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Chapter 325 I quit, the contract was torn up by you

Chapter 325 I quit, the contract was torn up by you
"Brother Hua, although I haven't been in Daheng for a long time, I still know a little about Daheng. If you just let me go like this, there is no guarantee that I won't reveal something from my mouth."

Brother Li was not to be outdone, and chased after him.

She has only been in Daheng for more than half a month, and she has no feelings for Daheng.

You know, the liquidated damages for the contract they signed were three times the signing fee.

If the 3000% of the shares in her hands were realized to the greatest extent, it would be worth [-] to [-] million at least.

After coming to Huya for such a short period of time, I haven't made much money yet. Let me pay 7000 to [-] million in liquidated damages first?

Not to mention whether she has so much money in her hand, even if she has so much, she definitely won't spend it.

Brother Hua's complexion changed slightly.

Brother Li's words really hit their Daheng's weakness.

As far as Daheng is concerned, it will not have any major impact on ordinary small anchors or Xiaoshenhao to expose their internal operation mode and navy mode.

But Brother Li is different. Although Brother Li's character design has collapsed now, his popularity has not completely disappeared.

If Brother Li took this opportunity to expose Daheng's operation mode in front of hundreds of people, even tens of millions of fans of Douyin, then their Daheng tree would have to shake a few times at least!

"I can understand that, are you threatening me?"

Brother Hua squinted at Brother Li, which made Li shiver in fright.

She is well aware of Brother Hua's identity, but in this situation, if she compromises on this, in addition to all the previous compensation for liquidated damages, at least she will have to bear a debt of more than 1000 million.

When she was in Douyin Mix before, she didn't do live streaming or accepting advertisements, and coming to Huya was the first step for her to start monetizing.

The signing fee of 5000 million, the tax alone costs 800 million.

Daheng raised funds some time ago, and some of her [-]% shares were also distributed.

Including some rewards from the big brother of the platform during this period, the total assets add up to 500 million.

She really can't afford the liquidated damages of 7000 million!

Brother Li was ruthless, and said it again through gritted teeth.

Now, as long as she regresses, under the pressure of tens of millions of debts, her future will be completely ruined!

Brother Hua stared at Brother Li, thinking secretly.

"Fifth, make a supplementary agreement and modify the liquidated damages to the previous income."

Brother Hua waved his hand, but he still gave up pursuing the responsibility of Brother Li.

If Brother Li is really desperate to expose their Daheng, the loss Daheng will suffer will be at least in the unit of hundreds of millions.

It's better to make a compromise and let everyone break up.

"Fifth brother, please also write down the content of the termination of cooperation in the agreement. All content that conflicts with the previous content needs to be explained."

Brother Li was completely relieved when he heard Brother Hua speak, but after thinking about it, he was still worried, so he said it again.

Now that things have happened, she can only smash the jar, and it really doesn't matter whether she wants the face or not.

She knew that the best outcome was for her to run away.

Her previous income was the [-]% of the shares.

Compared with the initial loss of 6000 million, although the [-]% of the shares are precious, it doesn't seem to matter now.

Anyway, she also planned to leave Huya, so she would have to continue financing Daheng with this share in the future.

The minority shareholders are basically looking at the faces of the major shareholders. The relationship between the two parties is so bad that Brother Hua can get her half to death if he trips her up. It's better to get rid of this hot potato as soon as possible.

Three supplementary contracts were brought in quickly, and Brother Li glanced at them hastily, and signed all three contracts.

Then, I went to finance and signed the equity transfer statement.

After getting the previous contract, Brother Li tore the contract into pieces in two strokes.

From then on, she and Dahengtian were separated.

As for Hu Ya, she wasn't in breach of the contract.

The agreement signed at that time was to live broadcast more than [-] hours a month, which is just two hours a day.

The thing about her is just that her personality has collapsed, and the live broadcast is cold, it doesn't mean that she can't live broadcast.

Pick a time in the early hours of the morning, isn’t it a live broadcast if you sleep for two hours?
Seeing Brother Li striding out of the union gate, the surprise in Xia Nuan's eyes could no longer be hidden.

Xia Nuan quickly put her head into Brother Jiu's arms to cover up her gaffe.

This reversal happened too fast, and the surprise came too fast.

An hour ago, Xiao Xiao was still teasing her and Brother Li, which meant that Brother Li hid her position as the first sister of Daheng.

She was still thinking about how to get back the lost first sister position just now.

Unexpectedly, Brother Li made a big death by himself, and dared to go to the live broadcast room to beat Xiao Xiao!
The result of her tough fight against Xiao Xiao last time has not been suppressed until now. Brother Li even dared to run up to fight against Xiao Xiao. This is simply God giving her a chance!
Sneaking a peek upstairs at the office just assembled for Brother Li, the super live broadcast room that cost millions to assemble, Brother Li only used it once, but it was her Xia Nuan.

Thinking of this, Xia Nuan unconsciously hugged Brother Jiu tightly.

The man in her arms is her golden thigh in Daheng!
Sure enough, before Xia Nuan took the initiative to fight for it, Brother Hua spoke directly.

"Bring back all the trade union resources that Brother Li gave to you. On the one hand, look for other singing female anchors on the platform, and on the other hand, take advantage of this opportunity to restore Xia Nuan's reputation."

Brother Hua also wants to understand now.

Although the imported foreign players are well-known and capable, they are too difficult to control.

Looking at Xiao Xiao from Lehua next door, this is much better than him.

First he picked up the little orange with no roots, and then he picked up the bald man who had lost all his popularity.

Holding up Yang Zi again, absorbing Feng'er and Xiao Kai.

None of these anchors were previous traffic stars!
These anchors were picked up by Xiao Xiao, who would comment on Xiao Xiao's words?
On the other hand, Brother Li, whom Daheng held up, in just half a month, had to start the broadcast ahead of schedule, eat gifts at both ends, and ran over to find Xiao Xiao to tear it up.

Not to mention the loss of Daheng's face, the losses caused are also tens of millions.

On the other hand, several super first-line anchors in the family, Xia Nuan, Xiao Fei and Dao Zi, these three are several grades higher than Brother Li in terms of execution and loyalty to the union.

After all, Xia Nuan is not a singing anchor. In terms of dancing, the gap between the anchors is very small among ordinary audiences. As long as the appearance is online, there is basically no problem.

As for Xia Nuan, except for her private life with Brother Jiu, who is not very strict, other aspects fully meet the requirements of a superstar.

Furthermore, with Brother Jiu's relationship, Xia Nuan's handle is also in their Daheng's hands. As long as he squeezes it lightly, how can Xia Nuan have two hearts?No matter how thoughtful you are, you don't dare to open fire with Daheng Proof like Brother Li!
(End of this chapter)

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