Chapter 309 Is this person a monster?
Being on both sides of Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Hua made him even more cautious, for fear of accidentally offending any elder brother.

"Polong, what show are you going to perform today?"

Liu Xiao asked.

Bolong swallowed slightly and cleared his throat:

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I don't know much about other things, the only talent I have is fast drinking. Today I will perform fast drinking carbonated drinks!"

"However, the difference from the performances of the previous two days is that today I want to challenge the limit and drink a hundred catties of drinks in 15 minutes."

As soon as Bolong said this, Gongping was in an uproar.

"One hundred catties?"

"Wanima's entire body is only 90 catties, and he wants to drink a hundred catties of water at a time?"

"Upstairs, don't get me wrong. This is a hundred catties of carbonated beverage. If nothing else, take a sip. The air in it is enough to make me uncomfortable for a long time. This thing can only be drunk slowly, and it can fill the screen. All of them are gods!"

"Are you sure it's a hundred catties? This is completely a fairy operation!"

For a while, even Brother Hua and Brother Jiu on Daheng's side were interested.

Carbonated drinks are very common, and most of the people who watch the live broadcast are young people, and there must be a lot of people who have come into contact with this stuff.

Among other things, a bottle of Coca-Cola is enough to make people feel uncomfortable for a while.

But now Bolong says he wants to drink a hundred catties of carbonated drinks in 15 minutes?

A bottle of carbonated drink is [-] milliliters, which is basically equal to a catty in conversion.

This one hundred catties is one hundred bottles.

A thinner girl may not weigh so much!

Liu Xiao was also interested.

If Bolong can say this, it proves that he really has the ability.

This is equivalent to swallowing a cute girl with one meal.

"Are you sure, you can reduce it a little bit, drinking fifty catties is enough to win the game."

Liu Xiao suggested.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I will definitely perform within the limits of my body. If I can't drink anymore, I will admit defeat."

Polon shook his head firmly.

His stomach is naturally different from that of ordinary people. What he has to do this time is to challenge the limit!

Although the ranking after No.3 has no change in prize money, it has a great impact on fame.

If he can get the fourth place, there will inevitably be countless unions coming to him to sign.

"Bolong, after twenty bottles, every time you drink an extra bottle, I will reward you with a treasure map."

Brother Hua even spoke on the public screen.

"Thank you Brother Hua!"

Polon was overjoyed.

He planned to drink 100 bottles, wouldn't that mean [-] extra treasure maps?
Converted into RMB, it is a gift of 40!

Brother Hua and Lao Wu looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

Since Xiao Xiao can grab the beauty section, then don't call them Daheng to grab the food section.

As long as Bolong can be taken down, not only can he win the portion of the food court, but also let Xiao Xiaobai give the 200 million gifts.

With such benefits, a gift of 40 brush points is not considered an investment at all!
Bolong brought out eight Cokes from under the table.

These Cokes were unscrewed in advance, and the plastic seal next to each bottle was cut open by Bolong with a knife, just to facilitate access and maximize the use of game time.

One piece is 12 bottles, eight pieces is 96 bottles.

Adding in the four bottles of Bolong that were originally on the table, it was exactly one hundred bottles.

"My God, seeing so many Cokes put together, I feel like my head is starting to hurt."

"Together, these things are definitely about the same size as a cute girl. Although Bolong is fat and has a big belly, he can't do so much at once, right?"

"By the way, these bottles have been opened. Could it be Coke?"

"Upstairs, you're almost right. Even a hundred bottles of ink are awesome. The drink bottle is transparent, and the [-]ml drink inside cannot be faked!"

Just now we have been discussing the [-] bottles of drinks, and everyone's feelings are not very strong, but when the [-] bottles of drinks are put on the table, everyone can't help it.

Adding this up, I'm afraid it can fill a small bathtub by half!

Bolong took a deep breath, not daring to delay the game any longer, he pinched a stopwatch by the table, and immediately began to swallow.

Picking up a bottle of Coke from the table, Bolong sucked the mouth of the bottle to his mouth vigorously, then twisted and released it with both hands, the carbon water inside was immediately sucked into his mouth by the air pressure from the Coke.

The bottle was thrown directly on the ground, and when the second bottle was picked up, there was a crisp sound of the first bottle falling to the ground in the live broadcast room.

Then came the third bottle, and the fourth bottle.
Before most of the audience could react, Bolong had already drank all the first 12 bottles of Coke.

Glancing at the time, it took less than 1 minute.

"Crazy! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. Twelve bottles in one minute, one bottle in five seconds!"

"Speed ​​is nothing. What the hell is it that you don't change your face after drinking twelve bottles?"

At this time, no one doubted whether it was cola. After all, the bubbles that reacted after the carbonic acid was shaken could not be deceived.

Even if it's filled with Mirinda, it's still carbonated!
Under the astonishment of everyone, Bo Long did the second one in a minute.

24 bottles are approximately equal to 24 catties.

Brother Hua naturally kept his promise, and began to swipe the treasure map on the public screen.

Then, the third and fourth items all bottomed out.

A large pile of empty bottles had been piled up behind Bolong, and the crisp sound of empty bottles colliding with each other clearly told everyone that this was indeed what happened in real life.

Suddenly, Polong's drinking speed faltered.

"What's the matter, can't you drink it?"

"There are already four pieces. It's normal if you can't drink it down. This is close to fifty catties!"

"I'm afraid this monster really can't hold on anymore. How can a person have such a big stomach? I can clearly see how much water is in fifty catties today."

"If I drink so much at once, I'm afraid I will have diabetes and water intoxication. This wave dragon looks like a normal person, it's too scary."

Just when all the tourists thought that Bolong was going to stop, Bolong suddenly turned his head to the side.

Then, a huge hiccup sounded suddenly, and it took more than [-] seconds to barely end.

"I'm sorry, this carbonated drink is a bit too gassy, ​​but it's much better after typing it out."

Bolong scratched his head, then looked at the timer next to him, he felt relieved when he saw that the time was still early, and picked up another bottle of drink to drink quickly.

As for the many tourists in the live broadcast room, when they saw that Bolong started again, they really couldn't type a word.

Brother Hua's hands that swiped the treasure map trembled violently.

He never thought that Bolong could really drink so much. He originally thought that the maximum of fifty or sixty bottles would be the limit, and it would definitely be very difficult to drink, for example, he could not drink a bottle until the next 30 to [-] seconds.

Ke Bolong's performance really refreshed his cognition.

The speed of drinking water has not been reduced in any way!

This person is probably not a monster!
(End of this chapter)

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