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Chapter 330 I'm lucky, there's nothing I can do, just play

Chapter 330 I'm lucky, I can't help it, I just play (four more)
"You don't have to pay too much attention to the money donated by those gods. They are all businessmen, and they are all scheming like anything. Don't look at those emperors who donate tens of millions. It seems very generous, but most of them are It’s just taxes that companies have to pay, not their own money at all.”

Liu Xiao owns a company, so he naturally knows this.

Those kings run companies with tens of millions, and usually spend 30 million a month on the live broadcast platform.

Before Liu Xiao came to Huya, there were not many emperors who spent more than one million yuan on the platform last month. Even brother Hua Jiu only spent 500 million a year.

That's all, it was just to get some female anchors, the motive is not pure.

Brother Jiu relied on swiping gifts and played too many girl anchors to count. Xiao Huya often mentions these gossips in the group, and Liu Xiao occasionally glances at them. Naturally, he is clear.

But now as soon as this donation is mentioned, it immediately pops up and says that it will start with a donation of one million, saying that it is with its own money, how is that possible?
Even if it is to support the anchors of his own series, it is impossible to spend so much, at most a dozen or 20 is about the same.

Instead, they use the company's accounts, and this money can be deducted from the company's tax accounts. In addition to gaining a wave of prestige, they can even avoid a little more taxes in the name of legality, which in turn is still profitable.

Comparing accounts with businessmen, it is definitely not comparable.

"However, having said that, it is also a good thing to be able to donate money. In my opinion, it is still necessary to find a trustworthy charity organization for the whereabouts of so much money."

Liu Xiao pointed at the vital point.

Zhao Ning, including millions of fans on the platform, is now worried that so much money will not be used in the right way, and will be corrupted by some people with ulterior motives.

After all, with so much money, no matter who gets it, they can live a luxurious life for several generations.

"I suggest that you can donate to the Hanhan Foundation, they have been doing very well in this regard."

"Han Han Foundation, is that star Han Han?"

Zhao Ning's heart moved.

Everyone is naturally familiar with Han Han. They are the generation of celebrities born in the 70s/80s. Although they don't appear on the screen very much now, they are still very well-known.

Zhao Ning had also heard of the foundation established by Han Han later.

"I don't know about the others, but this Han Han is indeed a person who is enthusiastic about public welfare. No matter where the disaster relief is, she rushes there as soon as possible. Among the charity funds on the entire platform, her funds are transparent, and she does everything by herself. .”

Liu Xiao laughed.

I have watched several interviews with Han Han before. She was really popular before, but after doing public welfare, she has been far away from the public eye and can't make much money. Some time ago, I heard Han Han's studio ask for help on Weibo charity.

It's a pity that there is no popularity, the fans' attention is not high, and the effect is very little.

Today, it is almost unbearable.

In order to maintain the foundation, Han Han has been running around in the front line of performing arts all year round. Because of his temperament and easy to offend people, the appearance fee is not high, only tens of thousands of yuan for one time.

Although it was miserable, it didn't affect Liu Xiao's respect for her.

Hearing Liu Xiao's words, Zhao Ning had a solid foundation in her mind, and she planned to find out more about the situation when she went back.

Putting aside the donation matter, Zhao Ning's appetite improved a lot for a while, and she began to eat in small bites.

"You just eat this little, is it because my cooking is not delicious?"

Zhao Ning took a few mouthfuls of rice when she saw Liu Xiao, and her pretty brows frowned immediately.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you know there is a saying called beauty can be eaten? I just looked at you for a few minutes, and I'm not hungry anymore."

A blush appeared on Zhao Ning's face, she raised her head slightly, and suddenly saw that there seemed to be a residue between Liu Xiao's teeth when she laughed.

Zhao Ning, who often hangs out with Liu Xiao in high-end restaurants recently, recognized this thing at a glance.

"Good guy, I'll cook for you at home, but you actually ran out to eat black truffles, is the meal delicious?"

Zhao Ning directly took Liu Xiao's hand, and when Liu Xiao was still giggling, she just slapped it.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Liu Xiao hurriedly smiled and begged for mercy before Zhao Ning tried his best.

In front of him, Zhao Ning has become more and more relaxed recently.

Most of the goddess-like appearance that she used to have had long since dissipated. Apart from being quite dignified, she was almost no different from the girl next door.

Even, Zhao Ning has been staying in his house almost except for live broadcasting and sleeping recently, just like a hostess.

Liu Xiao was also happy to see such a change in Zhao Ning, and the relationship between the two became more and more casual.

Liu Xiao often laments that to be favored by Zhao Ning is indeed a blessing he has cultivated for several lifetimes.

There are many women with good looks and figures, but there are not many women who can combine good looks and figures with talents.

What's more, Zhao Ning can be regarded as the top in these three aspects.

Huya's appearance is basically the number one, and her figure is similar to that of dance anchors Feng'er and Xia Nuan, not to mention her talent. She is only 22 years old, and she almost has singing skills above the top of the entertainment industry.

The piano has already passed the tenth level, and he knows a little about mainstream instruments, and he is almost an all-rounder in music.

The most important thing is that Zhao Ning still fell in love with him when he was very poor. At that time, Liu Xiao had nothing and was out of society. He was still relying on tutoring math for Zhao Ning's sister to get by.
Sometimes, people's fate is so wonderful and annoying.

If the news of him and Zhao Ning being together is posted in Moments for a few rounds, most people will probably hate it.

Of course, it is definitely not possible to send it now, and the system will judge the Shenhao card to be invalid.

But that day is definitely not far away. When the system is upgraded to level 6, those rewards for Zhao Ning with the Shenhao Card will be filled in soon.

After a simple meal, Zhao Ning went back to live broadcast.

Vice President Du has already settled all the gifts of Zhao Ning and Baldy this month. If everything goes well, the foundation may be confirmed tomorrow, and then all the money will be donated.

Liu Xiao wanted Zhao Ning to stay overnight, but on the one hand, Zhao Ning had something to do, and on the other hand, the matter of Shenhaoka had not been resolved, so he had to put down his thoughts for the time being.

To be honest, although Brother Jiu's life is a bit messy, no man would be envious.

Although Liu Xiao didn't care much, but he couldn't eat the meat he got, which made him feel very uncomfortable both physically and mentally.

With so much extra work for the hot pot restaurant, Qu Yue must be too busy alone.

Liu Xiao went to the talent market again in the past two days, but he didn't find any available talent, so he could only leave contact information and other news for the headhunter.

Therefore, during this week, Liu Xiao also gave up his dignity as "President Liu", and took Qu Yue to run around the big demon city to arrange the hot pot restaurant.

Finally, on the 22nd, the decoration of the first five hot pot restaurants was completed.

(End of this chapter)

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