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Chapter 328 New Operation Mode of Hot Pot Restaurant

Chapter 328 New Operation Mode of Hot Pot Restaurant (Part [-])

Yang Zi also called.

There is no one who is short of money when he is an anchor on Xiao Xiaoge's big ship.

Yang Zi didn't have much money in his hand, but he also collected 500 million and donated it.

Feng Er and Xiao Kai, who had just received the reward, pooled together 1000 million.

The scratch man, Kaka and B Wen in the game area also each took 1000 million.

Hoe Wo is the most ruthless, and he took 3000 million yuan alone.

The first-line anchors such as Lao Long also received not a small amount, all of them were more than one million.

This is not because of the momentum created by Xiaojuzi to force them to donate, but it is all voluntary donations, but everyone's purpose is different.

Some anchors want to get on Brother Xiao Xiao’s big boat, while others want to earn their reputation so that they can have a shield in case something happens in the future. As for more, they simply want to do something good within the scope of their abilities. .

Just when Xiaojuzi wanted to count how much money he had, Xiaohuya's WeChat call also came in suddenly.

"We have businesses in our hands, and we usually don't have much time to do good deeds. At most, we can participate in a charity auction or something. Everyone knows that most of these things are deceitful."

"Now there is such an opportunity, although it is not very much, but you can also donate part of these charitable funds through your hands."

Xiao Huya said with a smile.

There is such a big event tonight, and most of the platform brothers are online.

Xiao Huya took advantage of the situation and shouted in the group, and took advantage of the situation to count the donation amount of these big brothers Shenhao.

There are more than 20 emperors, plus more than 100 kings.

Don’t look at these big brothers usually don’t think much rewards, the king’s consumption is 10,000+10,000 60+ a month, and the emperor’s consumption is less than [-] million.

But when it comes to donations, most of the kings start with a million. Except for a few emperors who are forced to be promoted, the rest of the emperors basically start with 500 million, which seems a bit too exaggerated.

Of course, these big brothers are not stupid, and most of the funds are in the name of the company.

Xiaohuya even drew 3000 million directly from the company.

Donations made in the name of the company are tax deductible.

In other words, these big brothers just used the tax they had to pay to do good deeds, and there was no loss to themselves, and there was even a reputation gain buff.

I believe that no entrepreneur can refuse this kind of empty-handed wolf prestige.

There are more than 100 kings, and they have collected 2000 million.

More than 20 emperors pooled another 6000 million.

Gathered together, a total of 8000 million!
This money does not need to be settled at the end of the month, and can be fully credited to the card when the financial department goes to work tomorrow. Of course, it can only be credited to the card of an officially recognized charity.

When Xiaohuya said the "not much" money in his mouth, Xiaojuzi was almost taken aback.

Little Orange calculated carefully.

The anchor's side is about 8000 million, and Xiao Huya's side is 8000 million, which is [-] million.

I believe that tomorrow some big brothers who are not online will contribute a little more, and collecting [-] million donations will be the same as playing.

Little Orange clicked her tongue secretly, feeling that the pressure was much greater.

If there is a problem with the flow of the money, Xiaojuzi will not be able to forgive herself.

But Xiaojuzi is also very clear about the purpose of everyone taking the money out.

That night, under the attention of more than 200 million visitors in the live broadcast room, the amount of the donation was announced, and all the big brothers who sponsored the charity and the amount of sponsorship were announced on the spot, giving these big brothers enough face.

The anchor must not announce it here, it can only be done secretly.

Because of this wave of operations, Xiaojuzi gained a big brother full of screens.

More than 100 kings and more than 20 emperors launched the mighty live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, apart from anything else, each of them swiped the screen with twenty treasure maps.

In the end, even the Huya officials were alarmed.

Vice President Du immediately stated his position on the line, and when the finance office works tomorrow, he will first settle the flow of the list of anchors provided by Xiaojuzi, and strive to implement this matter within a week.

For a while, not only tourists spontaneously suggested the foundation to Lehua's mailbox, but even the foundation itself took the initiative to find the mailbox, and sent Lehua a copy of the ppt that he carefully prepared to recruit investment.

One night, everyone on the Huya platform was excited.

Although Liu Xiao had heard about it, he didn't pay much attention to it.

There is no way, he only has so much money now, and the funds of the Shenhao card can only be used for online consumption, and cannot be donated directly, and it is not even enough to buy out the Shenhao card to swipe for Xiaojuzi.

"Qu Yue, what is the annual rent for this store?"

In the hotel, Liu Xiao looked at the data Qu Yue researched, and picked out an address to ask.

"The location of this place is in the upper middle. The daily turnover is estimated to be around 40 to 200 yuan, and the store rent is 600 million yuan a year. Including a series of decoration costs, it is almost [-] million investment."

Liu Xiao made a calculation in his mind.

40 turnover per day, and then doubled by the system, the doubled net income is more than 40 yuan. After removing the daily material cost and compressing the turnover, it is estimated that there will be about 30 yuan. One store can get 70 yuan a day. Ten thousand.

As for employees' salaries and so on, they are also settled monthly. This month is in the middle of the month. By the end of next month when the accounts are settled, Liu Xiao has already upgraded the system. There is no need to keep the employees' salaries at this stage.

"Is there any way to get enough turnover in a short period of time, and is there any way to reduce short-term investment and open more stores?"

Liu Xiao asked.

Qu Yue was a little dazed, but she quickly replied with a smile: "Mr. Liu, it depends on how short it is."

"About a month, at most forty days."

"If it's one month, it's super short-term. There are still many ways to reduce investment, but I don't recommend you to do this. Once the capital chain is broken, the consequences will be dire."

Qu Yue first made a suggestion, and then said her own solution.

"The first one, like rent, can sign an installment agreement and pay in three or four installments. For a rent of 200 million, the first installment may only be about 30."

"Secondly, decoration can also choose to pay in installments."

"Based on this calculation, the first batch of investment in a store should not exceed 200 million, but the financial pressure in the later period will be very high."

Liu Xiao's eyes lit up, he was very pleasantly surprised.

He had indeed forgotten about it.

Now when it comes to projects, installments are already a daily pattern. It is even common for some projects to start paying after the construction is completed. Many workers are owed wages for several months or even not paid. This is the reason.

Of course Liu Xiao wouldn't do it that badly, the payment in batches like what Qu Yue said just now is very suitable.

With an initial investment of 200 million, it only takes two days for the system quota to be settled!

(End of this chapter)

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