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Chapter 307 Daheng anchor is playing normally?

Chapter 307 Daheng anchor is playing normally?
JJ did not express any opinion on this matter.

This competition was originally organized by Brother Xiao Xiao, so even if Brother Xiao Xiao quit, it would be fine.

In addition, the impact of [-] points is very small, just to give a feeling.

But this also allowed JJ to see the real side of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Brother Xiao Xiao is really playing on the Huya platform!

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was harmonious, but Brother Hua's mood was not so beautiful.

The fifth child even gritted his teeth in a fit of displeasure.

"This Xiao Xiao is obviously trying to buy people's hearts. [-] points can change the game, but it can't change it at all!"

"But he let the tourists see his arrogance as the number one god on the platform, and most importantly, he also made Xiao Keke have a good impression of him!"

Brother Hua glanced at Lao Wu in surprise.

JJ didn't understand Huya's situation and couldn't tell it was normal, but he naturally saw Xiao Xiao's intentions at a glance.

What he really didn't expect was that the fifth child was also enlightened.

Xiao Xiao's move seems to be arbitrary, but there is a great truth in it.

"Old Fifth, continue talking." Brother Hua immediately thought of bringing up Old Fifth.

"Needless to say about the lineup of the top [-] this time, as far as Lehua is concerned, Xiaojuzi is definitely going to be in the top three, and Feng'er and Xiaokai are also strong contenders for the top three. Little Keke has no hope of advancing."

"That is to say, whether Xiao Xiao adds this ten thousand points will have almost no impact on Xiao Keke, but Xiao Xiao just added this point. It is difficult to guarantee that Xiao Keke will not let Le Hua The union feels good about it.”

"Just imagine, with the gift reward of 200 million yuan for each of the bottom ten, and this time's favor, as long as Lehua makes a promise to Xiao Keke, how could Xiao Keke refuse? There is no price at all." , I got a big anchor in the beauty zone!"

Speaking of this, Lao Wu was angry and helpless.

Xiao Xiao's scheming is really too deep, such a plan made him appear to be willful, and the persona of No. [-] Shenhao can attract countless fans, and the benefits of both sides are taken by him It's over.

What's even more annoying is that Daheng has nothing to do.

Xiao Xiao is the guild number, and Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are also the guild number.

If you really want to rip Xiao Xiao up in public, then Lehua will definitely blow up their Daheng's behind-the-scenes operations. When Lehua's character design collapses, their Daheng will not be much better.

This kind of thing that hurts both sides must not be done, and now I can only watch Xiao Xiao pretending to beep helplessly.

Brother Hua heard that Lao Wu's analysis had reached this point, and his originally not-so-beautiful mood suddenly became brighter.

You know, cultivating a good deputy is even more difficult than running a trade union directly!

As long as Lao Wu has this ability to see through the situation, together with him and Brother Jiu, Daheng can be saved from desperation.

"Xiao Xiao's intention is so good, and your analysis is also very good, but Xiao Xiao has a deeper meaning."

Brother Hua pointed out.

"A deeper meaning?"

The fifth child looked at Brother Hua with some doubts.

"Which region is Xiao Ke the anchor?"

"Of course it's the looks.
Beauty area! "

"Brother Hua, what do you mean, Xiao Xiao's real goal is to look good?"

Brother Hua nodded slightly.

"Although Yanzhi District is a community, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it is still meat. Xiao Xiao will definitely not let go of things that come easily."

"Although Xiao Keke doesn't match Yan Zhi, after all, he chose the classification of Yan Zhi District, which is undoubtedly the anchor of Yan Zhi District. After this competition, as long as Xiao Xiao gives a little support, Xiao Ke Ke can at least do it. To the second and third position in the appearance area, this paved the way for Xiao Xiao to control the resources in the appearance area."

With brother Hua's point, Lao Wu immediately understood.

For a while, I felt that my back was mostly wet.

Originally he thought that he could see through some of Xiao Xiao's intentions, but suddenly he felt that it was really too superficial.

"But don't worry, Xiao Xiao can do it if he wants to do it in a community like Yanzhi District. It doesn't make much sense. We mainly want to control the big cake of Xingxiu."

"After all, Xiao Xiao spent [-] million yuan to engage in such a competition, so he has to give him some benefits, right?"

Brother Hua took a sip of tea, raised one leg slightly, and looked at the distant scenery through the glass.

After a while, Xiao Keke passed another anchor, and the next 11th place was a first-line anchor [Lian Lulu] from Daheng.

I sent a message to Brother Jiu, and Brother Jiu replied with an OK expression tacitly.

"Fifth, tell us in the trade union group, it's time to show our Daheng's strength in Huya!"

In the live broadcast room, JJ announced again.

"The next one who will be playing is the anchor [Lian Lulu] from the Daheng Union."

JJ paused for a moment.

Before coming to Huya, Vice President Du also told him about the matter between Brother Xiao Xiao and Daheng, and he also knew that the anchor of Daheng was directly scored zero by Brother Xiao Xiao.

He just came here to be a guest host, and he didn't intend to get involved in Huya's internal struggle.

And now that the purpose of getting to know brother Xiao Xiao has been achieved, there is no need to get involved.

"Please start your show."

To everyone's surprise, Brother Xiao Xiao's reply was normal, exactly the same as he treated the two anchors who performed earlier.

Even the anchor [Lian Lulu] who just went online was a little surprised.

Originally thought that this time Daheng would be the first to raise her as cannon fodder, but he didn't expect Xiao Xiao to ignore her at all.

Could it be that Xiao Xiao is going to reset her points to zero after her performance as before?

But this can't achieve any purpose at all. She didn't plan to enter the top three. No matter how many points, as long as she can perform well, she will be successful.

Brother Hua, who was just about to make a move, was immediately stunned.

After thinking for a while, Brother Hua suddenly laughed.

The fifth child also spoke at the same time.

"It seems that Xiao Xiao took the initiative to admit defeat this time."

"But that's right, with 600 million viewers, there are only thirteen anchors performing. If Xiao Xiao really cut off the live broadcast of our Daheng anchor, this event will lose its meaning."

Brother Hua smiled.

His plan was originally to take the initiative to bring all the gods of Daheng into the live broadcast room to try to stand up when Xiao Xiao would not let their Daheng anchor perform online.

But now that Xiao Xiao is so easy to talk to, then Daheng's way of acting can be a little softer.

Making money belongs to making money, and competition belongs to competition.

The first official meeting with Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room, Brother Hua still hopes to make friends.

Even, if they can get along well with Xiao Xiao, they may not be able to split shares and merge the two labor unions of Daheng and Lehua, so that Daheng can completely surpass the Huya platform!
"Fifth, talk about it in the group, get ready to get on the number!"

(End of this chapter)

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