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Chapter 322 The Longest Road: It's Vice President Du's Routine

Chapter 322 The Longest Road: It's Vice President Du's Routine
Brother Hua sat down with a gloomy expression, the teacup in his hand creaked.

Lao Wu's mind went blank, his mouth was open but he didn't know what to say.

As for Brother Jiu, the strength of the other sneakily placing it where Xia Nuan shouldn't have increased suddenly.

Xia Nuan huddled in Brother Jiu's arms and watched the live broadcast on Brother Jiu's mobile phone. When he saw that he got No.6 after Bolong, he was sad and angry at first, but suddenly turned his head, and was pleasantly surprised again.

As for Brother Li's live broadcast room, which was broadcasting live, the word No.4 was suddenly brushed up countless times.

The field controller next to her immediately forwarded the news to her WeChat.

Looking down, Brother Li's face suddenly turned from red to black.

Don't look at her being demoted from No.2 to No.4, but this bonus is quite different.

No. 4 to No. 13 are all rewarded with a unified 200 million yuan.

And No.2, but 2000 million, fully ten times!
What exactly is this reward ticket? Did they ignore some rules before?
Immediately, almost all Daheng anchors, managers and visitors jumped back to the previous game only affecting love you.

The fifth child also picked up his mobile phone and carefully searched for the competition rules published by Huya.


Lao Wu suddenly stomped his feet, gritted his teeth, and almost dropped his phone to the ground.

On the last article of the promotional rules page, on a black background image, there is a line of extremely small words written in light gray fonts the size of a needle head.

"The competition has set up a reward ticket system and a ticket deprivation system, and has set up a reward postponement system. The person who implements the specific rules: Xiao Xiao!"

The fifth child almost read this sentence with his teeth gritted.

Without this point, if Xiao Xiao dared to do this, Daheng would immediately be able to go to the live broadcast room to fight with Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao's real identity is pretty good, but Brother Jiu and Brother Hua are no worse than him.

Really, Xiao Xiao is not necessarily the opponent of Brother Hua and Brother Jiu.

This is also the reason why he opened the rules of the game for the first time, instead of jumping to the live broadcast room with the crowd.

The more you worry about something, the more you will come.

Sure enough, let him find that line of pinholes in the last line of the rule.

Although Xiao Xiao's setting the font to light gray is a bit dirty, but after all, this is already in the rules.

If Xiao Xiao is really reckless, Daheng has nothing to do.

Who told them not to study the rules well before?

The content of this article is only written in a less obvious way, and it is not really unclear.

"This Xiao Xiao is poisonous!"

Brother Jiu vigorously rubbed the plaything in his hand, and also gritted his teeth.

Although he is cynical, he still owns the shares in Daheng. Although he has lost money several times in a row, although it is not too much, he still has to go to his family to get an explanation.

This time it was hard to turn things around, but in the end Xiao Xiao gave them another shocking turnaround.

"Xiao Xiao's scheming is too deep. For this event, from the first day of competition planning, Xiao Xiao started digging holes for us."

"But in this matter, the most hateful person is not Xiao Xiao, but Vice President Du!"

Brother Hua said in a deep voice.

If it wasn't for Vice President Du's cooperation, how could Huya's official rules be written like that?

If Vice President Du hadn't kept this secret, I believe their friends in Huya would have spread the news long ago.

Now, although the two major anchors of their trade union showed their heads and feet in this live broadcast, but Xiao Xiao made such a mess now, and the original talent show has also become a whipped corpse.

Although the popularity has increased, the blow to their Daheng's trade union strength cannot be compensated by such a little popularity at all!

Just imagine, in an event, their Daheng couldn't even keep their own anchor's ranking, what qualifications did their Daheng have to be called the number one guild on the Huya platform?

There are so many tourists and fans, but they won't listen to Daheng's explanation!
"Brother Hua is right. The main reason for this incident lies with Vice President Du."

"I'll call him right away, and I want to ask Vice President Du why he did this!"

The fifth child directly called Vice President Du.

In terms of status and strength, no matter what he said, he was born as a small boss.

No matter how powerful Vice President Du is, he is still a part-time senior manager.

As soon as the phone was connected, before Vice President Du could speak, the fifth child bombarded him with a series of bombardments.

"Fifth brother, why are you so angry all of a sudden, what's the problem, what I did wrong will definitely be corrected!"

Vice President Du laughed and replied.

"Old Du, don't pretend to be confused with me. Why are the rules of this event like that? I want to know why!"

The fifth child snorted angrily.

"Event rules? Is it an event organized by Brother Xiao Xiao? I watched the competition yesterday. Both Brother Li and Xia Nuan's rankings are pretty good. What's the matter, Fifth Brother? Is there any problem with this event? If Brother Li and Xia Nuan Xia Nuan's ranking is mediocre, but I can help Xiao Xiao to talk to Brother Xiao and give them another chance to perform online."

Hearing what Vice President Du pretended to be puzzled over there, Lao Wu didn't want to continue talking, and directly pointed out the small words in the rules to Vice President Du.

Vice President Du leaned on the boss's chair, listened to the angry questioning of the fifth child, and smiled happily in his heart, but his mouth was full of doubts:

"Fifth brother, don't worry, there must be some misunderstanding here, I'm not at the company today, I just came here this time, don't hang up, I'll go online and see."

"The rules of the game. The rules are found. This is the last one."

"Ah, it's true, the rules of this competition are really not very clear."

"Lan Lan, come here, what is going on with this competition rule, the words are so small that it is not clear at all? Isn't this misleading the anchor?!"

"What, Xiaohang from the technical department did it? So careless? Fire him immediately!"

"And you, this month you will be fined 1 yuan in salary. Let's see how much trouble you have caused Brother Wu by not paying attention to the review this time!"

Vice President Du's voice moved closer and further away, as if he was reprimanding his assistant.

Then, Vice President Du seemed to pick it up in his hand, and his voice suddenly became clear.

"Fifth brother, I'm really sorry about this matter. It has been found out that Xiao Zhang from the technical department was too tired when he made this picture. He forgot to use the format brush to convert the font. I have fired him in the name of the company. , this kind of thing will definitely not happen in the future.”

"Also, the project leader was fined this month's salary by me, including myself. I also took the blame and fined me. I handle it like this. Brother Wu, are you satisfied?"

Vice President Du directly pushed back a soft nail, leaving the angry fifth child with nowhere to vent.

Brother Hua gave Lao Wu a wink, and Lao Wu had no choice but to hang up the phone with an angry snort.

"Vice President Du and Xiao Xiao are simply working together to dig holes against us Daheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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