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Chapter 292 The birth of another bald man

Chapter 292 The birth of another bald man
Boss Liangkai looked at Xiaokai's back as he walked away, and let out a soft snort.

He took out his mobile phone and called all the trade union bosses he knew.

Huya's circle is so big, even if Liangkai's reputation is not very good, most of the capital behind him are familiar with each other.

Xiaokai can leave, and the liquidated damages can be low.

If you want to leave, you can leave, but don't even think about mixing in the live broadcast circle in the future!
When he said this, relying on his relationship with Daheng, he believed that most of the trade unions on the platform would give him face.

As for the only Lehua who dared to fight against Daheng?
Xiao Xiao just gave Xiao Kai a wave of ruthlessness, Xiao Kai must not dare to touch Lehua at this time.

What's more, there are quite a few talented anchors in Lehua, so they may not be able to see Xiao Kai.

Xiaokai took the contract from the financial side, and after paying 3000 yuan in liquidated damages, he tore the contract to shreds in public.

Back in the live broadcast room, I packed my earphones, guitar and some live broadcast props into a big box, and returned home as quickly as possible.

After leaving Liangkai, although he temporarily lost his source of income, he was unconsciously relieved.

The contract between him and Liang Kai was so basic that it didn't even include a clause that the anchor was not allowed to broadcast live within one year after leaving the union.

And this gave him a second chance to choose a career in a short period of time.

Xiao Kai is very confident. With the level he has shown in the past two days, there must be many unions willing to take him.

He doesn't bother to serve a short-sighted boss like Boss Liangkai.

In my hand, I found the phones managed by other unions that had been stored for a long time.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, I'm Xiaokai, a talent anchor, and I hope to sign a contract with your union."

"Ah? We are not recruiting for the time being, okay, okay, we will have a chance to cooperate in the future."

"Hello, Manager Li, I'm Xiaokai, a talent anchor."

Xiaokai made five or six phone calls one after another, but the reply he got was that the union was not recruiting for the time being.

Xiaokai felt that something was wrong, so he called another friend who had a good relationship with Liangkai before the trade union.

"That bastard!"

Xiao Kai gritted his teeth hard, his heart churning with anger.

After he left, Boss Liangkai publicized it in the guild, saying that he guaranteed that no guild in Huya would dare to accept him.

This is breaking his way!

Even some small guilds that had made good friends with Lehua didn't dare to offend the boss Liangkai too much.

After all, it was rumored that Liangkai's boss had a deep relationship with Daheng's trade union management, and offending Liangkai was basically tantamount to offending Daheng.

As for Lehua, Xiao Kai didn't dare to think about it.

Lehua is now a big guild that is on equal footing with Daheng Yinyin. He is an anchor who has just left Liangkai, and there is a high probability that Lehua will not accept him.

"Could it be that I can only jump to tease the fish?"

Xiao Kai frowned.

He has been operating in Huya for several months, and his fan base is all in Huya.

Losing Huya's fan base, he would have to start from scratch again when he went to Huya.

Now in Huya, although the income is not very high, there is still seven to eight thousand yuan a month. I am afraid that I will start from 3000 yuan to start.

After thinking about it, Xiao Kai took the initiative to call several trade union managers.

As a result, all of them were rejected without a doubt.

That night, Xiao Kai looked at the guitar next to him, tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep.

This guitar is his only property.

In order to find a way out, he came to Guangzhou. He kept the piano and everything at home. Without the trade union, he didn't even have a computer that could support live broadcasting.

Tomorrow morning's daily live broadcast may only be able to use the mobile phone to make up the numbers. Although it can barely be broadcast, the part that needs soundtrack and tune is completely helpless.

And with his current deposit of less than 5000 yuan, he can't even buy a computer that can support music production.

Xiao Kai pinched his thigh fiercely, sat up with one hand supporting the bed, and directly unplugged the charging mobile phone with the other hand, went out directly, took a taxi, and headed for the address of the Lehua trade union.

Today's Lehua, refurbished after Feifei's large investment, not only looks a lot more luxurious on the surface, but also has more than one level of high-end live broadcast equipment.

For first-line anchors such as Tutu, the live broadcast equipment is basically top-of-the-line, and the sound card is also the best in the industry.

At this time, Sister Feifei is staring at the live broadcast room. On the one hand, she is looking at who can recruit, and on the other hand, she is accompanying Brother Xiao Xiao to interact with the barrage in the live broadcast room. Serious.

Next to him, the assistant came over to remind him that there was an anchor named Xiaokai who wanted to sign Lehua.

"Xiao Kai, is he also here in Guangzhou?"

Sister Feifei looked puzzled.

It's only been an hour or two, so it's impossible for her to forget Xiao Kai, the first anchor whose points were scored by Xiao Xiao.

But it was a strange thing that Liang Kai's anchor would come to sign Lehua with them.

Originally, she wanted the signing manager to deal with it, but after thinking about it, Sister Feifei asked her assistant to bring Xiao Kai in.

As soon as Xiao Kai walked into Lehua's lobby, his eyes suddenly brightened.

With the renovation cost of 300 million yuan, Lehua's interior decoration is much better than Liangkai's.

Entering Sister Feifei's office, Xiao Kai immediately saw the people sitting next to her. They were the recently popular news anchor Yang Zi and the new dance anchor Feng Er.

"Sister, Brother Yang Zi, Sister Feng'er."

"I should be older than you, just call me Sister Feifei."

Sister Feifei said with a smile.

"Sister Feifei, I came here today because I really want to interview Lehua's contract anchor. These are my materials, you can take a look."

Xiaokai rubbed her hands together, and a little nervously took out a piece of material and handed it to Sister Feifei, and then carefully sat down on the opposite sofa.

"You did a good job in Liangkai, why did you think of coming to Lehua?"

Taking a casual glance, Sister Feifei first asked her doubts.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao got his points, as long as Boss Liang Kai is not stupid, he should know who is responsible for this matter, right?
After all, Xiaokai's talent is still very good.

"Boss Liangkai is too narrow-minded. Because I lost the game, he canceled all the recommended resources that he had set up before, and even sent out a message that I couldn't join a union."

Xiao Kai smiled wryly, and told the whole story of the incident.

"Hahaha, this boss is indeed exactly what the bald man said."

Yang Zi laughed out loud.

It's obviously my own problem, but it has to be piled up on the host.

Most of the audience are not stupid, this matter must not affect Xiao Kai, and in the end, they are the ones who get sprayed on Liang Kai?
Liangkai's boss is also stupid enough to slap a potential anchor of his own in this way.

"Sister Feifei, let's see if I can sign to Lehua. I don't want much else, just the most basic signing."

Xiao Kai asked quickly.

Lehua here is his last hope.

Sister Feifei thought carefully for a while, and then said seriously:

(End of this chapter)

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