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Chapter 293 Xiao Kai Signs Contract with Lehua

Chapter 293 Xiao Kai Signs Contract with Lehua
Xiao Kai was stunned, and smiled wryly again.

Although he had such mental preparations before coming here, when things actually happened, he was still a little hard to accept.

"I said no, I mean that the contract you proposed is not good."

Sister Feifei smiled and continued.

Lehua is really short of people at the moment. Basically, all kinds of anchors are recruiting. For talents like Xiaokai, Sister Feifei is of course willing to stay.

From Xiaokai's point of view, it is difficult for Lehua to accept him because brother Xiao Xiao brushed him off, but in Sister Feifei's point of view, it has another meaning.

Brother Xiao Xiao's last few words obviously appreciated Xiao Kai's talent.

"After you join Lehua, Lehua will definitely train you. If you are given a basic contract, if you pay 3000 yuan to Liangkai and leave, wouldn't the resources of our union be wasted? ?”

"This is a B-level contract. The training resources are all here. The liquidated damages are 20 yuan. If there is no problem, you can sign the contract now."

Sister Feifei took out three contracts from the drawer and handed them to Xiao Kai.

Looking at the three contracts on the table in front of him, Xiao Kai's pale face suddenly turned blood red.

Picking up a copy with trembling hands, opened the cover of the front page.

There are not many contract details, and the entire contract is only three pages.

The first page is the union training resources.

Xiao Kai was really shocked when he saw the semi-annual homepage push.

With this kind of condition, the liquidated damages of only 20 yuan is insignificant at all!
It can be said that with this contract, he can earn 20 yuan in the first year of live broadcasting. If he doesn't want to do it in Lehua after a year, he just needs to hand over all the money he earned.

Compared with his previous monthly salary of up to 7000 yuan, this contract is simply a super benefit.

"Sister Feifei, Lehua really wants me?"

Picking up the pen, Xiao Kai still couldn't believe it.

"Okay, hurry up and sign, we will be colleagues from now on."

Yang Zi walked over and handed all three contracts to Xiao Kai one after another.

His situation is somewhat similar to Xiao Kai's, and he also got mixed up by relying on his own strength.

However, he was luckier than Xiaokai. He met Xiao Xiaoge, a noble man, not to mention that his sister was saved, and his live broadcast career was also very interesting.

Seeing Xiao Kai now, he still feels very kind.

Xiao Kai's spirit was shaken, he didn't hesitate anymore, and directly signed all three contracts with his name.

Sister Feifei also signed her name in the column of the person in charge, then stamped the official seal of the union, and then handed one of them to Xiao Kai.

Lehua signed an agreement with the notary office, and one of these three copies will also be sent to the notary office. Later, when the two parties have disputes because the contract is lost or the other party accuses the other party of unilaterally tampering with the contract, the one sent to the notary office One copy is proof.

Of course, contracts with the seam seal generally don't have this problem, just in case.

Xiao Kai solemnly received the contract in his satchel, his face suddenly relaxed a lot.

With this contract, there is a bright future ahead.

Moreover, there are not many anchors in Lehua now, so he has every chance to stand out among them!

"Congratulations on joining Lehua."

Feng'er also stood up to welcome.

Her contract is a level higher than that of Xiao Kai, and she is also one of the four head anchors booked by the union.

Of course Xiaokai knew Feng'er's status, so she quickly replied modestly.

"Your live broadcast room is currently on the first floor. The union has a spare piano and drums that you can move there to use. As for the guitar."

Sister Feifei glanced to the side.

"I have the guitar here."

Xiao Kai quickly replied.

"If there is, it's just right. If you need anything in the future, you can report it to the trade union. The union will allocate a part of the money every month to add equipment to the anchor. However, the property rights of the added things belong to the company, and the anchor only has the right to use them."

Miss Feifei smiled.

Xiao Kai repeatedly agreed, followed Sister Feifei and Yang Zi, and watched the entire trade union like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Lehua's live broadcast rooms are relatively large, each compartment is the size of a bedroom, and the space of about twenty square meters is quite spacious.

Xiaokai is also a music creator, so he naturally likes this environment very much.

"Your live broadcast time should be the morning show. Come over an hour early tomorrow morning. I will arrange a manager for you. She will be directly responsible for all your recommendations in the future."

Sister Feifei eloquently introduced a lot.

Yang Zi even clamored for Xiao Kai to have a barbecue.

Yang Zi is alone and has no worries, and a small bed is added in the live broadcast room. Usually, he lives in the union when the live broadcast is busy.

After midnight, he had to be the host of the game. After making an appointment for Xiaokai to have a barbecue, he also went upstairs contentedly to prepare for the broadcast.

Around, the anchors of Tutu saw Xiao Kai coming, and even came out to say hello.

The atmosphere of unity made Xiao Kai feel warm in his heart.

At this moment, Xiaokai not only regards Lehua as a place to make money and become famous, but also as a place to pursue dreams.

Maybe he can also create his own popular single like Xiaojuzi!
At eleven o'clock in the evening, when Liu Xiao was about to go offline, Sister Feifei also made up a text message about Xiao Kai's signing.

Liu Xiao was surprised for a while.

He was really optimistic about Xiao Kai, but he didn't expect Xiao Kai to change his contract directly and become Lehua's anchor in just a few hours.

"The following is a good news for everyone."

Liu Xiao spoke on the public screen with a smile.

Immediately, the tourists who were still voting enthusiastically froze, all staring at the center of the screen.

"Little Kai from Liangkai's union, because he was stabbed in the back by Liangkai's boss, has chosen to change the contract and move to Lehua."

"I believe that by tomorrow, you will be able to see him haunting Lehua."

As soon as Liu Xiao said this, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Damn it, it's only been a few hours, and Xiao Kai has jumped ship!"

"Xiao Kai is a bit too bottomless. Just because of this low score, he just jumped ship?"

"Upstairs, do you have no eyes, and you can't see what brother Xiao Xiao said because the boss Liang Kai stabbed him in the back?"

"How did you stab the knife? Is it like the bald man again, who doesn't give recommendations and funds at critical times?"

What brother Xiao Xiao said is naturally credible.

They didn't think that Xiao Xiao, who is the number one hero on the platform, would play with them in idleness.

Brother Xiao Xiao said that Liang Kai's boss stabbed him in the back, so something must have happened.

Coupled with the matter of the bald man before, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room fermented again, and tourists began to speculate.

Boss Liang Kai originally planned to see how the next few anchors were doing, but when he suddenly saw Brother Xiao Xiao say such a sentence, he became furious and almost threw his desk over.

"This Xiao Xiao, how dare he say that!"

(End of this chapter)

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