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Chapter 321 The final ranking, Daheng is confused

Chapter 321 The final ranking, Daheng is confused
In Brother Li's live broadcast room, Brother Hua raised his hand to see a [-] million super TV.

Like Xiao Xiao, 100 million was divided into individual 11 yuan red envelopes, and a total of more than [-] yuan were distributed.

"Our big brothers from Daheng treat everyone to supper, a total of 11 red envelopes, everyone cheers."

Li Ge will not care about feeling the pity of missing No.1, and devote himself to improving the popularity of the live broadcast room.

How much popularity can 11 red envelopes condense?
A lot of tourists from the game area just left, but there are still 600 million tourists staying in the entertainment area.

And those who came to her live broadcast room to draw a lottery had a total of 400 million!

As long as a quarter of the people subscribed to her, it would be a big gain.

And the cost of this publicity was all paid by Xiao Xiao.

Earn blood!

"Thank you Brother Hua, Brother Hua is too domineering!"

"With 100 yuan in hand, I can pay for a week's Internet fee, which is great!"

"Tch, I served both the big and the small ones, and I grabbed four hundred."

[Huya Baixiaosheng] I'm so happy that I can't find the edge.

He usually pays the most attention to the dynamics of the anchors on Huya. Although he is not a news anchor, he knows as much as the news anchors and spends more time playing in Huya.

He is a pure entertainment enthusiast, a poor man.

Two days ago, I snatched a TV red envelope worth tens of millions in Brother Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room, and used a large size to snatch 100 yuan.

But this time, he learned his lesson completely. As soon as the lottery draw started, he switched the account and continued to log in to the lottery draw after sending the barrage directly.

In 10 minutes of TV time, he cut seven or eight trumpets.

Among them, there are four winners!
400 yuan, for a college student whose living expenses are only [-] yuan a month, can help him improve his life.

Tourists like Bai Xiaosheng are not the only ones.

After all, Brother Xiao Xiao had already held a lottery draw last time, and there are quite a lot of tourists who have such thoughts.

More than 11 million people draw [-] red envelopes, and one can be drawn for every forty. If four or five trumpets are used, the probability of winning the prize will be greatly improved.

For a while, the barrage in Li Ge's live broadcast room had completely exploded, and even the barrage area of ​​the live broadcast room's VIPs could not clearly see the speeches inside.

That is to say, the eldest brother who is above the king can use the delayed display function to say a few words in the live broadcast room.

"I now find that Xiao Xiao's methods are really easy to use."

Brother Jiu pulled the angry Xia Nuan aside to sit on the sofa, and said with a smile while stroking Xia Nuan's beautiful hair.

"This is normal. Although we have played two or three times of PK with hundreds of millions of dollars, the word tens of millions of cash still has a great impact on the audience, let alone this kind of money that can be obtained without paying any money at all." award."

"If you wind up the barrage, you might get 100 yuan. This kind of event has a very high winning rate, and the participation rate of tourists will definitely explode."

The fifth child nodded solemnly.

Before Xiao Xiao, few people would engage in bullet screen lottery draws like this.

Most of the time, when you need to scan the rankings for activities, you will open a few paid TV lottery draws, such as ten light sticks participating once, and drawing 100 yuan or something.

The more people in the game area may be more powerful, 1000 yuan for ten light sticks, and 1 yuan at most will kill you.

These previous lottery draws, no matter how much the prize money is, have one thing in common, that is, the anchor will not lose too much in the lottery draw.

1 yuan lottery red envelope, using the TV lottery, at least [-] turnover can be recovered, half of which is [-] to [-].

The cost is only about [-] yuan, which is sometimes even cheaper than asking the elder brother to help make the list.

But since Xiao Xiao began to give out prizes for free, Hu Ya's previous paid lottery draws were not very easy to do, and even this period of time has become a situation where whoever does it gets scolded.

But it's not without its advantages.

Just like what Lao Wu concluded, free lottery draws can greatly gather popularity. As long as the bonus is high enough, it can gather most of the tourists from a section or even the platform at this time.

Just talking about Brother Li, in just 10 minutes, the number of subscriptions has increased by almost 60!

This should be done normally, without a month of hard work and strong recommendations, it is basically impossible to achieve such an effect.

"However, the influence of this lottery model in the Xingxiu District is limited after all. Xiao Xiao's ultimate goal should be in the game district."

The fifth child sighed again.

The entertainment district has developed to the present, and there are only about two million daily activities. That is, today's big event, the popularity has exceeded 300 million. In a normal week, the daily activities are only about one million.

But the game area is different. The game area is the place with the largest number of Huya users.

There are only four or five anchors with tens of millions of subscriptions.

Super top-tier anchors like Sou Nan, Hoe He, and Kaka all have more than 100 million popularity during the live broadcast, and even 150 million is easy.

The number of daily active users in the entire game area is more than 600 million, close to 700 million!

It is more than three times that of Xingxiu District!

Spending the same amount of money to hold a lottery in the game area will achieve much better results than they did in the star show area.

"Xiao Xiao's attitude towards us this time is not bad, and he even opened a jump hyperlink for Brother Li in the live broadcast room. If we can work together, the game area will also be ours in the future."

Brother Hua was about to summarize and express his expectations for the future, when suddenly his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he stared at the computer screen without saying a word.

Lao Wu and Brother Jiu were a little confused, and when they were about to ask questions, Xiao Xiao's voice suddenly came from Brother Hua's computer.

"The ranking of this competition has been released, and the ranking of the thirteenth place has also been announced on the screen."

"No.1: Little Orange: 780 million votes, 300 million reward tickets, totaling 82 million votes."

"No.2: Feng'er: 380 million votes, 400 million reward tickets, 780 million votes in total."

"No.3: Xiaokai: I got 690 million votes in total."

"No.4: Brother Li: 560 votes, 0 reward votes, 560 votes in total."

"third fourth"

After a closer look, Xia Nuan's 420 million votes have already ranked sixth, even behind the food blogger Bo Long.

You know, although Bo Long, a blogger in the gourmet area, performed very eye-catching in this competition, he was finally promoted by relying on his special physical ability. In terms of strength and performance, he is not at the same level as Xia Nuan.

The moment Brother Xiao Xiao announced the final ranking list, not only Brother Li and Xia Nuan, but even Daheng's fans were stunned.

Reward ticket, what is this?
No, it should be Xiao Xiao, how dare he do it?

(End of this chapter)

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