Chapter 308
JJ was about to shrink the video to get out of the stage, and the next moment, dozens of king special effects suddenly lit up in the live broadcast room.

Then, a large number of Emperor accounts flooded in.

"Wow, are our big brothers from Daheng here?"

"666, this is to build momentum for our Daheng anchor!"

Daheng's fans were elated.

It's shocking that Lehua's Shenhao is organized, but their Daheng's is not bad. This row is much more arrogant than Lehua's collective account just now.

Daheng's Shenhao brothers went online very quickly, and in just a dozen seconds, they almost doubled the emperor's account number in the live broadcast room.

And the next moment, Lao Wu and Brother Jiu's Super Emperor officially entered the arena.

"Super God Emperor [Fourth] enters the live broadcast room!"

"Super God Emperor [Jiu Yuan] enters the live broadcast room!"

"Welcome Brother Jiu, welcome Brother Four!"

"Even Brother Jiu is here. Wouldn't it be a bit too much for this team not to win the top few places in this competition?"

"With Brother Li and Xia Nuan around, the top three are definitely very competitive."

"I heard Brother Li say in the group that the show she presented today is also very good. If Xiaojuzi's work is mediocre, I really don't know who will win No. 1!"

"Tch, you guys are ignorant. I'm in Guangzhou. I went to visit my girlfriend in the Daheng trade union yesterday. I heard that Brother Li is already in Daheng, and the union has even provided top-notch live broadcast facilities. This time Li Brother really wants to compete with Xiaojuzi for the first place!
Liu Xiao frowned slightly.

He and Daheng didn't have to deal with each other for a day or two. Lehua and Daheng's labor union anchors had never had any good words, and it was impossible to appear in the same live broadcast room.

Now more than 100 people came here in a swarm, and they didn't need to think about it to know what the purpose was. It was obviously to help them Daheng anchor.

The Daheng fans who had been quiet in the live broadcast room became even more enthusiastic after seeing so many big brothers from the union go online. At one point, they swiped the public screen and pointed at the big brothers to show them their depression these days.

Brother Hua saw that all the guild gods were in attendance, so he also clicked the login button of his own account.

"The emperor [Brother Hua] entered the live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [Brother Hua] sent out the magic book *1314!"


"The emperor [Brother Hua] sent out the magic book*1314*12 combos!"

Congratulations to [Brother Hua] for being promoted to the Super God Emperor!
On the public screen, a series of magic book gifts instantly swiped the screen, and Brother Hua's account was topped with the title of Super God Emperor in just ten seconds.

The consumption limit of 150 million may be difficult for ordinary Shenhao brothers, but for Shenhao like Brother Huajiu, it is just a matter of willingness or not.

Anyway, the rewards for this competition belonged to the anchors who were in the competition. After the money was halved with Huya, it would still belong to Daheng, and Xiao Xiao took less than a dime.

"Xiao Xiao, good evening."

After the title was promoted, Brother Hua immediately typed and spoke on the public screen.

"I said that you are here at this time, you are not here to smash my place."

Liu Xiao smiled and said, first put a soft nail on Brother Hua.

"How is that possible? Xiao Xiao, we are all very interested in holding this competition. In addition, several anchors we usually like have also entered the finals, so we came here specially to cheer them on."

Brother Hua was typing, feeling a little unbalanced.

Xiao Xiao has a voice applet given to him by Huya, all he needs to do is talk in the live broadcast room, but he has to type on the public screen to chat, which is virtually overwhelmed by Xiao Xiao.

Fortunately, this effect is not very big.

In today's finals, there were quite a few Daheng fans in the live broadcast room, and their momentum was not weaker than Xiao Xiao's.

"Let's invite this participating anchor to start showing his talents."

JJ saw that brother Xiao Xiao didn't pick up the quarrel, and knew that the first round of confrontation was over, so he said it again, completely hiding the video window.

Brother Shenhao on both sides was peaceful, and even some people who knew each other in real life were still greeting each other.

But in Xiaohuya, Xingjue, the top gods of the Xiaoxiao family, the smell of gunpowder is already very strong.

Everyone knows very well that what happens in this scene depends on Brother Xiao Xiao's intentions!
Brothers Shenhao have their own ideas, but the tourists don't care so much.

Whether it is a fan of Daheng or a fan of Lehua, as long as the anchor's talent is wonderful.

Except for a small number of die-hard fans of the trade union, most of the tourists are relatively rational, but the tourists from Daheng are easily tempted by the die-hard fans.

Being able to enter the 13th place, Lian Lulu's talent is naturally good, and the number of votes on the public screen is mentioned again and again.

Liu Xiao still did not express any opinion.

In fact, no matter how good the talents of Daheng's anchors are, they will never be able to pass.

Even if Brother Hua brings Shenhao from platform [-] to the live broadcast room to exert pressure, so what?
However, this competition was prepared for Xiaojuzi after all, and it had already reached the final stage. Naturally, it was impossible to knock down Daheng's anchor in public like before.

"Congratulations for getting 190 million votes."

This result can only be regarded as barely strong.

But Lian Lulu was obviously very satisfied with this result, and after a few testimonials, she started the live broadcast.

"Sure enough, Xiao Xiao is still under pressure."

In the trade union office, Lao Wu saw that Xiao Xiao didn't react in the live broadcast room, and suddenly laughed.

"No matter who Xiao Xiao is, he doesn't dare to offend so many gods at once. It seems that the pressure is on."

Brother Hua is also very satisfied.

Lian Lulu's points were not cleared according to the previous process, which is enough.

As long as their Daheng anchor can get points, the biggest beneficiary of this game will definitely be their Daheng.

No.10 is also a singing anchor, her strength is about the same as that of Lian Lulu, and she won the same number of votes in the end.

"The next person to play is Bo Long, the anchor of the food area. I listened to Xiaochun's explanation during the day. This Bo Long is a powerful guy. He drank 40 bottles of carbonated drinks at one time. If it was me, I could drink it in 5 minutes. Two bottles are pretty good."

Liu Xiao explained.

The director of Huya switched the screen and gave the right to connect with the mic to the anchor of the food area, Bo Long.

The screen flashed, and a fat man appeared on the live broadcast page.

"Hello brother Xiao Xiao, hello brother Hua, good evening, big brothers, fans and friends."

Bolong took a deep breath and greeted everyone in the studio.

He has been in the food area for so long, so he is no stranger to the form of Huya.

With the launch of Hua Ge and other Shenhao brothers, the number of emperor accounts in the live broadcast room has exceeded [-], and the number of emperor accounts is even more numerous. He just pulled it several times but failed to reach the end.

The total number of VIP seats has exceeded 50, which is even scarier than the finals of the official annual finals!
You know, although Huya's traffic has increased a bit during this period, the daily traffic is only 900 million.

Except for some tourists who don't like to watch entertainment channels, these 600 million people can already be said to have gathered all the popularity of Huya!

(End of this chapter)

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