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Chapter 297 The day of take-off is not far away

Chapter 297 The day of take-off is not far away
It is not difficult to see from this aspect that although Daheng lost a few games against Lehua, Daheng's foundation is still very solid.

At least in terms of financial resources, it is still very strong, and it is definitely no problem to fight against Lehua.

For a while, the trade unions that were originally leaning towards Lehua hesitated again, thinking whether to be neutral again for a while.

In just half a day, the effect has fully met Daheng's expectations.

"Brother Hua, just now the union management gave me feedback, saying that it was the first-line anchors of the small guild who were planning to connect with Lehua's anchor. They excused that there was something to do today and there was no live broadcast."

Sitting opposite Brother Hua, the fifth child smiled.

He had been with the girlfriend of the union manager for a while before, but in the end he broke off relations with this woman because he was worried about being murdered.

Out of guilt, Lao Wu paid this manager a lot of bonuses recently, which also led to his extremely high enthusiasm for work these days, which made Lao Wu a little embarrassed to talk to him.

But the news provided is really powerful.

There was a smile on the corner of Brother Hua's mouth.

He spent so much effort to acquire Liangkai, of course he had his intentions.

On the one hand, it was to whitewash Liangkai's anchors, and on the other hand, it was to show their Daheng's strength in front of the public.

Although Daheng didn't have much money in the past few days, he temporarily borrowed some money from the group, which was barely enough.

Arranging [-] anchors within half a day is enough to deter those small guilds.

Seeing that they took the initiative to draw a clear line with Lehua, Brother Hua's goal was achieved.

"There is not much pressure this month. After converting all the anchors from Liangkai's side next month, we will communicate about advertisements and endorsements, and the revenue will gradually return to normal."

"One more thing, for Xiao Xiao's incident last night, you must edit it well and find those big Vs to publicize it."

The fifth child nodded repeatedly.

Their Daheng is big, although it is a bit supportive to swallow Liang Kai in one gulp, but with their Daheng's channel, they only need to cultivate it for a few dozen days, and they will be able to accept advertisements and make money next month.

Although the cost invested during this period is quite a lot, it can be earned back in a short time.

The only problem is that Liang Kai's shield is completely gone. In the future, if there are any dirty things, Daheng can only do it himself, which will increase a lot of risks invisibly.

But now it's not easy to cultivate another trade union. With Lehua watching, Yang Zi bites people, it's true that he doesn't recognize his relatives.

"Brother Hua, don't worry, the video editing here is almost done. I found several big Vs who are not low in popularity. Although it won't cause much impact, he can still be disgusting."

These two days are the time for Xiaojuzi to push the whole network. The impact of this wave of rhythm on Xiao Xiao is actually not too great, but this matter must be done, and Xiao Xiao is buried here. When it explodes in the future, Xiao Xiao It will definitely be affected.

Daheng decided on a countermeasure, and Lao Wu hurriedly went to the middle management of the trade union to implement it.

Hundreds of anchors have joined in, and he has to make good arrangements for how to arrange the union's recommendations.

There are also a series of financial problems that he has to reconcile.

Compared to Daheng's busy side, Liu Xiao is too leisurely today.

"This is my first official visit to your house."

Zhao Ning opened the door and welcomed Liu Xiao in.

Liu Xiao smiled slightly, and put on the slippers Zhao Ning had prepared for him.

My parents live in my hometown. Some time ago, I paid a sum of money to go back. I originally wanted to take the second elder over to enjoy the blessings, but the second elder said that he is more used to living in his hometown.

Liu Xiao came out of the high slopes of the loess, so he naturally understood the unique feelings of the northerners towards the loess, so he didn't say anything more.

As for Zhao Ning's parents, both belong to the China Railway Bureau. The two senior engineers earn a lot of money every year, but they seldom come back.

Usually stay at home for about one and a half months a year.

Therefore, there are usually only Zhao Ning and Zhao Keke in this family. When Zhao Keke goes to college, Zhao Ning will be left alone.

Liu Xiao has been here many times before, but he came here as a tutor, and it was the first time he came here as a friend.

"Sit whatever you want, I'll get you some fruit."

Zhao Ning pulled Liu Xiao to sit on the sofa, turned on the TV, threw the remote control board to Liu Xiao, and went to the kitchen to wash some fruit.

Liu Xiao was also ashamed to go whoring for nothing, and went into the kitchen to help Zhao Ning wash the oranges.

"I didn't have a good chat with you yesterday. How is your recent clothing store doing?"

"I heard that the clothing business is not very easy now."

Zhao Ning asked.

"It's not bad, four and five million a month is available."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

"Blow it and you're done. It's only 200 million yuan after finishing the game. It's only been a month, and you've already earned 500 million yuan a month?"

Zhao Ning teased with disgust.

The clothing business is a volume business, so it's okay to have a larger capital, but with the capital Liu Xiao accumulated before, it is definitely impossible to achieve this amount.

In Zhao Ning's mind, making a net profit of 40 to [-] yuan a month is already very impressive. Even if the clothing store loses money, she is going to buy a stock to relieve Liu Xiao's pressure.

Although they didn't say it clearly, the matter between the two of them was close to the door.

Although Zhao Ning didn't want to touch the money earned from Brother Xiao Xiao, except for the reward from Brother Xiao Xiao, the rest of the income was not small.

It's no problem for Teng Teng to come out with 100 million in his hand.

Liu Xiao also rolled his eyes at Zhao Ning.

These days, no one believes the truth.

"It's the same now, barely earning some money to live on."

Hearing Liu Xiao's answer, Zhao Ning believed it completely.

"If you need financing, tell me, I have 100 million here, and you can use it when the time comes."

"Don't worry, I'll give you a surprise after a while."

Hearing what Zhao Ning said, Liu Xiao's expression was slightly moved, and a warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, he was actually quite proud of it.

In Zhao Ning's heart, he may be a small businessman who is still struggling to make money.

With Zhao Ning's figure and appearance, there are usually a lot of people chasing her, but Zhao Ning only fell in love with him.

Moreover, he fell in love with him during the time when he was a tutor.

This man's charm, no one else, right?

However, because of the online consumption card, it is still impossible to establish a closer relationship with Zhao Ning.

But wait until two days later to upgrade the system to one level, and when the daily funds can reach 1000 million, then you can formally pursue Zhao Ning.

Liu Xiao happily ate a piece of orange, and walked to the living room with the fruit plate, watching Zhao Ning busy in the kitchen.

The day of take-off is not far away!
(End of this chapter)

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