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Chapter 317 Feedback from the game area

Chapter 317 Feedback from the game area (one more)
Seeing the end of the game, Xiao Huya smiled smugly, then took out his mobile phone and sent a group message.

Brother Hua and Brother Jiu also knew about Brother Hua and Jiu in reality. After all, the circle is so big, it's normal to hear about each other.

But because of the relationship between the family business, the two sides are not very good at dealing with each other, which is regarded as a competitive relationship.

Being able to let Daheng suffer on the live broadcast platform and attack Brother Hua, Xiaohuya is also happy to do it.

At the same time, in the game area, dozens of anchors' mobile phones rang with a group message.

The old dragon was the first to see it, and his face immediately became happy, knowing that his chance to perform had come.

Before this competition, the anchors in the game area discussed this event together.

Originally, according to everyone's intention, it was planned to parachute everyone's popularity at the beginning of the event to support Brother Xiao Xiao, but Brother Xiaohuya suppressed this matter and told them the current move in the group.

Of course they knew the benefits of doing this, so they suppressed this matter in advance, and waited for Xiaojuzi to explode when he came on stage.

Although more than half of the tourists in the game area have gone because of the hyperlink in the live broadcast room, there are still more than [-] visitors in his live broadcast room now.

The 30 tourists did not go to such a big event in the entertainment area. Most of these tourists had no interest in Xingxiu and didn't want to join the lively game area.

In other words, they are die-hard tourists who are very interested in Laolong's live broadcast.

"Brothers, the talent contest held by brother Xiao Xiao, the host who is going to be on stage now is my friend of the old dragon, and I hope everyone can go to vote for the little orange. After the competition is over in about ten minutes, my old dragon will be in the live broadcast room. Give out 5 yuan in red envelopes!"

"Fifty thousand? Brother Xiao Xiao hasn't come here recently. Is the old dragon getting rich again?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is very good to the old dragon. Since the old dragon is open, I must support it. Go now!"

The tourists in the game area were originally fans of Brother Xiao Xiao, and the reason why they didn't watch the live broadcast was purely because they were not interested.

But now my anchor has said that it doesn't matter if you go to the live broadcast room to vote, you will come back after five or six seconds, and besides, you can draw a prize of 5 yuan.

Lao Hu also took out a lottery of 1 yuan to drain Xiaojuzi.

Not to mention B-wen, since the beginning of the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds section, B-wen was one of them, and B-wen's personality is more heroic, so the audience shouted in a few voices in the live broadcast.

The anchors of the League of Legends area, such as Carl, Tiaonan, Miss, etc., have an unparalleled influence.

Even Hoe He, who usually doesn't care much about the competition, personally parachuted into the live broadcast room to gain popularity for Xiaojuzi.

Xiao Huya looked at the suddenly lively atmosphere in the game area, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Tonight's game has reached 600 million popularity from the very beginning, breaking Huya's previous popularity record.

With such a huge popularity blessing, Daheng didn't expect that they would still have a hand on their side.

But in fact, the game area had a good group of fans spontaneously before, but now there are at least three to four million tourists who are still watching the live broadcast in the game area!

Not to mention that all of these people came here, as long as a small part of them came, it would be a devastating blow to Daheng.

Almost the moment Xiaojuzi entered the live broadcast room, the popularity of the live broadcast room began to soar.

And Huya's technical department was secretly complaining.

Like Daheng, they originally thought that the group of tourists who came to the game area before had reached their limit, but they never thought that the anchors of Brother Xiao Xiao in the game area would only mobilize fans now!
"Contact Ali to rent a cloud server immediately, be sure to hurry up!"

Vice President Du's face was scorched.

In just a few minutes, the popularity jumped by more than 50.

Although the jump of popularity from one live broadcast room to another will increase the server load to a certain extent, for the current Huya, at least it can resist it.

But just as he glanced at the game area, the amount of barrage and interaction in most of the live broadcast room jumped up.

This form is very severe.

If brother Xiao Xiao was speaking in the live broadcast room or holding a lottery or something, and a huge barrage exploded, wouldn't their Huya's server crash all of a sudden?
Normally, if the live broadcast room collapses, it will collapse, but today is different, this is a [-] million prize money individual talent competition held by Brother Xiao Xiao!
If the server is not maintained well, their public image of Huya will be pulled down a lot in one fell swoop.

But fortunately, Vice President Du has already considered this aspect, and contacted him once about renting the server. As long as we communicate, a lot of data can be diverted immediately.

Huya's side was in a hurry, Daheng's union, and the face of the fifth child directly changed from rosy to pale.

Daheng in the game area has completely fallen, and Daheng hasn't paid much attention to the things in the game area recently.

And today's popularity has broken through from the previous three million to six million. He naturally thought that Xiao Xiao had pulled the popularity over from the game area.

Although these union managers are running the union, they usually don't watch the live broadcast when there is nothing to do.

This led to a huge mistake in their operation and judgment today!
Brother Hua frowned and didn't speak.

On this point, he thought the same as Lao Wu. When the live broadcast started, he didn't pay too much attention to the changes in the game area, which led to this trouble now.

Brother Hua is not too worried now.

Stimulated by their Daheng tens of millions of red envelope rewards, Brother Li and Xia Nuan have already taken the lead in the number of votes.

Even if you can't beat Xiaojuzi, the second and third are still stable.

No. 22000 million, No. 31000 million, and the 200 million rewards of the other two Daheng anchors. This adds up to 400 million, and Huya splits it in half, which means you can get 700 million.

In addition to not losing money, their Daheng even recorded the faces of Xia Nuan and Brother Li severely. This is a blood-earned business.

"Now that things are up to now, there is no need to force so much. Although Xiao Xiao was calculated in the end, Xiao Xiao was always suppressed by us in the first half of this match."

"From a macro level, Xiao Xiao can only be regarded as half successful in this competition. Most of the [-] million funds will be in vain."

Brother Hua glanced at the slightly pale-faced Lao Wu.

After all, the funds controlled by the fifth brother are very small. Before he and brother Jiu bought shares in Daheng, the fifth child was trading with tens of millions of funds. Facing the current situation, his psychological quality is obviously much worse.

The fifth child came back to his senses now, and reluctantly nodded.

After being reminded by Brother Hua, he finally figured it out.

No matter how much Xiao Xiao flutters now, it can't change the fact that Daheng has already won half of the victory!

(End of this chapter)

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