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Chapter 296 Daheng's Speed ​​Is Too Fast

Chapter 296 Daheng's Speed ​​Is Too Fast (Ticket Request)

All the management of Liangkai didn't sleep well that night.

The other bosses of the platform are also watching to see how Liang Kai's follow-up arrangements will be made.

After the bald man was hidden in the snow, Liang Kai also trained some anchors, but none of these anchors were very popular, and the most powerful one just reached the threshold of the first line.

But even so, Liang Kai's size is no joke.

There are no top anchors, but there are fifteen or six second-tier anchors, and countless third-tier anchors.

To annex such a behemoth, even if it is Daheng, it will not be so easy.

To let them deal with it, the best choice is to absorb all the first- and second-tier anchors, and the remaining third-tier anchors will be disbanded on the spot. They should go home and find their bosses.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, the official Weibo of the Liangkai trade union and the Huya details page issued another announcement, officially announcing that Liangkai was disbanded, and all anchors would be transferred one after another.

This move immediately attracted the attention of most people on the platform.

"Liangkai's scale is not bad, but the trade union doesn't know how to do things, and it's a good thing to disband."

In the live broadcast room, Yang Zi chuckled.

This wave is considered to be a quick decision by Liangkai's boss, otherwise Xiaokai will tell the details of last night after Lehua goes online, Liangkai may not be acquired, but will be disbanded directly on the spot.

"Yang Zi, will Lehua recruit some Liangkai anchors?"

"There are more than 2000 anchors at Daheng, and with the addition of Liangkai's anchors, the number may be close to [-]."

"I saw that there are a few anchors who are not bad. It would be great if they can be recruited."

Tourists discuss.

"It shouldn't be possible. The anchors on Liangkai's side are all in signing status. This time they must be signed to Daheng through transfer. If we want to poach people here, we have to pay liquidated damages."

Yang Zi shook his head.

"Okay, let's continue to watch the game, please invite the next participating anchor!"

Although Lehua's side has been very popular recently, the union's funds are still not enough to recruit first- and second-tier anchors.

Liangkai's passive disintegration will definitely be put on Lehua's head by Liangkai's boss. If he wants to poach someone at this juncture, the price he has to pay is not ordinary.

"I still remember when I first came to Huya, Liang Kai's anchor was still very good, but after Liang Kai made a fool of the bald man, I never watched this trade union again."

"Yeah, the bald boy had a good first brother status at that time, but he was stabbed in the back by the union and wiped out."

"Seeing the disbandment announcement with my own eyes, I really feel a little bit reluctant."

A group of tourists watched Liangkai's anchor name on the platform gradually remove Liangkai's prefix, and suddenly felt a little emotional.

But it's okay, it's just that the union is disbanded, and those anchors who have been with them for a long time are still broadcasting.

Although Lehua and Daheng are at odds, the biggest competition is still with the head anchor, and many of the tourists from the small anchor are interoperable.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Daheng's accountant and the fifth child rushed to Liangkai one after another.

"Fifth brother, here are all our fixed assets and financial records of Liangkai, and these are the anchor's signing contract and transfer instructions."

The fifth child looked at the stack of materials piled up on the desk, and patted Liang Kai's boss on the shoulder heavily.

One person, one choice, to get to this point, although there are reasons for their Daheng, but it is also inseparable from the boss Liangkai.

"Brother Hua's calculation here is 1500 million for all purchases. If the figure calculated in a while is greater than this number, it will be paid according to this amount. If it is smaller, I will make up 500 million for you."

"Thank you Brother Hua for me."

Liang Kai's boss was overjoyed.

After all the calculations of his union, it was no problem to count 5000 million at its peak, but in the current situation, it is already very good to be able to reach tens of millions.

By doing this, Brother Hua was clearly taking care of him.

At twelve o'clock at noon, all asset accounting was completed, a total of 980 million.

The fifth child took the contract and stamped it, and paid for it with a final turnover of 500 million.

Since then, the name Liangkai has completely disappeared.

"The anchors in the union should be here today, right?"

The fifth child looked at the lobby, where there were more than 200 people standing there, all of them were watching anchors.

Among them, there are also a few first-line anchors that Lao Wu is more familiar with.

"Fifth brother, all the live broadcasters from the trade union have arrived."

Old Five nodded and said:
"Many of you have been on the platform for a long time, and there are even many anchors who competed with our Daheng before. You should have seen such a thing as buying a union, so I won't do it for everyone. gone."

"There is only one thing, and that is that our Daheng will take you all over."

As soon as Lao Wu said this, more than 200 people in the hall immediately laughed, and they were even more relieved.

It really doesn't matter where they are as long as a new guild can take them in.

It is good that most anchors have dreams, but more anchors are still paying full-time wages. If Daheng kicks out some of them, their source of income will be cut off directly.

It's good for Xiaokai to join Lehua, but they don't have to.

If you join a smaller union, your salary will be slashed for sure.

Now that Lao Wu gave them this reassurance, they didn't panic too much.

Several anchors who were familiar with the old five actively enlivened the atmosphere.

Soon, Lao Wu also made an official reply about the arrangement of Liang Kai's series of anchors.

At twelve o'clock, the official Weibo of the Daheng Trade Union updated another Weibo.

All Liangkai's anchors will be transferred to Daheng for live broadcasting, and all Liangkai's equipment will be moved there, and the rent will be refunded immediately.

Previously, various first- and second-tier anchors under Liangkai’s banner happened one after another, praising Daheng’s commitment.

The bosses of the other small guilds were shocked by Daheng's operation.

There are 400 people in Liangkai, and more than 200 people live live offline.

Even with Liangkai's previous live broadcast equipment, this space is not so easy to find.

200 people, the last time each person gets six or seven square meters, right?
This adds up to nearly [-] square meters.

You know, in some supermarkets, the entire floor is only [-] square feet!
To decorate such a large place into a live broadcast room with sound insulation effect, the expense is enough to make many small guilds heartbroken.

What's more, the salaries, signing fees, and a series of referral arrangements for these personnel are all costs.

Not to mention the acquisition fee, just to arrange the two hundred anchors, I am afraid that at least 1000 million will be spent.

It's not that no one thought about whether Daheng would take over all these anchors.

The key point is that Daheng's speed is too fast.

From last night to now, in just half a day, all these more than 400 anchors can be arranged in place!
 Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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