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Chapter 329 Negotiation: Signing the Rental Agreement

Chapter 329 Negotiation: Signing the Rental Agreement (Third Update)
As for the repayment after the installment, then there is no need to worry.

According to this model, the [-] million upgrade funds can definitely be collected within a month.

A hot pot restaurant is only an investment of about 200 million yuan. The upfront payment is [-] million yuan, and the remaining [-] million yuan will be able to pay back two and a half of the daily quota, without any pressure.

What's more, the hot pot restaurant itself is still profitable, and it can use the system to double its income. It is possible to return three or four restaurants in a day.

No matter how you calculate it, this method is the best method.

Let alone six or seven stores, opening twenty stores in a month is a great possibility!

"Just follow this mode of operation first, and within a week, open five stores first!"

Although Liu Xiao doesn't have a lot of money now, but with the daily quota for the past few days, he can still get 1000 million within a week.

"Mr. Liu, are you sure you have this confidence?"

Qu Yue glanced at Liu Xiao, and decided to make another suggestion.

After finally finding such a high-paying job, she didn't want to lose it like this.

"Don't worry, the few landlords you investigated just now will make an appointment together later, and I will go to the conference hall to set up a table."

Liu Xiao laughed, and went out to arrange a hotel reception meal.

Qu Yue's strength is very strong. In just over a day, there are ten promising stores.

Of course, there is no exception for these facade rents. There is only one word, which is expensive.

The rent starts at 200 million yuan per year, which is 20 to [-] yuan a month, which is about the same as [-] yuan.

Renting a house costs 20 yuan a month. If there is such a facade, most people will choose Xianyu life.

Landlords are clearly interested in renting, and long-term leases at that.

Notified at noon, almost arrived at [-]:[-] pm.

Seeing ten people coming, the shock to these landlords is obviously not small, and there is also a lot of respect for the boss who is going to receive him.

Qu Yue first introduced Liu Xiao, and then issued a lease agreement to each of them.

The contract is paid in two installments.

In the first issue, the budget was originally 30, but it was suppressed by Qu Yue to 20. In the second issue, it was written that it should be paid within [-] days.

Regarding this point, when discussing with Qu Yue, Liu Xiao also suggested that the full payment could be made within [-] days, but Qu Yue insisted on writing it up to [-] days, saying that it was to prevent accidents.

Liu Xiao thought there would be no harm, so he readily accepted.

These two contracts are not difficult for the landlord to understand. They are naturally willing to accept all the house payments for the whole year within three months.

"Mr. Liu, you said earlier that the lease will be renewed next year, and there is also a breach condition of this contract."

A landlord stood up and spoke a little nervously.

The psychological pressure caused by signing ten shop owners at one time is indeed not small.

"The contract is a bit long. You may not have noticed it. You can read the breach clause on the fourth page. There are detailed explanations."

"After the lease contract expires, we have the priority to enjoy the lease right, and the lessee has the right to adjust it according to the market price, but each increase shall not exceed [-]% of the previous increase."

"Secondly, if we fail to pay the rent within three months as agreed, the lessor can take back the property and deduct the 20 deposit we paid earlier."

Qu Yue added.

The landlords turned to the back to check, and it really had the same meaning as what Qu Yue said.

Liu Xiao did not lower any rent, all the contracts were the price proposed by the landlord at the beginning.

Such a contract immediately hit the landlord's heart.

Immediately, ten landlords all signed the contract.

Liu Xiao didn't hesitate either, and directly transferred the first batch of ten 20 yuan via online banking on the spot.

After the matter of renting a house was settled, Liu Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The next step is to find a professional decoration company for interior decoration and purchase of some equipment.

The steps are still the same as before, but among them, the purchase of equipment cannot be saved, but the budget of each store is still 180 million, which is considered sufficient.

"Mr. Liu, the renovation side is expected to enter the site one after another the day after tomorrow, and the renovation can be completed in about a week. If the funds are sufficient, the equipment will also enter the site during this time. Basically, it will be open for business by this time next week."

Qu Yue did some calculations and couldn't help but click her tongue secretly.

Don't worry about money, the speed of opening a store as you like is too fast.

"Extend the construction period to two times. The first five houses will be opened in the first week, and the remaining ones will be opened in a week."

Liu Xiao gave Qu Yue a white look.

If ten stores were to be established together, the small coffers in his hands would not be able to bear it. It would be almost enough to set up five stores first.

At this rate, I am afraid that by the beginning of next month, he will have enough money to upgrade.

Going home in a happy mood, I happened to see Zhao Ning busy preparing dinner at home.

Well, Zhao Ning has completely regarded this place as his own home, and he didn't tell his master in advance when he came to the door.

"I knew that when you came back at this time, you became your own boss, and you were stuck getting off work at seven o'clock every day. Be careful that the employees swallowed all the money for you."

Zhao Ning walked out of the kitchen with a smile, and let go of the hair that was tied up because of cooking.

"Why can't it be that I guessed that there is a beauty cooking at home. I came back following the scent. If the company goes bankrupt, I guess you will have to support me."

Liu Xiao laughed.

Zhao Ning stayed up all night last night. Liu Xiao originally wanted to take Zhao Ning with her in the morning, but Zhao Ning had just fallen asleep, so he didn't bother.

Seeing that Zhao Ning had brought out the meal, Liu Xiao didn't have the nerve to say that he was not very hungry after having a big meal at the hotel.

"Did you watch the live broadcast last night?"

"I must have read it. Are you talking about your collection of charitable funds?"

Zhao Ning nodded: "You must not have imagined how much money I gathered this morning."

Speaking of this, Zhao Ning was full of amazement.

"I raised 8000 million in the second half of the night. I thought that 1 million during the day was enough, but I didn't expect that another group of big brothers came out and donated more than [-] million, which was enough to raise [-] million."

"Although the money did not go through my hands, I still feel a lot of pressure. The only problem now is where to donate the money."

After Zhao Ning negotiated with the charity fund, the bosses will personally donate the money to the charity fund. Zhao Ning's donations are mainly from the anchors on the live broadcast platform.

Liu Xiao could also understand Zhao Ning's mood.

In the past, after counting out so much money, his mentality was not much better.

It would not be so easy for anyone to be entrusted with [-] million at once.

But now, five or six hundred million is nothing to Liu Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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