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Chapter 306 Brother Xiao Xiao's Dominance

Chapter 306 Brother Xiao Xiao's Dominance
"The dubbing blogger at station B?"

Liu Xiao's eyes lit up.

Xiao Keke said it well. As a public-screen competitive game that is popular all over the world, the background story of League of Legends is also extremely exciting. All the heroes in it have their own exclusive lines.

Of course, the original lines are in English, while the domestic headquarters hired professional voice actors to translate the English lines into domestic-style lines.

Liu Xiao had seen the League of Legends Dubbing Conference.

There is only one word, burning!

"To tell you the truth, Little Keke is really strong. It feels good to not be able to see her face after covering her face."

"It's just the old greasy uncle who keeps churning in his head. It's too difficult for me."

"However, you can really look forward to the dubbing of League of Legends. I have heard the dubbing a few times before, and it is amazing!"

The audience also looked forward to it.

This game has become very popular in recent years, and there are countless domestic and foreign competitions. Young people may not have played it, but it is absolutely impossible not to have heard of it.

"What I'm going to show this time is the dubbing of the couple Xia and Luo in the League of Legends."

Little Keke swallowed slightly, and turned on the exclusive soundtrack for these two heroes.

He has been in touch with this dubbing for a whole day, and he is already very proficient, but when it is time to perform, he is still very nervous.

Anyway, the hosts of this competition are the well-known Brother Xiao Xiao and top-notch JJ in the music world!

Although he is a little famous in the live broadcasting industry, he is far behind Yang Zi, not to mention JJ. Now that he suddenly has such an opportunity to skyrocket, he can't wait to use up all he has learned all his life.

And this dubbing of Xia Luo with mixed voices of men and women is his carefully prepared talent, and there is no room for mistakes!
The BMG plus video was broadcast slowly, and the female voice like a royal sister began to dub along with the animation.

【If love means you want to get into a person's flesh and blood, then I love Luo. 】

As soon as Little Keke spoke, the audience was really stunned, and goosebumps all over their bodies popped up.

This is not because Little Coco's dubbing is too embarrassing, but too classic!

In the background story, Xia is voiced by a mezzo-soprano, who has a gentle and gentle voice in the wind, which is very nice.

And this unique voice line also brings a lot of trouble for other dubbing bloggers to imitate.

Sound attributes, mood swings, and even the sense of substitution during dubbing are indispensable.

And the dubbing performed by Xiao Keke is no different from that in the anime.

You know, Little Coco is a man!

Neither Liu Xiao nor JJ spoke. Liu Xiao is the host today, so naturally he can't disturb the host's performance.

But the audience couldn't help it.

In an instant, the votes on the public screen skyrocketed!
"Not to mention anything else, just relying on this sentence, my big and small voted, Ye Qinghui!"

"It's so nice, this dubbing is simply a must!"

"I thought Xiao Keke could only learn the loli voice, but I didn't expect Yujie's voice to be so strong. I love it."

The next moment, the dubbing of the male voice Luo sounded, allowing the audience to hear the horror of Little Coco's male voice.

Like, so similar!
All tourists who have listened to the original dubbing of the anime felt this feeling in their hearts almost immediately.

Tourists who have never heard it, although not as shocked, still find it very pleasant.

15 minutes passed quickly, the animation progress bar on the screen had come to the end, and Little Coco had also entered the final finishing stage.

[What if I die? 】


【I will raze the world to the ground and build a castle out of the ashes and live alone in it. 】


There was a brief silence in the live broadcast room, and it wasn't until JJ's video zoomed in again that the bullet screen on the public screen slowly became active again.

"I know it's inappropriate for me to appear now, but the show is over, and the host would be incompetent if he didn't come on stage."

JJ made a joke to liven up the atmosphere, and immediately brought the atmosphere of the live broadcast room that had been immersed in it to life.

"As you can see, Xiao Keke got 15 million votes in these 270 minutes. Now there are 600 million people in the live broadcast room, and half of the audience voted. The ratio is still very good."

"JJ, if you were asked to rate Little Coco's performance, how much do you think Little Coco's performance can be rated?"

Liu Xiao summed it up a bit, and then asked.

"If the full score is ten, I will give it a six."

"Little Keke's performance is indeed very good. The live rendering ability of this kind of performance is good, but from a professional point of view, only two voice lines are used in this competition, which is not particularly powerful."

"Of course, this is only for this game. I believe that if Xiao Keke puts out all his voice, it will be no problem to score seven to eight points."

JJ's rating is very pertinent.

For Xiao Keke, the difficulty of this competition is the mixed voices of men and women, but just doing this is not enough to get a particularly high score.

In other words, it can be understood that if the dubbing is not a game of League of Legends, the enthusiasm of the scene will definitely not be so high.

"Then JJ, if you sang the song [Practicing Love], how would you rate yourself?"

Liu Xiao asked another question.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked.

"This song of mine has quite a lot of transitions and scale changes. For the live version, it's almost ten."

JJ said with a smile, his words were full of confidence.

As the pinnacle of the Chinese music scene, he is the industry benchmark!

The audience in the live broadcast room also swiped 666.
It may be arrogant for others to say this, but for JJ, it is really well-deserved.

As for Little Coco's performance comment, JJ also spoke very pertinently.

For the League of Legends players, Xiao Keke's performance has additional attributes, and may get seven or eight points from them.

But in the eyes of ordinary tourists without any League of Legends game experience, it is almost a six-point level.

"Although Xiao Keke is a bit greasy, this performance still surprised me. Everyone knows that I am a League of Legends player and have extra feelings for League of Legends, so I decided to give Xiao Keke 1 points alone."

In front of the computer, Liu Xiao lightly tapped his right hand, and added 270 to Xiao Keke's total score of 1 million votes, making it 271 million votes.

In a final of this level, [-] votes are definitely useless.

All the audience knew this too. After all, there were only the top three and bottom 10 in this competition, and the gap between the top three couldn't be evened out by [-] votes.

Therefore, no one felt that brother Xiao Xiao's operation was unfair to other players.

Instead, everyone saw Brother Xiao Xiao's arrogance.

I believe that as long as Brother Xiao Xiao is willing, even if he randomly designates a No.1, Brother Xiao Xiao will dare to do it!

Perhaps this is also the favorite point of fans of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Do whatever you want!
It's so arrogant!

(End of this chapter)

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