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Chapter 295 The union is down, everyone is in danger

Chapter 295 The trade union is down, everyone is in danger (recommendation ticket requested)

But he also understands that this is the best result he can get now.

Thinking of Xiaokai and Baldy, Boss Liangkai felt a toothache from hatred again.

In Daheng's office, Brother Hua is also arranging for someone to contact Liangkai to discuss the acquisition.

"Brother Hua, I'm leaving because I have nothing to do. I lost a lot this month. I'll go and communicate with the old man at home first to see how much I can get out next month."

Brother Jiu hehe smiled.

I invested 5000 million yuan this month, and at the end of the month, I can still leave [-]% of the funds, which means a loss of [-] million yuan.

To the family, 5000 million is nothing, but to him, the rich second generation, he still needs to give the family an explanation for the loss. Of course, it is just a casual explanation.

Brother Jiu's family still supports his entrepreneurship a lot, [-] million is not too much.

There are a lot of things these days, and he hasn't enjoyed the delicate flower of Xia Nuan for several days.


Xia Nuan let out a symbolic groan, and then she fell limply into Brother Jiu's arms.

"Take you to play something different tonight."

Brother Jiu chuckled, and looked at Xia Nuan, whose body was slightly red, and suddenly moved his index finger.

As for the matter explained to the family, it was directly thrown to the back of his mind.

Brother Hua looked at Brother Jiu's eagerness to leave, and shook his head helplessly.

In the event live broadcast room, Liu Xiao directly opened the background and restored all Xiaokai's game scores.

This time, 500 people were selected out of 100 people. Xiao Kai scored 90 points, which is definitely more than enough to advance.

"It was Xiao Kai who was the most regretful thing before. Now Xiao Kai has turned his back on the dark and turned to the light. In the game the day after tomorrow, Xiao Kai will definitely be able to compete again."

"[Canon] really sounds good. At that time, I felt sorry for Xiaokai. What's the point of staying in Liangkai's garbage union? Coming to Lehua is the right answer!"

"Hahaha, Xiao Kai is doing well, I hope to develop well in Lehua in the future!"

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao change Xiao Kai's grades back, the tourists discussed more intensely.

It just so happened that the presenter in the competition belonged to Daheng, and Liu Xiaoshun took it and gave it another zero.

After chatting with fans in the live broadcast room for a while, Liu Xiao directly turned off the TV and went to sleep.

I have been running in Guangzhou for several days, and I just came back today, and my spirit is indeed a bit weak.

At the gym, most of the basic Jiu-Jitsu moves have been learned, and it is estimated that it will be almost the same in a few days.

Liu Xiao didn't learn jujitsu to fight with anyone, but to strengthen his body.

I believe that after the end of this month, there will be no need for daily training. In the future, I only need to go to the gym occasionally to keep up.

With the clothes off, the six-pack abs looming.

It doesn't have the bulk of a muscular man, nor does it look delicate, it's a very suitable figure.

It was early in the morning, and with Yang Zi's changing of the guard, many tourists who had watched the live broadcast all day also planned to take a rest.

Tourists in the night stalls also slowly began to go online, and the live broadcast room changed a group of people, but it was still as popular as ever.

At 12:30 in the morning, Liangkai Studio posted on Weibo and the top of Huya, saying that the Liangkai labor union will soon be disbanded and reorganized.

The first and second-tier anchors of the original trade union will also be merged into Daheng at different times.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar on the platform.

Many trade union bosses who had already fallen asleep called to confirm the situation immediately.

Liangkai's trade union is not big, but it depends on the situation.

In front of Daheng and Lehua, Liang Kai is indeed just a younger brother.

But among other unions, Liangkai is not a small guild!

More than 400 anchors, more than 100 employees, annual turnover of more than 4000 close to 5000 million, monthly profit of more than one million, and annual profit of more than ten million!
You know, Daheng, which had no financing before, had a monthly profit of only 500 million, which was only four times that of Liangkai.

Not to mention Lehua, who didn't even have a third of Liang Kai at the time.

Last year, Liang Kai had the strength to compete with Daheng.

Otherwise, Baldy, the number one brother on the platform, wouldn't have stayed in Liangkai for so long.

If it weren't for the fact that Daheng completely surpassed Liangkai in terms of size after financing, and Liangkai leaned towards Daheng, then Liangkai is estimated to be the second largest union on the platform by now.

But now, such a big trade union collapsed in just one night!

The trade unions are silent on the surface, but they are secretly thinking about it in their hearts.

Of course, there is a reason for Liang Kai's own death, but the big head, the instigator, is still Xiao Xiao.

"Xiao Xiao's fans are too solid. With such a large number of fans, no matter what kind of activities they do, they are at ease. Even if they want to deal with small guilds like us, they can crush us to death in one round."

Several union bosses sighed in the group.

In the eyes of a hero like Xiao Xiao, these small guilds are probably like ants, right?

At the same time, they also looked down on Liang Kai's boss.

Not to mention getting rid of the bald man, maybe everyone could understand the choice he was forced to make because he had to rely on Xiang Daheng.

But it was really stupid to force Xiaokai away this time.

With his own strength, Xiaokai can reach this point. As long as the trade union gives a little push, this is a first-line anchor!
What's the point of getting stuck by Xiao Xiao?
They, Liang Kai, couldn't die after being scolded a few times. The moment they leaned towards Daheng, they should have thought that such a thing would happen.

As a result, after the incident happened, they even blamed this incident on an anchor, and even thought that this anchor lost the value of cultivation.

At this level, Liangkai's union is only cool now, and Liangkai's anchor is really wronged.

"You said, should we clearly stand in line?"

"No need, the situation is not obvious now. It doesn't matter whether we are biased towards anyone on the surface, but if we fully support the team, we will completely offend the other party to death."

"It's still the same sentence, you can shout slogans casually, but you can't use your real strength."

A group of big bosses are discussing what to do next in the group.

These small guilds were originally trying to survive in the competition of the big guilds.

As long as they don't cross the border, a big guild like Daheng will naturally not embarrass them.

But the problem is, the small guild also wants to develop!

With an income of hundreds of thousands a month, how can these people see it?
In the end, they still want to stand in line.

As long as he can win the bet, it will be very easy to make tens of millions a year when he develops into Liang Kai.

But now, except for Da Mao's vernacular trade union and a few trade unions on Daheng's side who have clearly stood in line, the rest of the trade unions are also shouting and making no real contribution.

On Lehua's side, several trade unions have clearly expressed their support and let the anchors connect with each other, but when it comes to substantive money and alliances, they start talking nonsense.

In the early hours of the morning, almost all the union bosses of the entertainment channel focused their attention on the Liangkai union.

How much the Liangkai trade union can value tomorrow is what they are most concerned about!
(End of this chapter)

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