Chapter 310 Top Five
After eating two more Cokes, Bolong's speed finally slowed down.

Visible to the naked eye, Bolong's belly has doubled in size and is still getting bigger as the game progresses.

Many viewers were afraid that this belly would explode in front of them, but they still couldn't help but want to see if Bo Long could finish the hundred catties of Coke.

However, Bolong can make this decision to participate in the [-]-jin challenge, naturally he has the determination and strength.

Thirteen and a half minutes later, the eighth coke was completely emptied.

The record of the eight Cokes is here, and now there are only the last four bottles left. At this time, no one doubts whether Bo Long can drink it all.

"My God, this man is a real big eater!"

"I think he can drink half a year's worth of drinks in one meal. He's a genius. After drinking so much Coke, isn't he afraid of water intoxication and diabetes? The picture of urinating Coke is too beautiful to imagine!"

"I can't talk about a big stomach king. I'm a fan of Bolong. Bolong said in the live broadcast before that he eats very ordinary food, and he eats a little more than normal people. The main reason is that he is very talented in drinking water. .”

"Don't say much else, vote and vote!"

Millions of viewers began to vote one after another, and the number of votes in the upper right corner of the public screen skyrocketed.

The remaining four bottles of drinks were slowly swallowed, and Bolong let out another huge belch.

"Bolong can eat me in 15 minutes, this guy, walking wild monster!"

Brother Hua kept swiping the treasure map all over the screen, and his eyes grew more joyful.

If it was said that he just wanted to seize the disgusting Xiaoxiao in the food area before, then now Brother Hua is really thinking about cultivating Bolong.

Although the terrifying ability of this big stomach king cannot be compared with the talent anchors on Xingxiu's side, it is very suitable for the development of short videos!
Frequently post video circle fans on Douyin, and then divert fans to Huya. As long as the operation is good, this is also a cash cow.

Moreover, it can also develop the recently popular short video platform Douyin at the same time.

For a moment, Brother Hua's mind turned back and forth.

"Congratulations to Polong for the successful challenge."

While talking, JJ looked at Bolong in the video.

Except for the distended stomach that doesn't look like a normal person, there are no changes in other aspects from when I first came to the live broadcast room.

He didn't even show the feeling of being full.

"Thank you for your support, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you Brother Hua."

Looking at the score of 320 million votes on the screen, Bo Long laughed happily.

This is the one with the highest number of votes since today's competition!
As an anchor in the gourmet area, such a record can already make the whole board proud.

Moreover, Brother Hua's treasure map has reached 50. In addition to Xiao Xiao's 200 million reward, this 50 is an extra income. How can he be unhappy?
"Bolong, let me ask you a question. Of course, this question is purely a joke. It doesn't matter if you don't want to answer it."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you want to ask me how to digest so much water?"


Liu Xiao nodded.

Liu Xiao has been thinking about this issue since Bolong started drinking water.

Ordinary people drink two or three glasses of water a day and have to go to the toilet two or three times.

But Bolong has been drinking forty or fifty times as much as a normal person in just this short period of time, right?
If you go to the toilet, you have to pee for half an hour. No one's prostate can stand this thing!

"Actually, this ability of mine can only be used to drink water. If it is to eat, I can't do it."

Polon explained:
"People may think that my kidneys are better, or that I can use methods such as vomiting, but in fact I am not like this. As I said before, my body is different from ordinary people. When ordinary people drink water, only vomiting can make them feel better. The water comes back out, but my stomach just pushes it out, like this."

Bronn took a deep breath, then covered most of his mouth, leaving only a little.

Then, a jet of water sprayed out from Bolong's mouth.

"Wori, is it so magical?"

The audience was stunned.

The water you drank can still be sprayed out again?
According to this, as long as the stomach can resist Bolong, how much you drink will not endanger your health.

This is simply a BUG skill. With this talent, you can earn a living by performing wherever you go.

Seeing this Liu Xiao understood.

Some people really have different body structures from ordinary people, and can do many things that ordinary people cannot.

Liu Xiao had seen the Guinness Book of World Records before, and one of them was the performance of drinking water spewing out of his mouth again. At that time, he thought it was useless.

But now it seems that as long as it is matched with a huge stomach, the performance effect can basically be given full marks.

The only problem is that this talent seems a little disgusting.

"Congratulations to Bolong for winning 320 million votes. Next, we invite the next contestant, the anchor from Daheng Union."

Liu Xiao also didn't make things difficult for the anchor, allowing him to perform all the programs smoothly.

And with Brother Hua's strong support, the anchor's votes were not low, getting [-] million votes.

After a few more anchors from other unions, the finals finally entered the top five competition.

Those who can come to be an anchor are people who have a certain skill in life, and their starting point is much higher than that of ordinary people.

And the top five selected from three or four thousand anchors have their own unique features.

"The contestants from No. 13 to No. 6 all have their own advantages. The theme song of Erhu Journey to the West by Xiao Kai, who just joined Lehua, is even more refreshing."

JJ did not hesitate to praise Xiao Kai.

The arrangement of Journey to the West is a classic of a generation, and the arrangement with the erhu has given this music a different flavor.

"There is only one hour left in the game. Is JJ planning to pass like this today?"

Liu Xiao laughed.

When the audience saw Brother Xiao Xiao speaking, they rushed to speak in the barrage and asked JJ to perform.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, speak up, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape now."

JJ laughed.

"In this case, I will sing [Drunken Chibi] for everyone first."

When it came to the song, JJ suddenly became more serious.

JJ's pursuit of music is the ultimate, and he will strive to achieve the ultimate in every singing.

This song [Drunken Chibi] is one of the most popular but not so passionate songs in JJ's songs.

Choosing one with a strong sense of rhythm will definitely divert the attention of the audience to a certain extent, and it will be unfair to the anchor of the next game.

As for choosing an ordinary
It seems that no matter what song, when it comes to JJ, it will become extraordinary, right?
(End of this chapter)

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