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Chapter 299 The next step before the upgrade

Chapter 299 The next step before the upgrade
Zhao Ning on the side was even more confused.

The data submitted by Qu Yue are all well-founded, needless to say they are all true.

She originally thought that the company established by Liu Xiao could make a profit of hundreds of thousands a month, which would be fine, and it was even possible to lose money.

But now in just one and a half months, he has made a profit of more than 200 million?
This completely overturned her cognition!

Thinking of what Liu Xiao told her before, she still didn't quite believe it, but Zhao Ning believed it completely now.

Although she didn't know how Liu Xiao did it, Zhao Ning was still sincerely happy for Liu Xiao.

"Boss, I heard you said that you have other arrangements for coming to me this time. I wonder if there is any work to do recently?"

After reporting the work, Qu Yue asked again.

Liu Xiao just returned to Shanghai from Guangzhou two days ago, and she knows a lot about the company's affairs. With such a small amount of work, Qu Yue will definitely not need to come and report. Liu Xiao said that she has other arrangements. That's why I came here in such a hurry.

"It's really something."

Liu Xiao smiled and said:

"In a few days, I plan to invest more and open a few hot pot restaurants in Shanghai. After thinking about it, you are the most suitable."

"Don't worry, I'll just let you go for a run in the last few months. After the work is done, just come a few times a month."

Liu Xiao spoke out his plan.

The system currently has a daily check-in quota of 10 yuan, and when it is upgraded tonight, it will definitely be 100 million a day without accident.

Opening a hot pot restaurant is also a way that Liu Xiao has thought about for a long time.

Opening a hot pot restaurant is relatively profitable, and the most important thing is that the turnover of running a hot pot restaurant is extremely high!

As long as the hotpot chain store is opened, it may take less than a month for the system to be upgraded again.

"Hot pot restaurant?"

Qu Yue was curious.

With her marketing ability, opening a hot pot restaurant is not a big problem, as long as she has a deep understanding for a few days, and then recruits a group of professional talents, she can set up the shelf.

After all, as long as you have money these days, you can recruit all kinds of professionals.

As for the way of working that Liu Xiao said, she can completely accept it. It is very common for her to come to Shanghai on a business trip to build a platform for a month or two.

"The hot pot restaurant project is indeed a good one, but funding is a problem. Even if you open a restaurant, the initial investment will be 600 to [-] million."

Zhao Ning frowned.

In the past two years, more and more celebrities are keen to open hot pot restaurants, which can indeed make money.

And the risk is relatively small, it does not belong to any cuisine, just use hot pot ingredients to adjust the bottom of the pot, and there is no need to worry about the chef hired with a high salary changing jobs.

But the only problem is that the initial investment will be relatively large.

"Isn't it because of you?"

"Just kidding, I still have some money in my hand, and the funds are just enough."

Liu Xiao laughed.

The system is 100 million per day, just to open a hot pot restaurant with a few million, there is absolutely no shortage of money.

As long as the hot pot restaurant can be successful, the water will come rushing.

For Liu Xiao, the real profit is not too important, the important thing is turnover.

As long as the turnover can be increased, it is easy to use the double card to meet the upgrade needs.

As for setting up a high-tech company or start-up company, Liu Xiao has not considered it yet.

The system does not recognize the development of financing and loans. For a simple Internet company, the monthly investment in the early stage is tens of millions. Now Liu Xiao can't afford it at all.

"What the proprietress said is quite reasonable. The initial investment in starting a hot pot restaurant is indeed relatively large, and the speed of return is relatively slow. It may take one to two years to get positive feedback."

Qu Yue also put forward her own opinion.

In her opinion, instead of opening a hot pot restaurant, it is better to use the money to open a few more clothing stores. The domestic clothing market is so big that even a thousand markets can be eaten. Why invest so much in this unfamiliar field? money?
Hearing Qu Yue calling her the proprietress, Zhao Ning blushed up to her neck.

Seeing Zhao Ning's embarrassment, Qu Yue couldn't help laughing softly.

Zhao Ning is 21 and a half years old this year, almost 22 years old. Although she is famous now, she is still a little girl after all.

From the moment Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning came in, Qu Yue found that Zhao Ning was a bit hostile to her, and she naturally knew that Zhao Ning was jealous, so she chose to express to Zhao Ning in this way that she was jealous of this The boss has no idea.

She was born as an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. She has no intention of finding a boyfriend in this life. She just wants to earn more money to improve the lives of the children in the orphanage.

She was a little tempted by Liu Xiao before, but the moment she saw Zhao Ning, all thoughts in her heart were extinguished.

She is 27 or [-] years old, and she is several years older than Liu Xiao.

Moreover, she couldn't compare with Zhao Ning in terms of appearance, figure, or even temperament, so she naturally wouldn't make fun of herself.

The fact is just as she thought, Zhao Ning's hostility towards her quickly dissipated after saying this.

Liu Xiao smiled and shook his head lightly.

After all, Zhao Ning lacked social experience and didn't know much about these things.

Liu Xiao is also a child from a poor family. Although he is not as good as Qu Yue, he started to be self-reliant after he entered university. He is used to the dangers of society and has a thorough study of human nature. This is what he can do in real life to develop a company. one of the reasons.

"You can rest assured about the funding issue. I recently met a friend, and I plan to invite him to join us in investing."

"The formation of the core members is still up to you. There is still a lot of talent market here in Shanghai. Find a few strong operators. It doesn't matter how much your salary is, as long as it doesn't exceed your annual salary."

"Within one month, open more than six stores in Shanghai!"

"My God, more than six families?"

For a moment, both Zhao Ning and Qu Yue were stunned by Liu Xiao's words.

"Liu Xiao, more than six families, this is an investment of at least 3000 million, you."

Zhao Ning reminded.

Although she has made some money recently, and this level of investment can also be used, it is enough to make her tremble with fear.

"Mr. Liu, isn't this a big step? I suggest starting with one company, exploring the business model and then expanding?"

Qu Yue changed the title of boss she had known recently back to Mr. Liu.

No way, although she often manipulates hundreds of thousands of turnover recently, there is still a big gap between this and 3000 million.

Her goal in this life is to earn half of this amount!
Liu Xiao knew why they were worried. If there was no systematic double card, he would definitely choose to play it safe.

But as long as they are upgraded, millions of funds will be credited to the account every day, and the double card will be doubled, so what Zhao Ning and Qu Yue are worried about is not a problem at all.

"Don't worry, I've systematically researched this matter, and it's absolutely fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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