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Chapter 316 The server is about to collapse

Chapter 316 The server is about to collapse (three more)
All the audience suddenly cheered in surprise.

Brother Li's singing level is good, but it depends on who he compares with!

Compared with first-line singing stars, Brother Li's singing just now may be on par, but this is also Brother Li's greatest ability, and her strength lies here.

But above the first line, there is a real peak!
This kind of pinnacle is not something that can be determined by holding the first place in Huya's talent show.

This is a position recognized by the whole industry, even by the whole people.

There are only a few people in each block who can occupy this position in the entertainment industry.

Liu Huan of the older generation, Pu Shu of the middle-aged generation.

And the new generation Jay Chou, JJ, Deng Ziqi and so on.

As for the film and television industry, Tang Guorong and Andy Lau of the older generation, Donnie Yen of the middle-aged generation, and
Well, most of the new generation in the film and television industry are fake mothers, and most tourists really can't pick out a few online acting.

There are only a few recognized peak positions.

Although Wang Feng is good, but because of bad luck, the fact that his new songs are always the top trending, can only be regarded as the godfather of rock and roll, not the real peak.

Wang Sulong, Xu Song, Xu Liang, etc. can only be regarded as top-line peaks, and there is still a slight distance from the peak.

And JJ can reach this position, his strength is definitely at the top level in the world!

Although the live broadcast is not a live version, the sound environment is even better than the live version.

The most important thing is that the live version may not be seen clearly if you are far away, but the live broadcast will not.

As long as they sit in front of the computer, no matter if they are gods, local tyrants, or ordinary tourists, they are all equal.

What makes many people gnash their teeth is that they don’t have a good speaker at home, so they can only plug in headphones to restore the original sound of the live broadcast as much as possible.

The piano prelude just started, and everyone in the live broadcast room fell silent.

JJ closed his eyes slightly, and began to sing at the first word of the rhythm.

【Walk and stop along the way, following the traces of the young man wandering】

【The first second when you step out of the station.】

【.I am willing to go through fire and water to walk him away again.】

"There are only two words, Tian Lai!"

JJ squinted slightly and sang.

Although it is an entertaining live broadcast, his attitude towards music is eternal.

As long as you open your mouth, you must go all out!

Soon, the song came to the peak part.

【Turn over the different faces of the years, unprepared to prevent your smile from breaking into you】

[I was once unable to extricate myself from the size of the world, and I was also addicted to it in my dreams]

[My blue friend is big]: "This is the best cover song I've heard so far. JJ's treble is really intoxicating!"

"Absolutely, this song was sung alive by JJ!"

"I've already recorded the whole process. After the game, anyone who wants to add me as a friend and get free seeds can follow my online disk to download."

"Upstairs, may I ask if this is a decent seed, I don't want non-decent ones."

[My friend Lu is very big]: "I have serious seeds here, if you like it, you can add me as a friend by private message, starting from 10 G, download speed of 20M per second, and can be watched online."


Just after JJ finished a song, he saw a series of analysis of serious and dishonest seeds on the public screen.

What's the situation, is his singing not attractive enough?

Liu Xiao felt helpless for a while.

JJ just came to Huya, and he didn't know that this was a "traditional craft" in his live broadcast room.

Before that friend Lan was big enough to be funny, now I don’t know when, another [Friend Lu is very big] popped up in his camp, this.
Their boyfriend and girlfriend, can't they be the same person?
Liu Xiao silently opened his legs and glanced down.

Fortunately, he doesn't know these two people in real life, otherwise it will be exposed, and it's really hard to clear up the fact that it's a big deal.

Liu Xiao applauded first.

A series of applause resounded throughout the studio.

And all the audience in the live broadcast room also made applause expressions.

If it weren't for the support of more than 20 server lines in the live broadcast room, I'm afraid it might not be able to withstand such a crazy barrage.

Different from the data bytes when Brother Li just performed, these emoticons refresh the screen faster, and the data carrying the emoticons also needs to be more.

More than 20 people in the technical department were sweating profusely, constantly looking for free servers on all platforms to drain traffic.

"After this time is over, I'm afraid our server group will also expand."

Vice President Du glanced at the busy and dizzy Lan Lan, secretly thinking about the company's equipment update.

In the previous Huya, the number of daily active users was 600 million, and the internal server that could host more than 900 million people was completely sufficient.

But since Brother Xiao Xiao came to Huya, the server is getting more and more stressed every day.

In the first month, the server almost collapsed in the Kaka live broadcast room. If a batch of servers were not pulled over in time to divert the traffic, there might be a live broadcast accident.

In the second month, brother Xiao Xiao spent [-] million, and even crushed Huya's server to the point of paralysis.

Coupled with the introduction of two superstars Lige and MISS that month, Huya's popularity skyrocketed to more than 800 million.

And this month, with Baldy and Little Orange's full-network and all-channels, their popularity has gone from 900 million to 1000 million.

The current live broadcast room alone has over 600 million popularity!

It is impossible for all the servers that can carry 900 million people to go on strike to supply and demand the current live broadcast room.

Moreover, with so many bullet screens on public screens, a certain amount of computing power is required to run them.

The current 600 million popularity is almost the limit of Huya.

Servers with smaller capacity are cheaper, but the price of each server with large capacity is astronomical.

As far as Huya's current server size is concerned, the total investment is over [-] million.

Considering long-term development, it is still necessary to double the server.

Coupled with the recent economic sanctions from Western countries, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy servers.

Thinking of this, Vice President Du really had a headache.

But from the current point of view, Huya’s 900 million servers can still resist for a while. It is really not enough. Although renting a server is more expensive, it is acceptable for the time being. Compared with the investment of [-] million, it is much smaller up.

After all, there are 600 million people in a live broadcast room, and it is impossible to broadcast like this every day.

Brother Xiao Xiao has such a big event, plus official events, two or three times a month is considered extraordinary.

After a month or two, the revenue will increase to a higher level, and the [-] million will be slowly squeezed out.

And with the current market situation, where to buy is still a problem, and the marketing department must ask the market to inquire about it in order to get the result.

And as JJ humbled himself, the live broadcast room also ushered in the last performer.

Lehua, Little Tangerine!

(End of this chapter)

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