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Chapter 327 The Spontaneous Actions of the Streamers

Chapter 327 The Spontaneous Actions of the Streamers (Part [-])
"The first award has been refreshed, please check it for the host!"

Fans of Brother Xiao Xiao typed and spoke one after another.

Even if the reward of 5000 million is divided by the labor union, there will still be 2000 million in the hands of the anchor. If you pay a tax or something, you can still get 500 million. If you save a little money and don’t buy a house or a car, it’s a luxury of 60 Year.

What's more, Brother Xiao Xiao has given Xiaojuzi a lot of rewards before, and now Xiaojuzi must have at least seventy-eight million yuan in his hand.

After delivering the presents, Liu Xiao planned to go to the next house.

But at this moment, Xiaojuzi's WeChat message came over.

Liu Xiao glanced at it briefly, and was a little surprised that Xiaojuzi wanted to donate part of his personal income like Feng'er did.

"Let's do it. I don't plan to get the money back when I donate it. But for public welfare, you must choose a good foundation to support it. Some old-fashioned big funds are not very reliable."

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao gave a suggestion.

These days, there are not many people who really do good deeds with their heart. Most of the charities and foundations either use this as an excuse to do business to avoid taxes, or they eat a vegetarian meal and secretly get money for themselves from charitable funds.

From Liu Xiao's point of view, Huya's Project Hope charity activities are good, but he can find a way to emulate it.

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao's reply, Xiaojuzi felt more at ease.

"Everyone wait for a while, we anchors can't spend all the money that Brother Xiao Xiao has rewarded in the past, so we plan to turn this part of the money into charity and donate it to a foundation to help some people in need."

"I need to find a credible fund entrustment agency platform. It is best that every sum of money is open, transparent and detailed. You can help me refer to it. If there is a good charitable fund organization, you can directly send suggestions Our union mailbox"

Little Orange talked a lot.

The most important thing to do this kind of thing is to separate yourself, preferably in the name of a trade union to a certain extent.

Otherwise, if you donate too much at once, it will easily cause criticism.

Little Juzi did the math, and with the scattered rewards and the huge amount of activities of Brother Xiao Xiao and a few big brothers, she now has close to 8000 million in cash.

Even if he wanted to invest in Liu Xiao's hot pot restaurant in the later stage, it would definitely be enough to keep 2000 million, and the remaining 6000 million could be donated.

If it is donated in her own name, as long as the money is taken out, there will definitely be countless black fans who hate the rich and all kinds of slander, for example, a live broadcast can earn so much money in a few months, what should be rectified? of.

Besides, if she is too generous, it will be a bit of a moral kidnapping.

She donated, Feng'er wants to donate, Baldy wants to donate, even Yang Zi and Tutu may not be able to escape.

If the matter gets bigger, the anchor who is close to brother Xiao Xiao in the game area will also suffer.

It's better to donate the 6000 million in everyone's name from the beginning, and the little black fans will have nothing to complain about.

To be able to get to this point, although Brother Xiao Xiao's support has taken the majority, but Xiaojuzi's own personality charm and thinking in dealing with people and doing things are also very powerful.

Sure enough, when Xiaojuzi said this, there was a burst of echoing voices in the live broadcast room, and the few black fans who raised objections were drowned in the crowd in an instant.

"I think the Red Cross is pretty good. Although there are occasional moths in it, it's generally fine. Wasn't the Red Cross the Red Cross that Huya held last time for the Hope Project?"

"Little Orange can say this, which proves that the donations collected by Little Orange are definitely quite a lot. If you think about it, Baldy, Yang Zi, and Little Orange are all big anchors. Can this donation be less than ten million? I think we still need to find An institution you can absolutely trust.”

"The upstairs is right. I seem to have seen a foundation prepared by a celebrity on the Internet a while ago. It seems to be the Hanhan Foundation."

"Han Han Fund, is that the one who sang [Plateau]? If it's her, there's absolutely nothing wrong with her. Her character is absolutely incomparable."

The tourists in the live broadcast room discussed each other with each other. Some people who had known about the fund platform also deliberately found Lehua's mailbox and wrote their thoughts into it.

Liu Xiao was very happy when he saw the enthusiasm in the live broadcast room.

To be a human being is to have love.

Although he didn't donate the money himself, he felt somewhat proud in his heart.

Quietly left Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room, went to Feng'er and Xiao Kai's live broadcast room to cash out the remaining two prizes.

Next, there will be 200 million rewards for the other ten anchors.

Brother Li's live broadcast room has been blacked out, but Liu Xiao still swiped 200 million to get out.

Xia Nuan accepted the 200 million tip very politely when she went online.

400 million is nothing to Liu Xiao.

During this period of time, he also caused Daheng to lose hundreds of millions. Since others have won this ranking by virtue of their strength, he can't go too far, can he?
Liu Xiao was a little teased in his heart.

If Daheng knew that he planned to acquire Lehua after a while and wholeheartedly fight against them, would he go crazy right away?

After scanning all of them, Liu Xiao didn't engage in any channel-wide tipping activities.

Tonight's game is over, the whole platform is already excited enough, there is no need to go up to add fuel to the fire.

What's more, it's almost two o'clock in the morning, and I have to go to the hotpot restaurant tomorrow, so it's time to go offline and rest.

But Liu Xiao can go offline, but Xiao Juzi, who is the protagonist tonight, cannot leave.

What's more, Xiaojuzi, whose popularity will increase to nearly 300 million, is also reluctant to leave.

Baldy and Yang Zi, who had been spying on the screen, and other anchors of Brother Xiaoxiao also sent private messages to Xiaojuzi.

"Little Orange, you are not so authentic. Donate by yourself, and use the name of so many of us. If something happens, don't you want us to carry it with you?"

Baldy laughed and called.

Of course, it is impossible for an accident to happen, and it must be a happy event if an accident happens.

If this matter is reported by the media, they will also have a share of the award.

Brother Xiao Xiao has rewarded so many times, Baldy now has more money than Xiaojuzi, but the money that Brother Xiao Xiao donated before was used by Baldy for activities.

But even so, after paying taxes at the end of the month, the bald man will have close to [-] million in cash.

He is the leader C of the union, and he must use his big head to support the anchor of the union, so he has to save more than half of the [-] million.

"I must prepare some money for next month's event. After the platform settlement is over this month, I will take out 4000 million and send it to you. It is also a donation in everyone's name."

The bald man naturally understood this truth.

Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, he has experienced a lot, and he appreciates this point shown by Xiaojuzi even more.

(End of this chapter)

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