Chapter 323 Character Points

The roar of the fifth child echoed in the office.

They all knew in their hearts that this matter must be inseparable from Vice President Du's manipulation.

As for what he said, he just came to work today, I'm afraid it's not funny.

Today is the final of the competition. How could Vice President Du come here after the competition is over, close to twelve o'clock in the evening?Liar ghosts do not believe it!

Furthermore, whether the technician will be dismissed or not, whether there is such a person is still a matter of debate, and it's not all an internal matter of Huya. Vice President Du is directly responsible, and Daheng can just listen to Vice President Du's fooling around.

As for fines for those in charge.
Lan Lan is now Xiao Xiao's exclusive account manager, and can get [-]% of Xiao Xiao's consumption.

That is to say, if Xiao Xiao swipes 100 million, Lanlan can get [-] million.

Not to mention everything before, just this time Xiao Xiao rewarded so many anchors with 100 million yuan, and Lanlan would have [-] million yuan in income.

A fine of [-] is a piece of wool!
Brother Hua had already heard Vice President Du's undisguised intentions, so he asked Lao Wu to hang up the phone.

Going on, it's just being played by Vice President Du as a joke.

"Vice President Du, he's fine."

Brother Jiu silently withdrew his hand from Xia Nuan's arms and snorted heavily.

It is true that they have stumbled a bit this time, but this matter is an official matter of Huya, and has nothing to do with Xiao Xiao.

The three of them looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

But Brother Hua and the three of them could bear it, but Brother Li, the person involved, couldn't bear it.

At this time, she was still in the live broadcast, and millions of viewers suddenly left the venue, and the jokes of No.4 on the public screen kept swiping.

She has been in Huya for so long, apart from suffering a bad loss from Xiaojuzi, where has she ever been wronged like this?
She has a lot of temper herself, so she jumped directly to the live broadcast room of the game, and typed questions on the public screen in front of millions of tourists.

In the live broadcast room, there were still more than 200 big brothers who did not go offline, chatting while watching brother Xiao Xiao announce the results.

Seeing Brother Li suddenly running out and throwing a fit in the live broadcast room, everyone was taken aback.

On the Huya platform, there are really few anchors who dare to confront Brother Shenhao face to face.

Especially for a top hero like Brother Xiao Xiao!

Last time, Xia Nuan, who said that his elder brother was unfair in the live broadcast room, was given a three-day ban package by the official after only complaining a few words. And Brother Li, wouldn't he want to repeat Xia Nuan's mistakes?
Lan Lanyan, who had been monitoring in the background, saw that something was wrong, and hurriedly registered to make a rescue.

There were hundreds of tourists in the live broadcast room, if Brother Li really made a fuss, it would be a big deal.

But before Lan Lan could operate, Liu Xiao had already spoken in the live broadcast room.

"I do this, you are not convinced?"

Liu Xiao said lightly.

"I don't accept it. The talent competition is supposed to rely on talent to win the ranking. Why do you want to add some reward tickets at the end?"

Between the lines, Brother Li was full of anger.

The third and fourth seem to be one place behind, but this is the difference between the 1000 million bonus and the 200 million bonus.

What's more, with her original number of votes, she was No.2!

Liu Xiao looked at Brother Li who was questioning him, and felt a little amused in his heart.

In the previous match, Ka Daheng's anchor and Liangkai's anchor were just to vent their anger on the bald man.

But after the last time, Liang Kai disintegrated, and Liu Xiao didn't think much about fighting with Daheng, so he let Li Ge, Xia Nuan and other Daheng's four anchors enter the finals, thinking that it would make the game more exciting .

Anyway, he just didn't like Daheng, and he could still give it to a really talented anchor.

As for the rankings given to them, Liu Xiao also thought about it, not simply doing whatever he wanted.

"My reward ticket is not given randomly, but the character points you anchors get."

"Little Orange was picked up by me. She is very friendly to the audience, and she often pays for the audience to draw prizes out of her own pocket. Moreover, Little Orange is also very strict with herself. If I understand correctly, those rewards I gave to Little Orange As a gift, Little Tangerine is basically untouched, ready to return it to me at any time."

"Feng'er was also picked up by me. From a small anchor with the lowest ranking to today's step, Feng'er has never had any conflicts with any anchor, and I rewarded Feng'er with 1000 million, and Feng'er gave Feng'er even more. Most of it is used to give fans a lottery, and a small part of it is also donated to the Red Cross.”

Liu Xiao sipped his saliva slightly, then changed the subject:
"And you, when you came to Huya, Xiaohuya, Junjun and I often gave you rewards. Maybe you didn't have 500 million, but you always have 300 million, right?"

"You have been in Huya for a month about the matter that we and Daheng are not dealing with. How dare you say you don't know?"

"I won't talk about getting gifts at both ends before joining Daheng. After joining Daheng, I don't know how to compensate us. With your character, do you think I will give you reward tickets?"

Liu Xiao was not polite to Brother Li at all.

He just felt that those things before were harmless and there was no need to argue with her.

But now that she jumped out on her own initiative, Liu Xiao didn't bother to spoil her anymore.

Brother Xiao Xiao didn't type this time, but spoke directly in the live broadcast room.

As soon as this remark came out, millions of viewers in the live broadcast immediately exploded.

"What Brother Xiao Xiao said is true or false, Brother Xiao Xiao and Daheng don't deal with me, a tourist who has only been in Huya for three days, knows, Brother Li still takes gifts from both sides?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is right. No matter how talented this kind of person is, she can't be given a ranking with such quality. I don't even think No.4 should be given to her!"

"I know Brother Xiao Xiao gave some rewards to Brother Li, but I didn't expect it to be so much, and I also ate gifts from Brother Xiaohuya and Brother Junjun. This heart is too poisonous!"

There was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

Brother Li's momentum withered in an instant.

Xiao Xiao did not say any of these things wrong.

When she first came to Huya, she didn't quite understand Huya's power, and after eating gifts for a day, she still felt quite confused.

But the next day she understood clearly, she just pretended not to know the situation, and then took both sides.

Xiao Xiao didn't count carefully, but she has accounts here. Xiao Xiao, Xiaohuya and Junjun Beibei, the gifts of these big brothers are 370 million in total, and she has always remembered this figure.

Now being exposed by Xiao Xiao on the spot, Brother Li really didn't expect this to happen.

Even some tourists from Daheng who came to ask for an explanation switched sides and began to mock.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is generous enough to allow you to participate in the competition. In terms of character, it's not a loss for you to score zero!"

"You still have the guts to question brother Xiao Xiao. If I take millions from others, I will designate him to hide away. It's not like someone can be so thick-skinned!"

For a while, the rhythm of the live broadcast room almost turned into a one-sided crusade.

Even Li Ge's fans spoke out one after another and abandoned fans, taking down Li Ge's fan brand in public.

And Brother Li's subscription dropped at a terrifying speed!

When the matter developed to this point, seeing the excited millions of tourists in the live broadcast room and Xiao Huya who was spending his time watching the excitement and dozens of big brothers, Brother Li really panicked now.

(End of this chapter)

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