelopes were sent out, and each person was limited to one.

Just after turning on the TV function, the audience exploded when they saw the number of red envelopes.

"We have more than 250 million and close to 300 million people, and each person is limited to one for [-] red envelopes. That is to say, one of every [-] people can get it?"

"My God, a single red envelope is 100 yuan, brother Xiao Xiao, this is really a midnight snack!"

One hundred thousand times 100 yuan, this multiplication is not difficult.

A full 1000 million!

Xiaojuzi was so shocked that she didn't know how to continue singing, but she had a good mental quality, she lost the tune a little bit and then pulled back, continuing to sing with a steady breath.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is so interesting, about 5 minutes, I will immediately bring my girlfriend to vote together!"

"Fart, I'm afraid you are going to drag your girlfriend upstairs to grab the red envelopes."

"Don't worry, his girlfriend is right under me, I can't call him."

The public screen is almost maxed out, and everyone is holding the barrage, hoping to get a barrage red envelope.

Those who had friends around were immediately pulled over to grab the red envelopes.

"Hahaha, I got it, thank you Brother Xiaoxiao!"

"Me too, I can snatch my ten-thousand-year black face, and it's sent directly to my account, just withdraw cash."

"My two accounts have been grabbed, thank you, thank you, unanimous support!"

With the first wave of red envelopes being received, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became even more enthusiastic.

Little Juzi's singing skills and strength are already well-deserved number one in Huya. Even if brother Xiao Xiao didn't come tonight, it is estimated that there will be more than two-thirds of the votes.

As soon as Brother Xiao Xiao's red envelope was sold, the number of votes at the top of the live broadcast room jumped up on the Internet at an extremely exaggerated speed.

Every second, more than 5000 votes will jump up, and as the red envelopes are slowly announced, the speed of this number of votes is still increasing.

Soon, Little Orange sang the last note, and there were only five seconds left.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you for your support."

Little Orange also bowed to thank.




With the end of the final countdown, Xiaojuzi's final score also appeared at the top of the live broadcast room.

330 fifty-six thousand seven!
You know, Xia Nuan, who performed in the morning, only won 130 million votes after a series of arrangements by Daheng.

Now the data of Little Orange is almost invincible!
"Hahaha, it seems that there are quite a few people who use the trumpet to grab red envelopes. This number of votes is more than the total number of people in our live broadcast room."

The red envelope draw ended, and the audience couldn't help laughing at the final results.

For those who play Huya, it is normal to have one or two trumpets. Five minutes is enough to switch between seven or eight numbers to vote for the lottery. The voting ratio in the evening file is 5:1. Four and a half million votes is still very normal.

After all, in the situation just now, I believe that more than 95% of the people in the live broadcast room will choose to vote!
Seeing this result, Liu Xiao is quite satisfied, but there is no need to actively modify the background data.

The only thing he didn't expect was that many tourists from Daheng also voted for Xiaojuzi. For Daheng, this is also a shining enemy, right?

Daheng's tourists cursed secretly.

The bullet screen red envelope set by Xiao Xiao can only be grabbed after voting. They don't want to vote for Xiaojuzi, but the red envelope is too fragrant.

One hundred thousand red envelopes of 100 yuan, a total of 1000 million, fools will not grab it!
Even the management of the Daheng trade union who came to monitor the live broadcast room couldn't help but secretly participated in it, and voted twice with large and small accounts.

"Little Juzi's victory has been decided. One vote for us is not too much, and one vote for us is not too much. Xiao Xiao sent out so many red envelopes, and we will take some of them. At least we can cause him a little loss."

"Yes, yes, the answer upstairs is correct. Anyway, the situation is already like this. It's not bad to simply get some benefits from Xiao Xiao."

Tourists from Daheng comforted themselves psychologically.

It doesn’t really matter whether they vote or not, but if they vote, there is a one-thirtieth chance of getting 100 yuan.

Then use the money backhandedly to make a skewer, isn't he good?

Furthermore, a gentleman uses the beauty of an adult.

Xiaojuzi is so beautiful, since winning the first place is already unstoppable, going with the flow is also a good choice.

A few paranoids looked at the Daheng fans who were chattering in the trade union group with surprise on their faces.

These guys don't seem to be like this when they usually howl and want to show Lehua a good look, don't they?

 Thank you Xiaowenzi: 10000 book coins reward!

  Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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