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Chapter 298 The Quota is Enough, Ready to Upgrade

Chapter 298 The Quota is Enough, Ready to Upgrade

Liu Xiao did not go online that night.

The competition was completed at eleven o'clock in the evening, and at twelve o'clock, all the ranking data of all the anchors were displayed.

"The rankings have all been released. This time, the top [-] will be decided among the [-]. The competition is also very fierce, and there are also many anchors that make us feel fresh."

Yang Zi coughed a few times to clear his throat, and opened the game data that Huya official sent just now.

"Currently ranked first, I don't really need to say this. It must be Little Orange leading the way with 330 million votes. The data of Little Orange should be regarded as the ceiling so far."

The screen refreshed, and all the competition rankings appeared.

For this, no audience is surprised.

Even if brother Xiao Xiao wasn't online at the time, with Little Orange's own strength to say the least, he could still get a score of about 200 million, which is also ranked first.

"As for No.2, it's Daheng's anchor, Brother Li, who currently has 165 million votes."

"No.3 is Daheng anchor Xia Nuan, with 130 million votes."

"No.4 is Lehua's anchor Feng'er, with 107 million votes."


Yang Zi read out all the top ten names.

From Tutu onwards, the top ten scores were all about the same, most of them were brothers and sisters from other unions.

No.9 surprised Yang Zi, it was Po Long, the host of the food area who participated in the competition yesterday.

No.10 is the anchor Xiaokai who just joined Lehua, and won 90 votes.

"It's not bad, but the bald Yang Zi didn't compete, and the second No.3 is really not easy to get."

"Out of the ten places, Lehua has four anchors, which is much better than Daheng's."

In this competition, Lehua's Xiaojuzi, Feng'er, Tutu and Xiaokai were all in the top ten.

Although Daheng took the second and third places, the other anchors were all behind the top ten. As for the other four anchors, they were all leading anchors of various trade unions, with the exception of Bolong in the food area.

"Let me see, the top ten have a high probability of winning the top thirteen to participate in the finals."

"Huya said that Du always invited Junjie to be the host, but I don't know if it's true."

"It's true. I happened to be there when Mr. Du was speaking in the live broadcast room."

Most of the top ten are the veteran anchors of the platform. Even if there is some surprising anchor Bo Long in the food area, many tourists have heard of him. Can be shaken.

The competition has progressed to this day, and with the promotion of Xiaojuzi all over the Internet, the popularity of this event has almost reached its peak.

Because there were only 100 people left, the activity was scheduled to start at [-] o'clock the next morning, and a two-hour break was specially reserved in the middle to ensure that tourists who were online during the day could watch the whole process.

As for Liu Xiao, Qu Yue was picked up at the airport by Qu Yue who had come over for work.

"Let the boss come over to pick up the plane in person, and I, as a professional manager, have reached the pinnacle of my life."

Qu Yue trotted over and helped Liu Xiao open the passenger door.

She has also been in the society for several years, and the car is naturally a necessary skill.

Liu Xiao glanced at Qu Yue with some surprise, and sat on the passenger seat with a smile.

Beautiful women and luxury cars, this combination is quite interesting.

"Go to the hotel first?"

Liu Xiao said.

"Boss, this is not good."

Qu Yue was a little dazed.

Although because of work, she has become very familiar with her young and wealthy boss recently, but she came here today to report on work, what the hell is going to the hotel right after she came here.

Thousands of miles to send beep?
"What are you thinking? I mean you should be tired after catching the plane in the early morning. I'll take you to the hotel to rest first, and we'll talk in the afternoon."

Liu Xiao gave Qu Yue a funny look.

Qu Yue is good looking, but no matter how you say it, she can't compare with Zhao Ning. Liu Xiao definitely has no idea about Qu Yue.

Qu Yue's face turned reddish, and she didn't dare to continue, she turned the key and started it immediately.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Ning's game officially ended today, and Liu Xiao brought Zhao Ning to the hotel.

"This is Qu Yue, the professional manager of my Taobao store."

Liu Xiao introduced to Zhao Ning.

"This is Zhao Ning, my friend."

The two shook hands and looked at each other.

Qu Yue was even more amazed, Zhao Ning's appearance and temperament were almost the most outstanding women she had ever seen.

"I don't know why, although it's just the first time I met you, I always feel like I've seen you somewhere before."

Qu Yue laughed.

"Don't think about it, she is the host of Huya, and now the whole network is pushing her songs, it's normal for you to have an impression of her."

When Liu Xiao said this, Qu Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

"You are Little Orange, you sang the new song [Feng He] recently!"

Qu Yue is not very old, so she would naturally watch the live broadcast, but the Xingxiu District watched it less.

Although Zhao Ning has just become popular and is not well-known on other live broadcast platforms, with the recommendation of the whole network in the past few days, more and more people have known about Huya's super anchor.

Qu Yue also saw Zhao Ning's photos on Weibo and music platforms, so she felt familiar. When Liu Xiao reminded her, she immediately recognized it.

"A little fame, don't care too much."

Zhao Ning smiled slightly.

"Okay, let's talk about the revenue of these two days first, it's almost time for dinner."

The two women sat together, and the atmosphere was inevitably a little awkward, especially Zhao Ning, who even looked at Qu Yue with some hostility.

Liu Xiao naturally knew why, and quickly opened his mouth to change the subject.

Speaking of this, Qu Yue suddenly regained her spirits.

"Boss, almost all of the events we participated in before this month won the grand slam. The huge amount of advertising funds has been invested, and the total sales volume is still relatively good."

"From the 1st to today, the company's total gross profit is 420 million, and the net profit is relatively high, about 230 million. The current payment is not bad, and there is a 200 million quota in the account."

Qu Yue calculated all the recent data of each product, and finally handed Liu Xiao a financial statement.

Although Taobao says that it will automatically receive the goods purchased by users within [-] days, but because of the cashback mechanism of positive reviews, most users basically order and receive the goods within a week.

Therefore, the company's repayment speed is still relatively fast, and basically all the turnover obtained in the previous activities have been credited to the account.

Liu Xiao read it again, calculated the funds in his hand, and immediately became excited.

During this period of time, Liu Xiao has been doubling the money from the company's account, and now he has close to 200 million in his hands.

Of the 230 million quoted by Qu Yue just now, nearly 100 million of the amount has not been doubled.

Calculated in this way, as long as this part of the money is withdrawn, the 500 million quota will basically be filled.

In other words, the system can be upgraded tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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