Chapter 324 Cancellation
Lao Wu was still worrying about how to make up for the loss of this incident, looked up for a while, and did not know when Brother Li ran to the live broadcast room to question him.

After seeing Xiao Xiao revealing that Brother Li was holding presents at both ends, he was even more frightened.

"It's over!"

Lao Wu didn't know how many times he gritted his teeth today.

Sometimes he couldn't figure out why Brother Li could dance like this.

Brother Hua sometimes gives her a little benefit, in fact, it is for the development of Daheng, but now, Brother Li dares to jump on Xiao Xiao's head and act wildly!
He didn't even look at who Xiao Xiao was, even Brother Hua was defeated by Xiao Xiao one after another. How could she be Xiao Xiao's opponent as a small anchor?

The result is obvious, Xiao Xiao caught a loophole of Brother Li, this is obviously a rhythm to directly kill Brother Li!
As soon as Brother Li cools down, their Daheng's follow-up development plans will all be affected.

"Fifth, go and interrupt Brother Li's live broadcast as soon as possible."

Brother Hua ordered with a sullen face.

And Xia Nuan, who was sitting next to Brother Jiu, had a calm expression on his face, but his heart was crazy with joy.

Originally, Daheng's first sister has no hope, but if Brother Li kills herself this time, then she, Xia Nuan, still has a good chance of regaining the position!
In the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao didn't continue talking.

The event was originally organized by him, and the prize money was also given by him. It was he who had the final say on who the ranking and prize money would be given to.

As for whether Brother Li will refute his opinion, what does it have to do with him?
"The top three this time are Xiaojuzi, Feng'er, and Xiaokai. The talents of the three of them are very good, especially Xiaojuzi's new song and the song sung by JJ. This No. 1 is well-deserved."

"As for Xiaokai, there is still room for improvement in terms of strength, but it is quite good."

Xiao Huya and the others also ignored Brother Li.

The top three selected by brother Xiao Xiao, although all of them are Lehua's anchors, but the strength of the three is indeed good, and the audience's recognition is relatively high.

"Next, it's time for the online award distribution. This live broadcast room will be closed soon. You can go to the live broadcast room of each award-winning anchor to witness the specific award distribution." Liu Xiao directly got off the mic and changed to typing to speak.

"No.1 has a bonus of 5000 million. This wave of Xiaojuzi is so cool, plus Xiao Xiaoge's previous huge rewards, I'm afraid I won't have to worry about eating and drinking in this life."

"Didn't you hear what Brother Xiao Xiao said, the tens of millions in Xiaojuzi's hands have not been touched at all, and they plan to return it to Brother Xiao Xiao at any time, although Brother Xiao Xiao will definitely not want to go back!"

Little Orange already had a lot of fans, and with the addition of the 5000 million bonus, over a million tourists flocked to Little Orange's live broadcast room.

Not long after, there was a lonely brother Li left in the studio.

As for Brother Li's live broadcast room, there were not many people left.

When Brother Li downloaded the broadcast and was brought into Brother Hua's office by the fifth child, his head was still completely beeping.

"Xiao Wei, go and get Brother Li's contract."

Brother Hua saw Brother Li sitting on the side anxiously, shook his head helplessly, and had already made a decision in his heart.

In the contract signed with Brother Li at the beginning, [-]% of Daheng's shares were used to calculate and deduct the signing fee. Logically speaking, Brother Li is now one of their shareholders of Daheng, and has the opportunity to talk to them on an equal footing. that power.

But according to the current trend, Brother Li's personality has suddenly collapsed, and there is no need to continue to cultivate it.

Brother Hua spoke again:
"According to the contract signed by the trade union, if Party B fails to continue the live broadcast or is blocked due to reasons such as Party B, the trade union has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and compensate for liquidated damages as agreed."

"Brother Li, your current situation fully complies with Daheng's contract termination conditions. If you have any problems, we can solve them through judicial procedures."


When Brother Li heard what Brother Hua said, his head, which had been covered all the time, suddenly woke up with a jerk.

"Brother Hua, you"

Before Brother Li could explain, Brother Hua had already waved his hand to stop Brother Li's next words.

"The matter this time is not our trade union's problem, but your own simple personal problem. Daheng has done its best to you. When encountering this kind of thing, the trade union has no way to solve the problem for you."

The rhythm this time is different from what Xia Nuan had done before.

Xiao Xiao has already picked out the matter of receiving gifts from Brother Li in public, instead of Xia Nuan's insinuating threesome.

As for Xia Nuan's insinuation, he didn't know how many connections he had to find to suppress it.

As for Brother Li, she is looking for death by doing this!

Now all tourists know the fact that Brother Li is a villain who accepts gifts at both ends. No matter how many sailors he finds, he will not be able to save him.

Even if he hides Brother Li for two months and pulls it out after the wind blows, the best result is to become a little anchor like the bald guy who was suppressed by their Daheng before.

There is no need to continue training such an anchor.

Xia Nuan looked at Brother Li's extremely ugly face, and was so happy that he was crazy, but he still pretended to be sad.

"Brother Jiu, see if it's possible to rescue her. After all, Brother Li is now the head anchor. Once she leaves, our union will definitely not be Xiao Xiao's opponent."

Xia Nuan hypocritically suggested.

"It's fine if Brother Li wasn't there at the time, but if Brother Li was there, this matter is already attached to her, and no matter how much she manipulates it, it's impossible."

Brother Jiu shook his head and gave a very pertinent opinion.

Brother Li will come to his senses now, and he will know exactly what he did in the live broadcast room just now.

Not to mention Daheng, even she herself felt that her hopes were slim.

But this is not harmful to her, anyway, her roots are not in Huya, Huya can't get along here anymore, and it's okay to go back to Douyin.

The degree of interoperability between the two platforms is not high, and the things on Huya's side are not well known on Douyin.

At that time, the momentum will be over.

After thinking about this, Brother Li didn't want to pester him anymore.

The only question now is how to bear the liquidated damages.

"Brother Hua, although this matter is my problem, no matter how I say it this time, I have contributed to the union. It's fine if I don't do the live broadcast. I don't think the liquidated damages are necessary, right?"

"If you don't want to pay, then we will go through legal procedures."

"When you made your live broadcast debut before, I suggested that you wait until the end of the event before making the rankings, but you have to start the broadcast in advance."

"In this event, Xiao Xiao was confronted directly without the consent of the union. Do you know how much resources the union spent on training you?"

"To put it bluntly, even if I find a small anchor to do this, I still have half your strength now."

Brother Hua shook his head and refused.

If you want to leave after taking the benefits, if you want to deny it after signing the contract, how can there be such a good thing in this world, really think they Daheng is engaged in charity?
(End of this chapter)

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