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Chapter 331 Preparing to Establish a Business Group

Chapter 331 Preparing to Establish a Business Group
"Mr. Liu, this should be the fastest hot pot restaurant I've ever seen."

Qu Yue looked at the storefront that had already entered the ribbon-cutting ceremony and opening ceremony, and sighed in her heart.

She used to think that no matter what she did, it would take time to complete.

But after this incident, although she was more convinced that it would take time to complete, she believed in miracles even more.

In just seven days, all the processes of the five hot pot restaurants were completed and opened, and the business licenses were issued after passing the inspection of the industrial and commercial department.

This series of operations is actually not too much bells and whistles.

Not enough time, use money to make up!
As long as there are some tasks that cannot be completed within a week, just spend money and add people.

For an ordinary carpentry decoration, five carpenters were hired to do it, and the original two-week construction period was shortened to four days.

The original store with a total investment of more than 500 million and 600 million was suddenly smashed to an average of 650 million.

Of course, the initial payment remains the same, and the investment is still about 200 million, but the funds to be repaid later will be more.

"You will see more in the future. We will open at least [-] stores within a month."

Cut the ribbon with scissors, the fireworks burst open, and the ribbons were scattered slowly.

After seeing the prices and types of ingredients posted at the door, some spectators tentatively walked into the shop.

Generally speaking, this newly opened hot pot restaurant is still relatively popular.

People nowadays are indeed afraid of recycled oil and waste oil. In a newly opened restaurant, no diners have eaten it before, so recycled oil and drool oil naturally do not exist.

Coupled with the freshness of the store and the vigorous activities, there are still many people willing to try it.

Of course, if the store is a bit darker and uses gutter oil to serve dishes on the first day of opening, then they have nothing to say.

"I'm basically familiar with the procedures that need to be followed, and these engineering teams are easy to use. In the talent market, if you can find a good deputy, you can sign them directly and try to finalize the affairs of these hot pot restaurants in the near future."

Liu Xiao patted his shoulder, knocked off the colored stripes that had just blown off his body, and went upstairs with Qu Yue into the manager's office.

"Don't worry about that, I have done similar work in a clothing store before."

Qu Yue nodded.

Just 20 hot pot restaurants can almost cover more than [-]% of the geographical locations in Shanghai, and these stores can already establish a brand chain.

Qu Yue also raised this question at the right time.

Hearing this, Liu Xiao felt dizzy.

Liu Xiao is good at other things, but when it comes to naming things, Liu Xiao really can't stand it.

The previous clothing store was named Liuliu's Clothing Supermarket by him, and these hotpot restaurants were also named Liuliu's Hotpot Canteen by Liu Xiao conveniently.

But to establish a chain brand, it is very necessary to register a big brand company. You can't call the name of this brand company Liuliu's chain brand, right?
This is a bit inappropriate.

"Qu Yue, do you have any good suggestions?"

Liu Xiao looked at Qu Yue, and smiled embarrassingly.

"Mr. Liu, this brand name may be to accompany our company's growth into a group. It's not appropriate for me to choose the name."

Seeing Liu Xiao's embarrassment, Qu Yue was also happy.

"It's suitable and suitable, it's better than me taking a chain brand from Liuliu."

"Then Mr. Liu, I can say whatever I want."

"In my opinion, from the perspective of Mr. Liu's development plan, whether it is a clothing store or a hot pot restaurant, the industries in the future will not be small. If so many small industries are integrated together, it is not appropriate to collectively call them a company. We should establish Group system is more convenient.”

Qu Yue said.

Liu Xiao nodded in agreement.

The future development will definitely not be limited to this small area. It is indeed necessary to upgrade these companies to the group, so that future problems can be easily solved.

For example, the clothing branch of the group, the food branch of the group, the technology branch of the group, etc., are divided into different systems, and the group can control the strategic core in a unified manner.

Seeing that Liu Xiao agreed, Qu Yue continued:
"In my opinion, this group might as well be called Liu Ning Group."

"Liu Ning Group?"

Liu Xiao thought for a while, this name is not complicated, nor is it difficult to understand.

Liu is Liu Xiao's willow, Ning is Zhao Ning's Ning, Liu Ning, Liu Ning, it's easy to pronounce.

Of course, at this stage, Zhao Ning will not participate in shares, it is just a literal meaning.

"Liu Qiangdong named the group Jingdong, which is similar to this one."

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

He really couldn't think of a better name, at least this Liu Ning Group sounds very advanced.

Maybe, it will become a good story in the future, when you mention it at some global business forum, it will be full of love beeps.

Moreover, the acquisition of Lehua after a while will definitely set up an entertainment company, and Zhao Ning can be made an executive president or something, and the name is also suitable.

"Okay, that's all. In the next two days, I will prepare the business license and legal person information of each subsidiary. I will register in two days."

Liu Xiao made a decision directly.

The current clothing store, from warehouse loading and unloading, to logistics and delivery, and Taobao customer service connection, has more than a hundred employees here and there. After a while after opening a branch, the number of people will definitely increase explosively.

Not to mention the hot pot restaurant.

The waiters work in three shifts, with at least ten waiters in each shift.

Chefs, apprentices, chopping boards, etc., at least [-] people need to work in shifts.

In addition to finance, cash register, cashier, etc., there are sixty people.

Twenty stores, that is, 200 people.

Of course, people may not be so full, but there are still 1000 people.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

I don't know when he has become an entrepreneur with a sense of social responsibility.

Now they are all low-end enterprises. Even if the enterprise collapses, these grassroots employees can easily find another home. But when they grow stronger in the future, Liu Xiao will have to consider the wages and food of the middle-level employees.

However, the premise of all this is to let the system develop benignly, and the early establishment of a group can make this system more stable.

Qu Yue hesitated for a while, looking like she wanted to say something but didn't want to.

"Tell me if you have any questions."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

"Mr. Liu, why not let me be the legal person of the group."

Seeing what Liu Xiao said, Qu Yue still expressed his thoughts.

The legal person of the enterprise represents the spokesperson of the company at the legal level. It is useless at ordinary times, but when the company goes bankrupt or is in debt, the legal person is the one who tops the tank.

In many unfinished real estate projects, the boss is still at ease after the company goes bankrupt, because of the legal person.

The company went bankrupt, the legal person was in debt, and the boss just lost a small amount of money. It can be said that the legal person is definitely a high-risk occupation within the company.

Qu Yue wanted to do this, in fact, to repay Liu Xiao's kindness to her.

(End of this chapter)

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