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Chapter 300 I have all the garages, and the consumption quota is almost enough

Chapter 300 I have all the garages, and the consumption quota is almost enough
Seeing Liu Xiao's confident look, Zhao Ning stopped talking and chose to trust this man.

Qu Yue was also infected by Liu Xiao's strong confidence, she nodded unconsciously in response.

A successful person does not mean how many things he knows or how many technical terms he knows, but that he has an invisible leadership, and he can gain the trust of others with one action and one sentence.

But now, Liu Xiao, who is becoming more and more confident, has also begun to possess this kind of temperament. A simple sentence can make others feel the great confidence and leadership contained in it.

For a moment, Qu Yue even felt that the most correct choice she made was to find such a boss.

Of course, Liu Xiao has studied the matter of opening a hot pot restaurant.

Soon, Liu Xiao made a batch of lists for Qu Yue.

"The first thing to look for is a purchaser who has been doing logistics for a long time. This kind of person has connections with various large wholesale markets in Shanghai. Finding such a person is better than finding ten ordinary employees engaged in procurement. If not, you can go to other hot pot restaurants to poach people.”

"The second is the formation of the operation team. This is what you are best at. You should also pay attention to the site selection."

Qu Yue nodded repeatedly, and recorded everything Liu Xiao said in a notebook.

"Boss, don't worry, I will hand over the work of the clothing store tonight, and I will start looking for someone in the market tomorrow."

She doesn't know much about the hotpot restaurant industry, but what she has to do the most is to manage and form a team, which is what she is best at.

Liu Xiao said all the previous statistics in one breath, seeing Qu Yue confidently agreeing, Liu Xiao was also very pleasantly surprised.

It is not so easy to find someone who can take care of things, especially for a talent like Qu Yue, it is even more difficult.

Just like Daheng, although Brother Hua is very comfortable with the fifth child, there are some things that the fifth child just can't understand, and many things have to be decided by himself, which will be very tiring.

"Recently, when I have free time, watch more live broadcasts and learn more about the industry of live broadcasting."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

Liu Xiao really wanted to cultivate Qu Yue.

The matter of the hot pot restaurant is just a springboard. According to Liu Xiao's thinking, he will definitely set foot in Internet companies in the future.

Most of the richest people in the world are now engaged in the Internet industry. The original real estate industry has long since declined, and now they are slowly transforming.

And the last time Sister Feifei mentioned the acquisition of Lehua, Liu Xiao was really interested in it.

After the system level is up, it's not a bad idea to use it for practice.

"it is good."

Qu Yue was startled again, and agreed again.

The hotel is a five-star hotel, and the chef of the restaurant is not as bad as a Michelin restaurant, so Liu Xiao simply ate at the hotel restaurant.

He sent Zhao Ning home again, and when he got home, Liu Xiao concentrated his mind on the system.

At six o'clock, the company's finances had already transferred all the funds into their own accounts, and doubled them again after deducting taxes. The system funds had stabilized at around five million.

Liu Xiao took a deep breath and opened the system panel.

[Current level: Level 4]

[Daily money received: 10 yuan]

[Upgrade condition: consumption of 1000 million yuan]

【Progress: 8000/1000 million】

[System props:
1. Wealth Double Card: Using the Wealth Double Card, the wealth of all currencies of the host will be doubled immediately.

2. Wealth Investment Card: No matter what industry the host invests in, its industry yield will automatically increase by 100%!

3. Online consumption card: it can only be used for online virtual currency consumption, and cannot be consumed in the name of or for relatives. The current balance is 5.9 million yuan. 】

The current system is level four, and besides the daily quota of 10, there are three props.

Needless to say, the online consumer card, I have been using it all the time, and now I only spent more than [-] million.

The wealth investment card is the foundation of Liu Xiao's development of the industry, and it is also the biggest buff. The further the system develops, the more important this card will be.

As for the Fortune Doubling Card
Liu Xiao looked at the more than 500 million lying quietly on the bank card, and clicked to use it directly on the page.

"Ding! The Fortune Doubling Card has been used successfully!"

Suddenly, the space in front of Liu Xiao was suddenly darkened.

In front of my eyes, two strings of numbers appeared.

One is 9000 million, and the other is 510 million.

The next moment, a ray of light enveloped these two numbers, and the two numbers began to scroll upwards crazily.

Five million real assets, the beating speed is [-] levels.

9000 million virtual assets, the beating speed is tens of millions!

The wealth doubling card was turned into countless numbers, which were frantically filled towards the two balances.

[-] million!

[-] million!


600 million!
800 million!
11 billion!

30 million!
Eventually, the numbers slowly stopped beating.

With a beep, two reminders came from Liu Xiao's phone.

Looking at it again, the balances of the two bank cards have been successfully changed.

Seeing that the balance of the Shenhao Card was even higher than the one billion yuan he got initially, Liu Xiao sighed helplessly.

This thing finally spent [-] million to go out, and after such a wave came, it was restored again, even close to [-] million more than the balance of [-] billion.

If this goes on, when will it be spent?
The consumption target for advancing to the next level is 1000 million. This money can only be used for consumption, not for investment.

Liu Xiao thought about it, and first contacted the landlord, expressing that he wanted to buy his house.

This place is not considered the core circle of Shanghai. The housing price is about 6 yuan per square meter, and a set of more than 100 square meters is really unaffordable for ordinary people.

The landlord bought it when it was more than 1 yuan, and spent more than 100 million yuan. He wanted to sell it, but he couldn't find a suitable buyer.

Liu Xiao raised the price to 7 yuan per square meter, a total of 120 million yuan for 840 square meters.

Naturally, the landlord readily agreed, even fearing that Liu Xiao would return, so he drove over in half an hour.

The two signed the sales contract on the spot, and Liu Xiao directly transferred 840 million through online banking, and the deal was considered successful.

Real estate sales tax is the responsibility of the landlord and has nothing to do with Liu Xiao.

What he has to do is to go to the real estate bureau in a few days to re-apply for the real estate certificate with the landlord, and then the house will be completely in his hands.

Of course, although the real estate transfer certificate has not yet been transferred, the system also recognizes this transaction.

Buying a house in the magic city can be regarded as the end of a long-standing dream.

In the future, I can give Zhao Ning a surprise.

Although Zhao Ning also lived here, it was her parents' home, and this place might be their nest in the future.

Liu Xiao thought about it, but she was still quite beautiful in her heart.

The original consumption was suddenly pushed up to 840.9 million/1000 million, which was short of the final consumption quota of 160 million.

Liu Xiao scratched his hair, feeling a little helpless.

After all, he is a bit desireless, and he usually just plays live broadcasts to have fun.

I bought a car and a house, but there is still about 160 million left to spend!

 Thanks [small text
(End of this chapter)

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