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Chapter 294 The Liangkai Union Was Sold

Chapter 294 The Liangkai Union Was Sold

Boss Liangkai never expected that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

It was only an hour and a half ago when Xiao Kai got angry at the trade union, saying that Xiao Kai couldn't sign up for a trade union on the Huya platform, but after a while, Xiao Xiao slapped him madly in the face in front of so many people.

And it actually broke out in public that he threatened Xiao Kai!

He is Liangkai's boss, but he is also a hero himself. He has two emperors under his command. In addition to helping the trade union, he also pays tens of thousands of dollars occasionally. He also has a very good relationship with Daheng Laowu. .

Because they are all in Guangzhou, they even often meet Brother Hua Jiu.

If any other Shenhao dared to mess with him like this on the platform, he would definitely use his trumpet to start a war in public.

But the person opposite, he really didn't dare!
Usually he looks like a submissive younger brother in front of Brother Jiu, let alone Brother Hua who is more powerful than Brother Jiu.

He understands the power of Brother Jiu and Brother Hua very well!
As for Xiao Xiao, although he usually dismissed it in front of his own people, when the matter really affected him, just seeing Xiao Xiao's ID made his body tremble uncontrollably.

Don't say it's to settle accounts with Xiao Xiao, but you don't even have the courage to go to the live broadcast room!
Through the office glass that is visible from one side, he could clearly see some employees talking outside.

He didn't need to listen, he could guess what was being said.

And looking at the comments of the tourists in the live broadcast room on the computer, he was really desperate.

He never dreamed that after Xiaokai couldn't get into other unions, he would dare to go to Lehua for an interview, and Lehua actually accepted him!
Xiao Xiao and Xiao Kai, aren't they hostile?
The speed of the barrage on the public screen was so fast that it couldn't be scanned, and they were all talking about how he cheated the bald man and threatened Xiao Kai.

He knew that if he didn't get it under control, he was doomed.

"Go to Daheng, yes, go to Daheng!"

Boss Lehua jumped up quickly, ignoring the few employees beside him, knocked open the door and ran to the underground car and garage.

Although Liangkai's labor union is not big, it can earn him more than 1000 million a year, which can be regarded as his pillar industry.

Moreover, in order to develop the trade union, he has a lot of loans under his hands. If Liang Kai collapses, he will definitely not be much better off!
These trade unions are basically in Guangzhou, and the distance between Daheng and him is not far, about ten minutes by car.

When Brother Hua and Brother Jiu saw Liang Kai's boss running into the office in a panic, they wanted to slap him to death.

This sudden outbreak was indeed beyond their expectations.

Brother Hua didn't expect that Liang Kai would abandon such a good talent anchor as Xiao Kai.

If this person is in their Daheng, at least he can train a first-line anchor!

"You, you, what a pig brain!"

"Now that things have developed like this, I really can't save you."

Brother Jiu sighed, he didn't want to play with Xia Nuan now, so he waved his hand to signal Xia Nuan to go out.

"Brother Jiu, I did not consider this matter, but you must save me. If you don't save me, I will be doomed!"

"Brother Hua, please save me!"

Boss Liangkai looked at Brother Jiu and Brother Hua eagerly, hoping that they would give him an idea.

"In your current situation, there is really no good way to get out."

Brother Hua opened his mouth.

From the moment Xiaokai joined Lehua, Liangkai's fate was sealed.

This level of hot discussion, no matter how many sailors, can't suppress it.

"Brother Hua, I did exactly what Daheng wanted when I cut off the investment for the bald man. Now that things have come to this point, you must give me a hand."

As soon as these words came out, Brother Hua's heart sank slightly.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Why, you mean to threaten Brother Hua?"

The fifth child was also in a hurry. He was usually very gentle and kicked Boss Liangkai's stomach, kicking him out for more than one meter.

The fifth child knows Brother Hua's temper, and this kick is also to save him!

After being hit for a while, Boss Liangkai also woke up, and suddenly a series of cold sweats broke out on his forehead.

Brother Hua is from the capital, no matter in terms of strength or means, he is tens of thousands of times better than him.

Thinking about what I just said, I'm afraid I didn't even know that I was killed by Brother Hua!
"Brother Hua, I really didn't mean that, I..."

"Okay, I'll give you a solution."

Brother Hua waved his hand and directly interrupted Liang Kai's boss.

"Brother Hua, tell me, Brother Hua, tell me."

"Go back now and order the financial side to count Liangkai's anchors and debts. I will send someone over to talk to you about the acquisition tomorrow morning."

Brother Hua is very bland.


"Brother Hua, I still want to continue this trade union."

Boss Lehua's original joy froze on his face.

"Want to do it again? I'm afraid you are not dreaming!"

"When Xiaokai broadcasts live tomorrow, if you repeat the cause and effect again, what do you think is left for your Liangkai union?"

"It is certain that the original union boss will leave, and the union fans will leave further, and then the anchors with less liquidated damages will also leave."

The fifth child took over the conversation.

"The big anchor will also stop broadcasting indefinitely to avoid the rhythm. All the advertisements and media you have received will be held accountable for your breach of contract tomorrow. The bank will also ask you for an interview to repay the mortgage."

"At that time, besides not earning a dime, you will also be heavily in debt!"

What Lao Wu said was not alarmist.

Today's netizens, except for some women's rights parties, most people's three views are still very positive.

Now that Liangkai's two incidents are exposed, it will inevitably arouse criticism from a large number of netizens. It is definitely unrealistic to continue to operate.

Therefore, there is only one way for Liang Kai to survive, smashing the reorganization and joining Daheng!

Liang Kai was gone, and those tourists couldn't find their target, so they naturally dispersed.

Brother Hua tightly clenched his fists, watching the series of discussions on the public screen in the live broadcast room.

Liang Kai's trade union was originally scapegoated for Daheng, but Xiao Xiao seized the opportunity to break it up in this way, and Daheng will have to face a lot of pressure in the future.

But in this situation, he has only one way to go.

"I sell it!"

Boss Liangkai gritted his teeth and quickly made this decision.

If you sell the union now, you can get at least 1000 million in cash.

That is to say, he has some shady things about the cooperation between Daheng and Liangkai, so Brother Hua is willing to spend money to take over Liangkai.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would all stay away.

After getting 1000 million, he can also do other industries.

But if he waited until tomorrow, Liang Kai would really have to wait there to die.

On the one hand, he is to be a rich man, and on the other hand, he is to be cold in the end, and all his properties under the name of the bank are auctioned off to become an old man. Of course, he knows how to choose.

Boss Liangkai sighed, dragged his body and walked out of Daheng's office slowly.

From the previous annual income of tens of millions to the present only tens of millions of assets, the wealth between this time has shrunk by more than ten times!
 Thank you [Xiaowenzi] for the 10000 book coins rewarded by my elder brother.

  Thank you [Everything is Fate] for the 1200 book coins rewarded by my brother.

(End of this chapter)

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